HA HA yeah Shreveport no Hd, you have to be kidding all the small towns getting their HD and NOT Shreveport. Guess I will stay in Dallas! :rant:
What are those channels??
They are putting our HD locals on Eastern Arc? Monroe-ElDorado
We have been Western Arc forever. ALL the HD dishes here are western arc. I don't mind changing, but I can't believe they uplinked them to 77.
I also see 2 more PBS HDs uplinked. I just wish I could get mine.
Apparently those areas do not have it in the cards for E-14 beams.
Originally Posted by cardinalrooter said:Evansville Ind. will be torked!!
Nice Springfield locals.
About time!
Evansville Ind. will be torked!!
They have our SD on western arc (on 110 to be exact). This is just weird to me that they would want to change that many dishes here.
Dish is VERY predominant here, because they are the only provider with our locals (well, other than comcast). Direct doesn't carry them.
Maybe that is a new money making strategy. Make everyone pay to get new dishes installed
I'll just stay in my Baton Rouge spotbeam on 129. I get my locals OTA fine.
I will admit that this move boggles my mind.
Emailed my engineer friend at a tv station in town (I'm in radio), regarding the Monroe, LA HD uplink. I won't say his name or where he works, but here was his response.
I did not even know they were interested in local HD yet. I can tell you that Direct TV is soon to launch the local stations on their system. I would imagine they will provide the HD signals to their subs, but cannot guarantee it. The equipment for reception is being installed at this time...
Guess we'll have some more choices in town soon. Choices are good.
I would probably never leave dish though. I like my 722K too much. Best DVR I've ever had.
Nice Springfield locals.
About time!
It's a start. But, no CBS HD and no Fox at all. I'll stay "living" in Hartford until they appear.
This raises a lot of questions:Nice Springfield locals.
About time!
If they are already getting the locals for SD, most of the time they pick them via OTA (sometimes they will co-locate their POP at one station and get that one direct since they are in the same building). They just upgrade their backhaul to carry the full HD instead of center cutting the HD feed and sending it back in SD to the uplink facility.
Of course there is the contract signing too, but usually the local stations don't hear about that either as Dish will deal with the parent company of the station. I've seen a few cases where the station engineer never knew Dish put up their station in HD on the satellite.
Evansville Ind. will be torked!!
I think it comes from the dumb happy look that Peter Tork of the Monkees always had on his face.