3688 upgrade

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Diamond Jim

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 18, 2004
The Boilermaker State (#19)
I completed the upgrade from a 3618 to a 3688 and I must say that I am kinda disappointed. Though I have only played with it for about 24 hours, I will try to let time change my opinion. I found it not very user friendly, with my main complaint that you can't edit the PIDs and the FRs and SRs on the same screen, took me a better part of 3 hours to figure how to combine the two. And I am still not sure how to do it. Another thing I found out, by accident is the touchy delete button. On the 3618 after you hit delete, it asks you if you are sure you want to do it and gives you a chance to make up your mind. With this baby, you screw up and it's over, dropped 39 channels and about 2 hours work in one flip of the switch. Also there are no icons for ceratin satellites. How can I scan AMC 9 when there is not a position. Also no AMC 6, I put the G6 in that position and it worked fine. I am slaving this through the 922, so I figure any icon that matches the LNB band will work, right? I am also having trouble doing blind scans, I have figured out TP scans with no problem. Come on guys, someone help me out here. I am not one to judge things quickly so I will give it a chance, I know I will like it in the end.
Jim I posted on your other thread also , When i do a fresh blind scan, I select menu,arrow right,arrow down twice,select satelite scan,arrow down to which ever sat
You want to scan,press the ok button, a check mark should be displayed by the sat You selected,Press the purple button on your remote,arrow down to transponder,
arrow left or right should say blind scan, arrow down 1 time to scan start freq.
punch in 11700 for Ku, or 3700 for Cband, arrow down 1 time and enter your ending
freq. then press ok.The rec. will start blind scanning. Now, I hope I haven't confused you, I'm still learning myself, You can put whatever freq. starting point and ending point You want. Caution if You hit the ok button while your punching in your freq. points the rec. will start blind scanning, and if you didn't have what you wanted punched in , you will have to start
over which is not a bad thing. Another thing i liked to do to save time, on antenna installation pick You a satelite, select it, let the rec. save your settings, do the antenna configuration whether it be 5150,10750 etc. exit and save your settings, then
come down and to transponder manager, arrow left and right to find your sat. and delete the transponders one at a time, till You don't have any. then exit and save your changes, then do your blind scan on that sat, and it want take as long after the scan,to find only active signals and your data base is not cluttered up with all those inactive transponders, also You have a 100 slots for transponders, if your doing a blind scan on the same sat over and over and you get alot of the same tranponders you will have to delete some transponders to make room for new finds or keep it thinned out. If you have channels you don't want deleted then I would suggest not to blind scan on those
sats, if You find something, You want to keep, You can always , scan it in on transponder manager setup, select the add button. I hope I helped you some.Goodluck
Like i said earlier I'm still learning myself, But it is fun hobby
Diamond Jim said:
Also there are no icons for ceratin satellites. How can I scan AMC 9 when there is not a position. Also no AMC 6, I put the G6 in that position and it worked fine. I am slaving this through the 922, so I figure any icon that matches the LNB band will work, right?


What do you know about the above?
Hey Jim, I also use G6 for AMC 6 I use AMC 2 for AMC-9, What I do is Use satelites 1-10 for Ku and 11-20 For cband now I read somewhere That You
can if You choose to, Use 1-20 for Ku, first 10 for vertical, 11-20 for Hor.
then pickup 21-30 for cband vertical and 31-40 for Hor. I have to scan one side of the polarity at a time now when i get My primestar Dishes hooked backup, i can scan both sides, I know there is someway to scan cband & Ku
at the sametime using same polarity of course. but i 've got to try and figure out how to do it, with the right switches.
Hey Jim I got Your Email , I need You or somebody to tell me how to reply to it I looked for a reply icon, but I didn't see it.Thanks
The GUI is hard to get use to BUT does offer more than the 3618 like del all pay channels. I think I will still buy a better unit sometime tho.

Diamond Jim said:
I completed the upgrade from a 3618 to a 3688 and I must say that I am kinda disappointed. Though I have only played with it for about 24 hours, I will try to let time change my opinion. I found it not very user friendly, with my main complaint that you can't edit the PIDs and the FRs and SRs on the same screen, took me a better part of 3 hours to figure how to combine the two. And I am still not sure how to do it. Another thing I found out, by accident is the touchy delete button. On the 3618 after you hit delete, it asks you if you are sure you want to do it and gives you a chance to make up your mind. With this baby, you screw up and it's over, dropped 39 channels and about 2 hours work in one flip of the switch. Also there are no icons for ceratin satellites. How can I scan AMC 9 when there is not a position. Also no AMC 6, I put the G6 in that position and it worked fine. I am slaving this through the 922, so I figure any icon that matches the LNB band will work, right? I am also having trouble doing blind scans, I have figured out TP scans with no problem. Come on guys, someone help me out here. I am not one to judge things quickly so I will give it a chance, I know I will like it in the end.
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