3 LNBs 3 Receivers 2 Cables


Original poster
Jul 19, 2006
Is there a way I can connect 3 LNBs (110, 119, &129) to 3 HD receivers with only 2 cables? I have only one location where I can get a clear shot through the trees and it’s across a concrete driveway. I only have 2 cables under the driveway. Is there a way to do this with a combination of switches?
I guess what rglore is saying....

Use the two cables to go from the 119 and 110 LNBF to a switch on the other side of the driveway. Then run a third cable from the swtich input to a second dish somewhere on the estate that could pick up just 61.5, or maybe even 129, but in either case you will be looking for a single bird which would be easier to peak through a small opening. Then your switch (DP34, DPP44) could feed upto 4 receivers, or maybe even 8 tuners depending on other factors.

I guess it all depends on what type of LNBF and/or switches you have; and hopefully the 2 cables under the drive are in a conduit that has a little room for you to fish a third cable through.
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I'm currently using 61.5 but my HD locals are on 129. Can I get by with 2 cables if I only have 2 receivers and put the switch at the dish?
2 cables for 2 receivers can be done. It's when you introduce or add a 3rd receiver to the mix does it make it impossible.

Your best bet is to use a DPP Twin/DP Dual combo. No switches to mess with. Just a matter of connecting the Dual to the Twin.
Assuming you currently have 3 single tuner receivers, and really would like to continue to have the capability to use 3 tuners, or even 4, then.....

If I'm not mistaken, if you do as "webbydude" suggests, each of the two cables could support a dual tuner receiver by adding a separator to the end of the cable at the receiver.

With the DishPro Plus Twin and a DP Dual (for 3 satellite positions), I believe you have the following options without any switches:
(1) 2 single tuner receivers, or
(2) 1 dual tuner receiver and 1 single tuner receiver, or
(3) 2 dual tuner receivers.

EDIT = (for 3 satellite positions)
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Since you're dish 500 only has 2 lines coming from it (and under your driveway at that), I think I would find a location for another dish 500 with a DP dual (or DP single) LNB aimed at the 129.

Then run that line down to where your 2 Dish 500 lines come in at the ground block. (And you may need another ground block to ground the 129 line.)

At this point, if you have ALL dual-tuner HD receivers, you'll have to put in a DP Plus 44 switch, because that's the only switch that will allow you to hook up the HD dual-tuner receivers using only one line to each.

You could use two DP 34 switches, but that could and most likely would become a nightmare because multiple lines would have to be run to each receiver. Avoid at all cost!!

Now, if you have JUST single-tuner HD receivers, you can just use one DP 34 switch.
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I'm using 3 individual dishes with legacy LNBs. So are you saying there is a way to hook up 3 single HD receivers?
RonDaws - You say you are using 3 dishes and each has a legacy LNBF!

What kind of dishes, the original 18" dish from Dish Network that would only receive 119, and then 61.5? Or maybe a single dish used by another satellite service? What kind of switch or switches are you using?

To answer your original question....
"Can 3 LNBF be connected to 3 HD receivers if you only have 2 cables leaving the dishes?
No it cannot. But in certain configurations you could have 3 LNBF feeding 2 receivers, or even 2 dual tuner receivers; and you could also have 2 LNBF feeding up to 4 receivers, or even 4 dual tuner receivers.

However, I think we need to start over and ask what equipment do you actually have?

Name/Type of Dish: 18" dish, Dish 500, etc...
Name/Type of LNBF: Legacy, DishPro which has a black DP on the back, etc...
Name/Type of Switch: SW21, DP21, etc...
Receiver Models: ViP 622, etc...
Type of Cables: RG-59, RG-6, RG-6 rated for 2150MHz or above, etc...

And you currently have 110, 119, and 61.5 on 3 separate dishes, but also have a clear view of 129, so you would like to re-aim 61.5 to 129.

If you provide the above info, someone will respond with 1 or more practical ways to do what you want, but you may need to replace either the LNBF and/or the switch(es).

Otherwise, if you are unable/unwilling to run an extra cable for the 3rd LNBF to a switch, then do as webbydude said:
Install a Dish 500 with a DishPro Plus Twin LNBF for 119 and 110.
Install a Dish with a DishPro LNBF that has either a single or dual output.
Connect the DishPro LNBF to the extra port on the DishPro Plus Twin LNBF.
Connect the two cables from the drive way to the DishPro Plus Twin LNBF, and then connect the other ends to 2 of your receivers.
If any of the HD receivers are Dual Tuners, then use a separator on the cable to feed both inputs of the receiver.
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think you can use a dp+ lnb useing the two wire running into the house then use a dp 44 switch should work i might be wrong if so sorry

Using the DPP Twin, he can feed 3 orbital locations down each of the 2 cables, and would not need a switch. This will allow 119, 110, and 1 more orbital location such as 61.5 or 129.

Although you can trunk up to 3 DP34's side by side, and/or trunk 3 DPP44's side by side with another 3 in parallel, I don't think either switch can be cascaded with other switches or the DP/DPP LNBF internal switch. Therefore, once you put the DPP44 at the end of the two cables, each cable will only see the 2 orbital locations the DPP Twin is pointing at and not the wing dish. However, using the switch in or near the house would be a better choice if he desired 2 or more receivers (single or dual), but with only 2 orbital locations.

