3 Reasons to Watch Live Sports with an Antenna

His PQ argument is not valid. Given the stacking of subchannels on broadcast TV, the quality isn't what it could be.
I was thinking the same thing - and even more so since the repack and there are sometimes multiple HD channels on the same frequency...
I was thinking the same thing - and even more so since the repack and there are sometimes multiple HD channels on the same frequency...
My ABC affiliate (KATU) has three HD channels (720p on primary, two 1080i and one SD subchannels ) on its DTV carrier.
My CBS affiliate (KOIN) has five SD subchannels in addition to its 1080i primary.
My NBC affiliate (KGW) has six+ SD subchannels in addition to its 1080i primary.
My Fox affiliate (KPTV) has two 720p channels (both with 5.1 audio) along with four SD subchannels.
My PBS affiliate (KOPB) has two 1080i channels (both with 2.0 audio) as well as SD feed and a stereo audio channel with stills.

These are not configurations that can not hope to compare with streaming PQ unless the streaming carrier is really butchering them (as may be the case with some live TV streaming services).

I saw a market yesterday that had five HD channels on its NextGen TV carrier.

This is perhaps especially important with the 720p broadcasters as a 1080p (or even 4K) stream may be available via streaming.

In my market, the Fox affiliate sends their NextGen TV signal in 1080i but it doesn't look like it originated that way. So many format conversions...
I saw a market yesterday that had five HD channels on its NextGen TV carrier.
That is what we have in Chicago - we have five 1080p channels on a single frequency. The ATSC 3.0 channels look really, really good. Strangely enough, the five 1080p channels all sharing the same bandwidth looks better than the HD channels when they are sharing with the SD subchannels.

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Watch This Before Buying a TV Antenna on Amazon
