4/1/2009 1:38pm - Uplink Activity Report - 171 changes

Echostar12 61.5W TP 07 is where you will find the HD KXVA... you may have the SD version but the HD one is at 61.5W. Sorry :(

I know, I don't get KXVA in HD yet because it is NA still. But when it is available, I should get it because I have 61.5.

I know for fact I have 61.5 as well, unless there are two 61.5 satellites. I went to The List!, and I checked the subscription channels, and it shows on the list that KXVA is there but not available yet. It also shows KTAB in HD available, KTXS in HD available, and KRBC is available in HD, and I get all three in HD. I can check the point dish thing and it says I'm getting signals from 61.5.

I do NOT have satellite 129. That is where all the SD Abilene locals are.

So, if I'm missing something, please explain. Like I said, I don't understand all this very well, but if it is on 61.5, and I'm getting 61.5, then eventually, KXVA will be on my TV in HD.
10 years ago lightening took out my Direct Receiver and they wanted to charge full retail to replace it. I cancelled the account instead. Two years later they were *still* billing me, even after I was told numerous times that the account would be closed and I wouldn't have to pay anything. It finally took a letter from my state's AG to get them to stop. Fast forward 9 years..... I get a collection letter from some collection agency that bought D*'s old accounts.... For 9 *years* worth of charges. Yeah, I'm a bit disgruntled.

The collection agency was very understanding, though, and *they* fixed the problem without me having to send in a dime.

So yeah, I have no love lost for D*
I can understand why that would leave a bitter taste. I would probably hate them as well if I were you.

BTW, my aunt and uncle had the same exact issue with Dish. They did not have lightening strike their Dish, but when the canceled they went through the same issue. Because of that, they hat Dish. Personal experience can definitely create resentment. I totally understand.
Thats all fine but dont tell me on the Charlie Chat that these channels will be here by April 1st. All it does is make Dish look like a bunch of people who have no control over their own business and flat out lie to their Subs to hold them over for a little longer....

I have to agree with that !

Not the best move to guarantee a date...

It would not surprise me to see the channels up Friday afternoon, but then why not just say "By Early April"...
Trees still in my way, 65.1 or 77 don't make much difference for me.
Than you still need a new antenna to point at 61.5

They will probably just put in a wingdish anyways instead of the 1000.4 (which is what I wanted and they wouldn't give me) for the 77. Since it won't need to be in the same location as the others maybe they can find a sweet spot on the other side of the house or in one of the trees (lol) or something.
I have to agree with that !

Not the best move to guarantee a date...

It would not surprise me to see the channels up Friday afternoon, but then why not just say "By Early April"...
And I agree with your agreeing.:)

That's one of my biggest gripes with Dish. They so often shoot themselves in the foot with their penny wise, pound foolish marketing.

Even if they had released a simple "due to yada, yada....but we hope to .....yada, yada......" type statement yesterday it would have made such a difference to most customers that have been following this.

A few days ago I got a (what I believe may actually be a personal) response from Charlie to an e-mail I'd sent regarding the the issues with the HD feed of Fox News not being in the Turbo HD Gold and how needlessly confusing most of the latest programming packages are. His response was simply:

"We are still evaluating . I understand your point but no other company even offers an HD only package.

c "

To me, that basically says he thinks we as customers just don't know how good we've got it and is a good indication how out of touch he is with his customers.
I have to agree with that !

Not the best move to guarantee a date...

It would not surprise me to see the channels up Friday afternoon, but then why not just say "By Early April"...

I believe dish planned on having the channels on before april 1st. If not before, why not just say April 1st? I think dish should have had a statement on the front page of their website today explaining what the problem is.When you give an EXACT date, and that date passes, customers expect an explanation. If it is what some are saying that all 7 need to launch together, and bet is the hold up, dish made a bad deal with that agreement. What happens if bet or whatever isnt working for a month? If that is the case, Dish wont have any credibility left if the other 6 dont launch by next week.
If it is what some are saying that all 7 need to launch together, and bet is the hold up, dish made a bad deal with that agreement. What happens if bet or whatever isnt working for a month? If that is the case, Dish wont have any credibility left if the other 6 dont launch by next week.

