$299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

Please reply by conversation.
Fgsilva said:
Called as a new costumer and set it up four regular receivers. CSR suggested to call after it's all set up to see about qualifying for the HD DVR for $299. She did say two things that bugged me:
1. The TIVo needs to be connected to the phone line all times
2. I said I was going to "Move" to LA and she said that somebody would actually come over and remove the equipment when I move! :no that's not good!!!!

I'll call again in about 2 hours to see if I can get the HD DVR deal.

doesn't have to be connected to the phone line...just for the initial setup.
Fgsilva said:
2. I said I was going to "Move" to LA and she said that somebody would actually come over and remove the equipment when I move! :no that's not good!!!!

Even with the mover's program they didn't come over and move my equipment for me (which is good, since I had "moved" before I moved!) they only put up a free dish and ran the lines at my new house. They won't do that if you "move." Just tell them you already moved your equipment and you're at the new location.
gotcha and thanks! I guess it goes back to the "CSR" roulette. the one I had on the phone firmly said that I HAD to call them before move and that somebody would come and get the equipment. I guess if I say I already moved everything they can't do much about it (since it's my word and they'l have to take it). if it still doesn't work I can just go ahead and cancel the whole thing anyway!checked online and I can see my order already. dying to call and see if I will qualify for the HD DVR for 299... :D

hammer32 said:
Even with the mover's program they didn't come over and move my equipment for me (which is good, since I had "moved" before I moved!) they only put up a free dish and ran the lines at my new house. They won't do that if you "move." Just tell them you already moved your equipment and you're at the new location.
Looking for a little help. I just talked with DirecTV and they offered me the $299 HD DVR upgrade with an additional $100 rebate. Here's the problem. My service address is differant than my billing address. I would like them to ship it to my billing address, but they are not willing to do this. They said that a technician has to install it. Any options on how to pull this off? They told me they wont credit my account if I purchase from a retailer.

Well mine is installed except for the initial call. I need to tweak my Vonage settings to get it to work.

Called a few hours later. All that the CSR could offer me was $100 rebate for a the HD DVR priced at $649!!! :shocked what the f(*&????
she also seemed a bit grumpy with my request since the system is not yet activated. I guess I'll have to wait till Sunday after the installation is complete! oops. :eek:

Fgsilva said:
Called as a new costumer and set it up four regular receivers. CSR suggested to call after it's all set up to see about qualifying for the HD DVR for $299. She did say two things that bugged me:
1. The TIVo needs to be connected to the phone line all times
2. I said I was going to "Move" to LA and she said that somebody would actually come over and remove the equipment when I move! :no that's not good!!!!

I'll call again in about 2 hours to see if I can get the HD DVR deal.
Well I'm a little pissed. I didn't get the $100 credit that was promised to me 3 days ago. I got up to a supervisor who says that the CSR didn't put it in the notes. He got an attitude with me. He said basically I'm screwed out of it. He said the best he could do was talk to the CSR I spoke with and see if she really said that.

Not really happy. I told him I would no longer be promoting Directv. I'm seriously considering dropping down to the basic package and dumping the HD Pack. Since my receiver is now activated they won't let me return it. I feel like I should be able to since I was lied to.
Well... even though I'm still getting a great deal, I'm not terribly happy with DirecTV or their local installer for Maine, DirecTech.

I got my deal on Sunday 8/14 299.00 for the HD TIVO + 150.00 discount + 100.00 MIR + $20/mo off TC Premiere for 6 mos + $5/mo off HD Pack for 6 mos + installation and 3 LNB dish.

I was set up to be installed Friday 8/19 between 8 and 12. I even called DirecTech on Tuesday 8/16 to ensure that they had my job number in their system and that I was set up for the install on Friday 8/19 (which is today). I was assured everything was set up correctly and the installation would happen without any hitches. So, I preceded to take today off from work in order to be home to meet the installer. I also had some work scheduled on my truck so I could just take one day and kill two birds with one stone.

