$299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

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I just got the $299 deal this morning. Also, I was told they are new units and the $100 rebate does apply. I also received $5 off the HD package for 6 mos and free Showtime for 6 mos. The guy I talked to seemed pretty knowledgeable and knew all about the upcoming mpeg4 and said they would swap out existing receivers when needed. I read alot of post here everyday but usually don't reply to often.
lmurphy said:
I just got the $299 deal this morning. Also, I was told they are new units and the $100 rebate does apply. I also received $5 off the HD package for 6 mos and free Showtime for 6 mos. The guy I talked to seemed pretty knowledgeable and knew all about the upcoming mpeg4 and said they would swap out existing receivers when needed. I read alot of post here everyday but usually don't reply to often.
Based on Murphy's Law alone, I find it hard to believe you received this deal. :D Seriously, it looks like we may be turning a corner - affordable HD DVRs from the DBS providers. Cable has been providing inexpensive HD DVRs for well over a year.
I wouldn't have even considered this HD tivo, but my 2nd SD tivo took a crap on me. It was constantly rebooting all the time and then it got stuck on the welcome powering up screen . Can't seem to get rid of it know matter what I do. So I finally said heck with it and ordered the HD tivo for upstairs and take the other downstairs where I watch the NFL Sunday ticket.
Just got off the phone with retention and the best he could do was $549 with 100 rebate. Sad I sat through all the technical jargon hoping he'd get me a deal. I'll try again in a bit.
Here is how I did.

$299.00 HD Directivo
-$100.00 credit on account
-$100.00 Rebate
-$30.00 ($-5.00 credit for 6 months on TC+)
-$30.00 ($-5.00 credit per month on HD Package)
Shipping and handling charges waved.
6 months free Showtime.

It just got better for me! I called back and talk to another Cust. Retention rep! I told her that I changed my mine and still wasn't happy with the $299 price, so she put me on hold and 2 min. later her manager answers the phone, ask me what was wrong with the deal!? I told him my local comcast offer sounded more appealing to me and for a D* customer since 1999, I felt like I deserved more. So to make me a happy camper he gave me the following:
$200 instant rebate off the price of the HD Tivo making it $99
$5 off my HD pack for 6 months
Free HBO for 6 months
Free Showtime for 6 months
Notated my account as being eligiable for the $100 rebate for Tivo equipment.
Plus waived the SuperFan pack fee to get me to return as a NFLST customer! That $455 worth of savings!!
After all those savings I ended up getting a "FREE" HDTivo and about $106 of "FREE" programming!

I almost forgot! Installation is set for this Thurs. the 18th!
I called back as well to double check the eligibility of the rebate. I was told I was eligible. She notated my account. I also am getting 6 months of Showtime free and $5 off the HD pak for 6 months. I tried to see about getting any credits to help offset the cost but I was unsuccessful.
asousa said:
damn, just bought mine on 8/1 :( anyone call and get credit for a recently purchased one?
Some have called customer retention and complained! the most I've heard credited so far was $250. If I were you, I'd call back and complain! You might get a instant rebate!
So, is Robert at VE going to take a "hit" along with other dist?
D* site just says $499 for a HD-DVR four room system after a $100 mail in rebate.....

HD-DVR system

Sorry, I edited it...its $499 for a 4 room HD-DVR system after the $100 mail in rebate....

So now folks are getting the D* HD-DVR for $299 & D* isn't letting customers know by their website? CSR's & retention Dept folks aren't on the same page? Imagine that!
#1 in DSS service & leader in HD.......I hate to rub it in.....if this is true, man.....we as customers are in trouble....D* hasn't a clue whats going on.
No wonder a few folks are being "removed" in the Marketing Dept! Now its going crazy!
Barneypoo69 said:
So, is Robert at VE going to take a "hit" along with other dist?
D* site just says $499 for a HD-DVR four room system with a $100 mail in rebate.....


Good question. I've sent him a PM. Waiting for a response.
I also called again and got the Superfan Pack for free. So I'm a pretty Happy camper.

