Tampa8- The cost of the 3D PPV is at a premium and the cost of disks is also high compared to 2D. Yet, some people still pay the premium to get 3D. If a business really wanted to promote 3D, they should price it no higher than 2D. Of course, I also feel the PPV prices are outrageous on Dish Network and therefore I will avoi8d paying those prices when given other lower priced options.
"The best 3D picture is not as good as the best 2D picture if you are at all picky." Recently I started to watch John Carter in the 2D version, after 10 minutes I shut it down and put in the 3D. Since, I have watched that movie 4 times in 3D. Guess I am really picky when I know there are more entertaining options.
"The best 3D picture is not as good as the best 2D picture if you are at all picky." Recently I started to watch John Carter in the 2D version, after 10 minutes I shut it down and put in the 3D. Since, I have watched that movie 4 times in 3D. Guess I am really picky when I know there are more entertaining options.