Well, I called DirecTech this morning and I was told that they couldn't do the install because my order had been cancelled by someone from the DirecTV offices. Okay, by this point I'm a little frustrated. So, I call the DirecTV customer retention line and I get to a retention supervisor who called DirecTech to find out what was going on. She told me that it looked like the order had been cancelled by mistake most likely due to another customer with a similar order number calling to cancel their order. So, she replace the order, but this time told me that she had to change the deal that I was given and I could either have the $150 discount or the programming credits, but not both. I was definitely frustrated during this phone call, but still polite as always. I chose the $150 discount. She replaced my order and scheduled me for Tuesday 8/23 for the install, and gave me a contact for DirecTech named Claire and told me that DirecTech was still going to try for today, but there were no promises. She gave me Claires phone number, my order number and the job number. So, I then get on the phone with Claire who tells me that if my unit ships today, they will install it today. I try Clair back an hour after that and she tells me that my unit arrived and that she needed to speak with Daryl about arranging it so that I can get installed today. Another hour goes by and I call Daryl as she never called me back. Daryl tells me that he will look into it and call me back. He doesn't. I call Claire back an hour after that and she tells me that she was supposed to call me, but forgot. She tells me that the unit which came in was meant for another customer and she is sorry. I then call DirecTV retention and talk to a retention supervisor who calls Clair and tells me that the unit which DirecTech had received was meant for an escalation for another customer and that my unit would ship midweek sometime. So, now it looks like they might not be able to meet the Tuesday install either. She advised me to keep calling DirecTech. I called DirecTech and Claire tells me that she thinks the units will be in on Thurday. I am still polite but SO FRUSTRATED right now that if the red button to nuke the entire world were in front of me right now, I'd push it no questions asked.

I think I'm still going to haggle with them on the programming credits at this point whether it is noted on my account. I will play CSR roulette a billion times if I have to. I'm like a bulldog that way. I think I deserve it due to all of the frustration.
Great Deal!!!

I ordered yesterday (Thursday just after midnight) and it is being installed tomorrow (Saturday 1-5) :p . Fastest response I have seen from any provider. Plus the deal was offered to me...I never asked.

I had just re-activated my D* service from 2 years ago (during which time I have had E* then V* then Comcast) and was activating my original SD-Tivo & original Access Card, and while we were waiting for everything to get back running, I made some comment about looking forward to upgrading to HD-Tivo someday before the "free swap-out" happens next year and she said: "Why wait? You can get the HD-Tivo for only $199 after rebate." :D :D

Well this was news to me, becasue Sunday I was calling to make sure all my info was up to date in advance of activating my account, and when I asked about the HD-Tivo, I was told the best price I could get was $499 after rebate. After I picked my chin up off the floor, we had it arranged and shipped. It's like Christmas Eve in my house tonight!! :)
Had mine installed yesterday after ordering on Tuesday..no hitches, no problems, installer here on time and even left me a new triple LNB dish even though I didn't need it. Realigned OTA antenna and tighted all the bolts to make sure.

Now enjoying beautiful HD DVR.

Thanks everyone for all the help in getting this wonderful deal.
BillyT, I know how you feel. You can have mine if you want, as Directv has made me not want the damn thing after lying to me.

I'm seriously considering dropping our programming to TC with locals and that's it. We've averaged $80+ a month since we started with D* a year and a half ago and this is how they treat us.

Hehe, wife is so pissed at Directv that she's considering getting digital cable with HD.
Well, all is well now. I called Directv retention back to drop our programming package down to the basic and to tell them that we were going with Comcast for HD (which we still may do just to get InHD and InHD2) and that at the end of our contract we would go with Comcast fully. She asked why and I told her about the broken promise I was promised 4 days ago. She tried to up the programming credits to $5 off our programming for 12 months and $5 off the HD pack for 6 months. I told her no, I wanted the original credit put on our account.