$100 rebate
SFP free
$5 off TCplus for 6 mos
$5 off HD Pack for 6 mos
Showtime free for 6 mos
I got it...sort of. But I'm very happy

Got the HD/DVR for $299 with $100 mail in rebate.

Threw in an OTA antenna for free ($50 dollars saved since I'm in a late arriving market for locals)

Instead of taking the half price discount on HD programming for 6 months, am getting a 50 dollar credit on my account. (saving $50 rather then $30)

6 months of free showtime, free installation, still have to pay handling and taxes, and they put it on my next bill so I have time to get the rebate processed. They also will upgrade my equipment when MPEG4 hits me.

$299 HD/DVR
-100 Rebate
-50 OTA Antenna
-50 Programming credit
-60 Showtime
$39.00 plus handling and MPEG4 upgrade when it happens :hungry:

So much happier today
I got it yesterday. I told them that I had read on the TIVO community board that long-time, loyal customers were now getting deals on the HR10-250 high-definition receiver for $299.00. (There is a thread up there regarding as such which is where I learned of the deal in the first place.) I had already been told I could get a $150.00 discount on that very box two months ago to the day. The CSR told me he would honor it and the $100.00 mail-in rebate would still apply. When all is said and done, I am getting this thing for under $100.00. That is the best deal I've ever seen on it.

They gave me a brand new HR10-250 for 299.00
They gave me a $150 discount
They gave me a $100 mail-in rebate
They gave me free sales tax as it wouldn't come up for the CSR for Maine
They gave me $5 off TC Premiere for 6 months
They gave me $5 off the HD pack for 6 months
They are giving me a free installation with Sat "C" kit
There was a $14.95 shipping and handling fee
There was a 2-year commitment to any package above TC Limited
The installer arrives with my equipment on Friday 8/19/2005

I'm done waiting. I'm committed and signed up. My wife may have me committed too, but I just couldn't resist. This is the best deal I've seen yet.


I did receive a good deal in the early 90's on a mountain bike. I tried a bunch of them and decided on a Bridgestone MB-3. Then I called Bridgestone and got a vendor listing for New England. I called every vendor in Massachusetts where I lived at the time, got the lowest price, called them all back, rinse and repeat until I got the rock bottom price and I wound up saving about $400.00 on the average retail price of that bike by doing so. That was back before the days of pricegrabber.com.
Has anyone been able to call back and get any additional discounts or credits to help offset the $299?
I've been lurking for quite a while, but this info deserved a thanks to satelliteguys.

I just called the retention number and after asking for the $299 offer w/rebate, and being told three times that it wasn't there, I asked if there might be anyone available who might know about the deal. I got a real nice supervisor who informed me that the deal is brand new as of Saturday, and isn't readily available to even retention CSR's who haven't had people call to get it yet.

Bottom line: HD-DVR for $299, $100 MIR, free install, +SH and Tax. I also got HBO free for 6 months, and they are giving me the HD pack for free for three months.

The offer is there, but it's new, so be patient.

My install is tomorrow Yippeee!!
On the phone with retention now. sure enough this guy was in shock to say the lease. Never heard of the offer. So he puts me on hold for a couple of minutes...Comes back and says yup, you qualify and all that . Now we are getting into the extras. I didn't threaten or argue at all...as a matter of fact I told him that I am loyal to D* and not going anywhere because of the ST. Would like to thank fletchlives for bringing this whole thread up and sorry to him because frankly I didn't believe it and I don't think many of us did!!
I called, they gave me a $100 credit....i haven't been with D* long and back when I got ST, they gave me SuperFan for free. So D* is very good with helping their customers so it seems. I also got my HR10-250 from Robert, so I am glad he still go the sale and I got the credit.
Install is Wednesday and D* just put it on my account...seems they deducted 15 per month for the next 6 months...anyway for all of the complaining we do....props to D* ...HD Tivo before the new fall TV season...solves many issues in my household, cept that I now have an extra HD receiver, guess I'm gonna have to get another HD box....
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What's the diff b/w a 3 and 5 LNB if I can't

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