I will never understand that sort of thing. Sorry. But, that's just crazy.We always have around 270 events on a daily basis..
I will never understand that sort of thing. Sorry. But, that's just crazy.We always have around 270 events on a daily basis..
I will never understand that sort of thing. Sorry. But, that's just crazy.
Is there really that many good shows out there that you need to record them all?
Ahhhh I see this is such old news that I should have seen the answers. Wow, is Dish that slow to respond? Well sir this is great information and I VERY HAPPY you gave it to me. Much appreciated!There is a restriction to the number of timers (something like 90's) and the number of events is 288. If you are interested in learning about this in great detail, as well as hints on how to avoid hitting the limit of 288 events, then please click on the following link:
Here here! That is what I was doing. Unlike most th EPG is a recording menu. If I had to watch live TV I think I might kill myself. Other than the SB I have not seen commercials since 1999!The point is often to tape a bunch of stuff you might want to watch. Things will scroll off when your buffer is full, but when you want to watch a bunch of episodes of a HGTV show (for example), you will have plenty to choose from. We constantly have both our 522s near full. We don't watch everything, but we usually have something we do want to watch when we get time to do so.
I would rather pick my own VOD than rely on what Dish decides is good for me!
I've heard mention of this "sage" system more than once. But, no details. Can you elaborate, or point us in the right direction for more details? It sounds interesting.
Yes sir, as well as some of the "hobby" channels. After reading the help here I noted that FoodHD had like 25 events a day and none were recording. You are dead on with the kiddie shows too, IIRC my TiVo showed like 82 Sponge Bobs a week and like 105 fairly odd parents.I think the 270 events problem is hit by people with kids. Lot's of these kiddie shows repeat endlessly so you might record more than 1 episode every day for each program of interest. Pick 4 or 5 and you're easily approaching 100 events over a 9 day EPG right there.
I take it you don't have young children in your house Navychop? It's a cartoon on Nick that runs 2 quadzillion times a day. The title is a play on words "fairy godmother" = "fairly odd parent""fairly odd parents?"
Thanks! The Sage seems an awful lot like a Slingbox, but with more capabilities as a Home Media Center, and a much lower price. Cool.
The Snapstream just seems like another Tuner Card/PVR Software combo.
Am I wrong about any of that?
Does the 622 only record one copy of each program not the repeats?