I told her that it makes me feel like a fool to promote Directv and then have this happen. So she finally put the $100 credit on our account as promised originally. Then she told me something that really pissed me off. She read to me what was in my notes from yesterday. She said that in my notes was put to not honor the $100 credit as promised if I called back. That's so disturbing to hear.

Anyway, we feel better about this. I hate threatening cancelling our service, but this time we were going to if they wouldn't hold true to their promise.
Well, called on Thursday afternoon and the installer was on my door step Friday at 1PM. However, the CSR told me that the installer would bring me the rebate form. The installer looked like a dear with headlights in his eyes when I asked for the form. So thanks for the link to the DirecTV rebate form, I will give it a shot or scream like hell to D*!!!!
hd-dvr 299.00

You all make me lol do any of you even care what you do to the stocks of a company when you take advantage of the offers the company makes for a retention offer by threat of disconnecting if you do not get the offer you hear from non official website such as this one? When you know you have no real intentions of disconnecting cause you know you already have the best service there is for you out there.

Do you even know how much it cost to provide the technology and how much the company has to pay for the contractors that do the installs for the equipment that most of you should never even have qualified for, In the first place.

If i was directv i would let each and almost every one of you disconnect your accounts and loose any offers they do make you. and then when you call back to get the services because you realize that it was the best services you could possibly have. that you do not get squat.

They make those offers for a reason and it is to reward Long term customers with a special offer that no one else qualifies for.

Do any of you even know how much it probaly cost the company to get one new customer?

They pay for the advertiments, the technology (satellites, launching the satellites) Equipment, Labor to install it, Negotiate with the television providers people like viacom, espn to provide tv for thier customers at the best lowest rate.

heck directv has only had 4 price adjustments in 11 years. Thats pretty damn good.

So when you all see your prices sky rocket for programing just remember you only have your selfs to blame for taking advantage of a companies kindness.

heck when a company gives you an offer that you do not qualify for I hope you all take that to heart when you see the changes the company has to make to make up the loss in cost.
The previous poster was a bit off-base in the fact, that D*, if they REALLY REALLY had a problem with it, wouldn't be honoring those contracts. They no they are competing with Cable that is offering cheap DVR's, and even DISH who is cheaper to get in the HD DVR game (though $249 to LEASE one is crazy from dish).

Anyway, I've thought about calling, but decided to wait a few months. I have one HD box now, and its fine, and an SD Tivo in the Bedroom. At some point these HD Tivo's will be even cheaper (i.e. maybe no rebate). So, I can live witout it for a bit. I've spent way too much money recently, between NFL ST/SF, new HD hardware, etc. to spend it now.
jedi76 said:
You all make me lol do any of you even care what you do to the stocks of a company when you take advantage of the offers the company makes for a retention offer by threat of disconnecting if you do not get the offer you hear from non official website such as this one? When you know you have no real intentions of disconnecting cause you know you already have the best service there is for you out there.

Do you even know how much it cost to provide the technology and how much the company has to pay for the contractors that do the installs for the equipment that most of you should never even have qualified for, In the first place.

If i was directv i would let each and almost every one of you disconnect your accounts and loose any offers they do make you. and then when you call back to get the services because you realize that it was the best services you could possibly have. that you do not get squat.

They make those offers for a reason and it is to reward Long term customers with a special offer that no one else qualifies for.

Do any of you even know how much it probaly cost the company to get one new customer?

They pay for the advertiments, the technology (satellites, launching the satellites) Equipment, Labor to install it, Negotiate with the television providers people like viacom, espn to provide tv for thier customers at the best lowest rate.

heck directv has only had 4 price adjustments in 11 years. Thats pretty damn good.

So when you all see your prices sky rocket for programing just remember you only have your selfs to blame for taking advantage of a companies kindness.

heck when a company gives you an offer that you do not qualify for I hope you all take that to heart when you see the changes the company has to make to make up the loss in cost.

