$299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

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WOOHOO!! Was able to get a $200 credit towards the purchase of a HD-Tivo from D* as I told them I could not be home for an install. So I purchased one from Robert at $549, add the $100 rebate, and the total price is only $249. Difference in price is only $30, plus I get a 5 year warranty. Since I had "moved" there was no way I could have D* come out and do the install. So this works out great. Now I just need to sell my Hughes HD receiver.

Also was able to get 10 dollars off HBO for 6 months, and free Showtime for 6 months. I am ready for some football!!
If you are a member of Satelliteguys.us VE will sell it to you for $549. We get a discount since they are a sponsor of this forum.
wwood_98 said:

I am a current E* customer (2yrs 11 mos). Called D*, set up a new account with 3 rooms (DVR and 2 regular) for 129.66 with a 100 rebate.

Then I called customer retention (less than 60 seconds later), she says call back on the day they install (Monday) and they will send me the HD DVR for 299 with a 100 rebate, also knock 5 per month off the HD package for 6 mos. She put a note on my account, assures me no problem.

Not complaining.

Too bad I have to leave now for dinner or I would go ahead and cancel E*.

William W.

I have E* and am considering doing the same thing... One question...since you ordered standard receivers, will the dish they send work with the HD feeds? I notice that when you order on the D* site, a package that includes an HD receiver will bundle a "DIRECTV Multi-Satellite Dish". The standard package includes a "DIRECTV Dish". Is there a difference? Will I need a new dish when I do the HD-Tivo deal?
Matt G. said:
I have E* and am considering doing the same thing... One question...since you ordered standard receivers, will the dish they send work with the HD feeds? I notice that when you order on the D* site, a package that includes an HD receiver will bundle a "DIRECTV Multi-Satellite Dish". The standard package includes a "DIRECTV Dish". Is there a difference? Will I need a new dish when I do the HD-Tivo deal?

I would hope they would send you a dish that would work with the HD-Tivo if you get one of those. Just make sure you specify that you want the multi-sat dish when you order the initial package. You may even be able to talk them into one of these free if you get the right csr.
I'm going to try for this but am reluctant to do so until someone does it and works. I called the new customer number and they didn't know what I was talking about. When I called customer retention, they told me I had to be a customer for a while before I could get a deal like that.

What really troubled me was if I pay $499 for the HD-PVR then they said I would still have to upgrade to MPEG-4 at a "small price" in a few months.
You need to play CSR roulette on the retention line until someone answers who will give you the deal. Even if you are a new customer you can get this deal if you are persistent. Let the retention CSR know that you are looking at HD options and are willing to go to cable, Dish Network or wherever to get the best deal. Let them know you really like the HD TIVO DVR offer they currently have going and you want in. If they know you are serious and that they are not the only HD provider in the running for your business, they will deal fairly with you. Now go try again. ;)
chewwy420 said:
D* will not sell you an HD-DVR and let you install it yourself. I tried and they said that they need to come out and install it. They also told me that they would not bill it to my account, that I need to pay for it by credit card. I passed since I "moved". Oh Well

You can still get them to give you some nice credits and get the MIR if you buy it from another retailer or ebay who will mail it to you. Thats what I did becouse I also "moved". See my earlier post for the deal I worked out.
Update: new sub

Had my new subscriber installation done today without problems. (Have been with E* 3 yrs). They installed a 2-tuner Tivo and 2 regular receivers and the requisite new dish. (And a new run of coax for the 2-tuner Tivo). All work fine. I tipped 20.

I had previously talked to customer retention (several minutes after making the original order but several days before the install happened) and they said no problem with the HD-Tivo deal (299-100), just call after I am activated.

Just hung up with customer retention. 299-100, and 5 off the HD package for 6 mos. I asked specifically about an OTA antenna - he said they could do that for 50 bucks. I said I had "friends that may have gotten" that for free. After "verifying my phone number" again, he said he could do the OTA antenna for free. Install date is scheduled.

It is worth noting that my approach has been to speak very politely to anyone who answers their phones. Humble like.

I don't think they are trying to hold out on this offer. My efforts have seemed minimal.
I finally couldn't stand it, so they are coming in Monday afternoon to do the install.

The guy I spoke to didn't give me any credits or programming adjustments, I asked him if I qualified for anything else and he said I didn't and he was suprised I qualified for the deal in the first place. He then came back and said "You've had several technical problems" I told him that my first H-10 gave me all kinds of problems that no one really wanted to address. His response was, "I understand how you are getting this deal now." Very happy with getting the TiVO for $199. Would love some of those great programming credits, oh well.
wwood_98 said:
Had my new subscriber installation done today without problems. (Have been with E* 3 yrs). They installed a 2-tuner Tivo and 2 regular receivers and the requisite new dish. (And a new run of coax for the 2-tuner Tivo). All work fine. I tipped 20.

I had previously talked to customer retention (several minutes after making the original order but several days before the install happened) and they said no problem with the HD-Tivo deal (299-100), just call after I am activated.