But hell, I may be wrong too.
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I'm using one side of 500 twin for 110. I'm using a 24" dish for 119 (I have to shoot through trees). I'm using a single 500 dish for 61.5. The switch is a DP34.
Below is your situation.
RonDaws said:
Is there a way I can connect 3 LNBs (110, 119, &129) to 3 HD receivers with only 2 cables? I have only one location where I can get a clear shot through the trees and it’s across a concrete driveway. I only have 2 cables under the driveway. Is there a way to do this with a combination of switches?
If you want all 3 HD receivers to have access to all 3 satellites, then No you can not do it with 2 cables with your current equipment list/setup, regardless if the receivers are single and/or dual tuner receivers.
RonDaws said:
I'm currently using 61.5 but my HD locals are on 129. Can I get by with 2 cables if I only have 2 receivers and put the switch at the dish?
The DP34 switch (you have available) will not work with the Legacy LNBF's. However, you should be able to connect two SINGLE TUNER HD RECEIVERS using 2 SW21 legacy switches. See below for possible options.
RonDaws said:
I'm using 3 individual dishes with legacy LNBs. So are you saying there is a way to hook up 3 single HD receivers?
Not with only 2 cables. With the legacy LNBF's, you might be able to with 3 cables; however, if so, it would require splitters and legacy switches costing more than converting to DishPro and DishPro Plus.
RonDaws said:
I'm using one side of 500 twin for 110. I'm using a 24" dish for 119 (I have to shoot through trees). I'm using a single 500 dish for 61.5. The switch is a DP34.
This equipment list is not completely compatible, you are trying to mix Legacy with DishPro.
I'm not really sure what type of LNBF you have for the last 2 dishes, hopefully for "Option 1" below, one of them has a dual output even though it picks up a single location.

Not knowing if any of your setup has ever worked or not, and how you are determining that you even have the correct satellites, I think you should strongly consider discussing your options with a local installer.:)

However, I'm a firm believer that everyone has the right to practice backyard mechanics, so here's a wrap-up if you decide to proceed on your own. :eek:

Option 1:
Depending on the LNBF's for your last 2 dishes, confirm your switch selections at http://ekb.dbstalk.com/swconfig.htm
Buy 2 Dish Legacy SW-21 Switches. http://www.sadoun.com/Sat/Order/Switches/DishNetwork-switches.htm
Use the Dish 500 Legacy Twin for 110 and 119, even if you have to shift it over or cut down the tree.
Each port on the D-500 Twin should go to a separate SW-21 Input.
The other SW-21 Input should come from a Legacy Dual LNBF on a 2nd dish pointed at 129. Use either the 24" Dish or the other Dish 500. However, if the LNBF on your 2nd and 3rd dishes each have only a single output, then point both dishes to 129 and let each feed a separate SW-21 Input.
Connect each SW-21 to a cable going under the drive way.
Connect the other end of each cable to a single tuner receiver (HD or SD).

Option 2:Buy 1 DishPro Twin LNBF, and 1 DishPro Dual LNBF. http://www.sadoun.com/Sat/Order/LNBFS/DISHNETWORK-LNBF.htm
Use the Dish 500 Legacy Twin for 110 and 119, even if you have to shift it over or cut down the tree. Remove the Legacy Twin and replace with the DishPro Plus Twin. (Note: There are 3 types of Twins; Legacy Twin, DishPro Twin, and DishPro Plus Twin. You want the DP Plus Twin.)
Use either the 24" Dish or the other Dish 500. Remove the Legacy LNBF and replace with the DishPro Dual LNBF. Connect one of the outputs to the Input on the DPP Twin. Point and peak this dish for 129.
Connect the two cables going under the drive to the 2 outputs on the DPP Twin.
Connect the other end of each cable to a single tuner receiver (HD or SD). However, each cable could feed a Dual Tuner Receiver using a DPP Separator.

Option 3:
If you want to hook up 3 or more single and/or dual tuner receivers (upto 8 tuners).
You could use Option 2 above, but you will need to install the DP-34 switch on the other side of the driveway, near or inside the house.
The DPP Twin will feed the 2 cables going under the driveway.
However, you will need to remove the cable going to the DPP Twin Input and run it from the 2nd dish to the DP-34 switch. Here's where you will need to be flexible. If you can't get it under the driveway, then mount the dish somewhere that you can pick up 129, and still run the cable to the DP-34 (as rich88 posted).
(Note: For this option, either the DishPro Plus Twin or the DishPro Twin should work.)

I think the Dish 500 with DishPro Twin came out around 2000 and before that was the Dish 500 with Legacy Twin. Therefore, it sounds like you may have a old (or legacy:D ) installation.
If this cable has been in the ground under the driveway for awhile, it may be deterioated. More importantly, it may be RG-59 which even if brand new, isn't recommended for a DishPro job which should be RG-6 rated at least for 2150MHz.
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