Lol, another disgruntled person who spent $1,000 on his HD Tivo I see:D. I had my mind made up that I wouldn't get the HD Tivo, even at the $199 price because there just isn't enough HD content. I've just seen a preview of all the cool new shows coming out on the networks in Maxim. I think I'm going to go for it.
jedi76 said:
You all make me lol do any of you even care what you do to the stocks of a company when you take advantage of the offers the company makes for a retention offer by threat of disconnecting if you do not get the offer you hear from non official website such as this one? When you know you have no real intentions of disconnecting cause you know you already have the best service there is for you out there.

Well, I never told D* that I would disconnect to get my deal. I merely said told them that I am one of their best customers. I keep the Total Choice Premiere package. I have never missed or been late on a payment to them. I am if anything consistently about two weeks early on my payments. I told them I am aware of others getting deals, and I want the deal too. I negotiated for my deal from there.

jedi76 said:
Do you even know how much it cost to provide the technology and how much the company has to pay for the contractors that do the installs for the equipment that most of you should never even have qualified for, In the first place.

No I do not know any of this nor do I care. DirecTV is a big company and if they agree to deals which hurt them in the long run it is not my problem. I am soley in business to profit myself and my immediate family. I'm not in business to protect D*'s interests. That is their problem from my perspective. Most of the contract installers I've ever encountered from DirecTV have been the most clueless, down and out, bummy looking people I've ever encountered. DirecTech which services my area is about as useless as a company as well you know. ;)

jedi76 said:
If i was directv i would let each and almost every one of you disconnect your accounts and loose any offers they do make you. and then when you call back to get the services because you realize that it was the best services you could possibly have. that you do not get squat.

D* is definitely not the best service out there and unless their proprietary DVR is really good and I'm waiting to hear from Fish Man on that, they will eventually lose me as a customer to whatever provider can give me the best actual DVR with TIVO software in it that I can get. The rest of your diatribe doesn't really apply to me as I never threatened to disconnect.

jedi76 said:
They make those offers for a reason and it is to reward Long term customers with a special offer that no one else qualifies for.

I am a long term customer who has been with D* since the early 1990s. Although I encourage anyone to get this offer if they can, because in my opinion, the more HD DVRs that are out there with actual TIVO software in them the better. This just means the proprietary NDS DVR will be held to a higher standard when it is available to be reviewed and more people will be aware of the benefits of actual TIVO software over a DVR without TIVO software.

jedi76 said:
Do any of you even know how much it probaly cost the company to get one new customer?

They pay for the advertiments, the technology (satellites, launching the satellites) Equipment, Labor to install it, Negotiate with the television providers people like viacom, espn to provide tv for thier customers at the best lowest rate.

heck directv has only had 4 price adjustments in 11 years. Thats pretty damn good.

So when you all see your prices sky rocket for programing just remember you only have your selfs to blame for taking advantage of a companies kindness.

heck when a company gives you an offer that you do not qualify for I hope you all take that to heart when you see the changes the company has to make to make up the loss in cost.

Again... none of this is my problem I'm willing to pay whatever prices I have to get the programming and service(s) I want. If D* cannot provide that to me, they lose me to who can. If I can get what I want from a cheaper provider, then they lose me anyway. It really does not matter to me.

I'm pretty much apathetic to their plight. They are merely a service provider to me and currently the one I choose to do business with. Service providers are a dime a dozen and as time goes by, they may or may not be replaced in my household depending on changing circumstances and how television providers evolve their service(s) in my area.
I only threatened to lower my programming down to the basic, not disconnect, and it was only because of a broken promise, not because I asked for the discount now, but because I was promised it 4 days ago. I'm happy now.
Please reply by conversation.

What's the diff b/w a 3 and 5 LNB if I can't

Midday outages - due to sun?

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