Just hung up with customer retention. 299-100, and 5 off the HD package for 6 mos. I asked specifically about an OTA antenna - he said they could do that for 50 bucks. I said I had "friends that may have gotten" that for free. After "verifying my phone number" again, he said he could do the OTA antenna for free. Install date is scheduled.

It is worth noting that my approach has been to speak very politely to anyone who answers their phones. Humble like.

I don't think they are trying to hold out on this offer. My efforts have seemed minimal.

Sounds great. Did you get the multi-sat dish with your non-HD boxes?
wow! that was good. Thanks for the update! I was too impatient so I ended up buying the DVR at best buy. they'll be coming to install it tomorrow. Not sure if, after I install it if I should return it, then call retention and see what they'll do?? But the two year committment kinda worries me a bit...

wwood_98 said:
Had my new subscriber installation done today without problems. (Have been with E* 3 yrs). They installed a 2-tuner Tivo and 2 regular receivers and the requisite new dish. (And a new run of coax for the 2-tuner Tivo). All work fine. I tipped 20.

I had previously talked to customer retention (several minutes after making the original order but several days before the install happened) and they said no problem with the HD-Tivo deal (299-100), just call after I am activated.

Just hung up with customer retention. 299-100, and 5 off the HD package for 6 mos. I asked specifically about an OTA antenna - he said they could do that for 50 bucks. I said I had "friends that may have gotten" that for free. After "verifying my phone number" again, he said he could do the OTA antenna for free. Install date is scheduled.

It is worth noting that my approach has been to speak very politely to anyone who answers their phones. Humble like.

I don't think they are trying to hold out on this offer. My efforts have seemed minimal.
Matt G. said:
Sounds great. Did you get the multi-sat dish with your non-HD boxes?

Got a round dish that is supplying all three receivers. (2-tuner Tivo and 2 regular D* receivers.

The installer said when I get the HD-Tivo I will get a different dish.
I got my HD-Tivo installed today and I love it with the exception of the painfully slow guide. I can live with that though as the HD picture looks awesome! The only thing I didn't figure out before I had to go to work was how to get the guide to show OTA channels. I'll need an HD antenna anyway as I can only pick up one HD local with my ancient rooftop antenna.
Curse the trees! The installer came and couldn't do the install because I get no signal from the last two transponders b and c. The trees are in the way and they belong to an empty lot behind my backyard. I'm am very disappointed.
kbohip said:
I got my HD-Tivo installed today and I love it with the exception of the painfully slow guide. I can live with that though as the HD picture looks awesome! The only thing I didn't figure out before I had to go to work was how to get the guide to show OTA channels. I'll need an HD antenna anyway as I can only pick up one HD local with my ancient rooftop antenna.
Switch to the List Guide instead of the the Grid Guide. It is much faster and you will quickly get used to it.
crow37 said:
Curse the trees! The installer came and couldn't do the install because I get no signal from the last two transponders b and c. The trees are in the way and they belong to an empty lot behind my backyard. I'm am very disappointed.

Night vision goggles, a chainsaw, and an all black outfit with mask can change your tree problem ;).
BillyT said:
You need to play CSR roulette on the retention line until someone answers who will give you the deal. Even if you are a new customer you can get this deal if you are persistent. Let the retention CSR know that you are looking at HD options and are willing to go to cable, Dish Network or wherever to get the best deal. Let them know you really like the HD TIVO DVR offer they currently have going and you want in. If they know you are serious and that they are not the only HD provider in the running for your business, they will deal fairly with you. Now go try again. ;)

I called three times. They brought my name up on their screen after the first call and they all stood by $499 after rebate even though I told them I had been with VOOM and could get a HDDVR from Dish for $250.
How do I get the $199 deal from Directv?
Kordter: Are you calling the (800) 600-8977 retention line? They are the only department who will offer the deal. Tell them your aware that the current deal for existing subs is 299 - 100. Tell them that you're a new sub, but that is the deal you want or you will definitely be subbing with Dish Network. If you are polite and firm they will work with you. They are giving the deal to a lot of people. Persistence will pay off. Three times is not a lot - call another twenty times if you have to. Call at diifferent times of the day... on different days, until you get what you want.

If after 50 more tries, you still cannot get this deal, you have to figure that every time you call their 800 number it must cost them a quarter or so. So, tell them you will be calling over and over again until you get the deal and that the phone calls will add up. Just be polite about it. ;)
Thanks to all. I called and after some checking I was told that I was eligible for the deal. I have been with Direct for almost 1 year. Here is what I received. Nothing was offered unless I ask.
HR10-250 $299-$100 MIR
$5/month off the HD package for 6 months
3 months of Showtime free
To be installed Saturday.

I inquired about just giving me the cash rebate and I could buy from Robert at valuelectronics as I would rather install it myself. My representative indicated that was not possible with this deal.

I am a Dish network convert that moved over after watching the 921 failure. I found the R10 TIVO while watching the progress on the HR10-250. Held on purchasing the HR10-250 due to some complaints about it being slow. All and all the move to direct has been great. Much better service, i.e. much less drop outs due to rain on Direct.

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What's the diff b/w a 3 and 5 LNB if I can't

Midday outages - due to sun?

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