What is strange to me is that for what, a month at least, perhaps more, we don't hear a hint of any technical issues with the Viacom channels and then, on the day they're supposed to launch, wham! the BET-HD "technical problems" come out of the woodwork. I know Scott said in another thread that he was aware of them but I don't recall a single related post.

Is it possible that the holdup is a technical one (BETHD-related or otherwise)? Sure. Is it strange that nothing was ever mentioned of them? In my opinion, sure is. Once we find out what the issue was (if ever) it may all become clear. Right now it's clear as mud.
for those of you who care, I received the following email from our local CBS affiliate (Erie, PA):

"Dish network has installed the HD equipment at our transmitter, they are in the process testing the equipment and finalizing everything for HD. Hopefully within the next few weeks, but we're on their schedule."

Seeing I received no answer from Dish (2 different email addresses), this is at least a ray of hope seeing that we were scheduled "sometime in March". The only thing that bothers me is "we're on their schedule"
Just got an email reply back from our local FOX station, they have not even been contacted by Dish about uplinking HD.

I guess "soon" does not even apply here.
Well, every day that has sports action has some Uplink Activity at 6:10 AM ET, but as one can see it gets rather boring. So it is not reported. :)

UPLINK ACTIVITY: SAMPLE TAKEN 04-04-2009 06:11:59 TO 04-04-2009 06:13:06 ET

46 MOVE(S) (May include other changes as well.)

MOVE 442 HDALT MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w AT200? HIDE
TO 442 HDALT MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w AT200? HIDE

MOVE 561 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 12 EchoStar 7 119w AT100?
TO 561 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 21 EchoStar 7 119w AT100?

MOVE 561 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w AT100?
TO 561 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 1 EchoStar 6 72.7w AT100?

MOVE 563 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 14 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 563 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 563 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 1 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 563 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 564 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 564 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 24 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 564 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 564 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 565 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 24 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 565 NBA MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 565 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 565 NBA MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 626 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w AT100?
TO 626 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 16 EchoStar 11 110w AT100?

MOVE 626 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w AT100?
TO 626 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w AT100?

MOVE 627 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 16 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 627 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 627 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 627 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 628 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 18 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 628 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 21 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 628 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 628 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 1 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 629 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 18 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 629 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 21 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 629 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 629 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 1 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 630 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 16 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 630 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 18 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 630 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 3 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 630 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 631 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 16 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 631 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 24 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 632 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 24 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 632 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 12 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 632 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 632 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 634 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 634 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 18 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 635 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 635 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 12 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 635 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 635 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 636 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 24 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 636 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 636 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 636 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 637 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 24 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE
TO 637 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 16 EchoStar 11 110w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 637 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 29 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 637 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 3 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 638 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 21 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE
TO 638 NHL MPEG2 SD Tp 10 EchoStar 7 119w SPORT? HIDE

MOVE 638 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 1 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE
TO 638 NHL MPEG4 SD Tp 19 EchoStar 6 72.7w SPORT? HIDE

TO 5425 FOXOH MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 425

TO 5427 FOXCN MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 427

MOVE 5428 FOXPT MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 428
TO 5428 FOXPT MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 428

MOVE 5429 CSNCH MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 429
TO 5429 CSNCH MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 429

MOVE 9518 HDALT MPEG4 HD Tp 25 ConUS CIEL-2 129w AT200? HIDE MAP-C 442
TO 9518 HDALT MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w AT200? HIDE MAP-C 442

MOVE 9544 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 628
TO 9544 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 628

TO 9544 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 628

MOVE 9550 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 634
TO 9550 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 634

TO 9550 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 634

TO 9552 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 25 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 636

MOVE 9554 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 638
TO 9554 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 638

TO 9554 NHLHD MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 638

TO 9563 NBAHD MPEG4 HD Tp 25 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 563

TO 9564 NBAHD MPEG4 HD Tp 27 ConUS CIEL-2 129w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 564

MOVE 9565 NBAHD MPEG4 HD Tp 30 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 565
TO 9565 NBAHD MPEG4 HD Tp 20 EchoStar 3 61.5w SPORT? HIDE MAP-C 565


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