269 is here, dark picture problem fixed!

I've been playing with the box a little more and checking out some stuff. OTA is now rock solid. I was having problems with some stations (WDIV, NBC in Detroit) where I'd literally walk around the room and the station would go from tuned to 49% and a signal lost screen. The station is really, really strong with a ton of multipath where I am would just bounce in and out of being tuned at random as well, that is also gone.

OTA was my biggest complaint because it worked perfectly when I first got the 811 last November, and then it got broken on the first update. And now it is *finally* working properly.

Nice show dish!
Poke said:
Well it sounds like Dish is addressing allot of the main issues! Glad that folks are getting stuff fixed. It seems like the dark picture thing is fixed that a big plus since allot of folks were complaing about that!

Yes, after about 8 months the 811 is working as advertised! :)
Not receiving the fixes:

I have owned my 811 over 6 months now and have received nothing in the way of fixes. I leave my box off at night and have the menu set to receive hardware updates without my permission. And lastly I checked my phone connection and everything is fine. I do seem to remember getting one update the following day after receiving the 811 it was pretty big and time consuming, I don't remember the number. Any help are advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
looks like you're doing things rite.

maybe there's something wrong with the box. Call dish.

BTW, how do you know that it's not getting updated? What version is it on?
Cman said:
I have owned my 811 over 6 months now and have received nothing in the way of fixes.

The phone line is not important because the firmware updates come down as part of the data stream from the satellite(s). I assume you have needed a few hard resets in the past 6 months? (hold in the front panel power button for 10 seconds and release).

Other than that, I don't know. Even if you set the box to not update automatically, you will get a message telling you that new software is available. What do you see for the version number when you hit Menu..6..1..3?

I just called customer support and was told they only download when the system is off. I just assumed since i saw the first hardware fix load when I powered up my unit that was how they all went down. He told me to press system info and that would tell me the latest software version I'm running which is P268LADD-N. I should probably receive the fix within the next couple of days. Sorry about wasting your time, should have called tech support before posting. At least I learned something.
Don't worry about wasting our time - it's you that would be wasting your time by thinking you'll ever get a straight answer from E* CSRs.

Read some more threads around here, and you'll know more than most of them inside of a couple of hours.

Oh - and BTW - Welcome aboard!
Yes, I've had many lock ups switching from OTA to Satellite through the guide. I have a love hate situation going on with the 811. We have talked and decided to stick it out for the sake of the children. The Discover channel makes it all worth it. I own a Toshiba 32" and a Sharp 30" HV6U. High Def through the Toshiba is stunning and the Sharps not to bad either. I also own 2 projectors a Dell MP2200 and a Sanyo PLV-Z2. This is turning into quite a costly addiction. And then there's the DVD players and HD receivers. 1 Bravo D1 and a Zentih 318 and 312 then the Samsung HD receiver that I'm not even using because I bought the upconverting all in on LG HD receiver/DVD player yesterday to save space in the bedroom which I love. The list goes on and on. It used to be motorcycles (Sport Bikes) but that all ended when the children arrived. Now it's electronics all the way. I forgot one other item my monitor a 23" widescreen Dell that was originally in the bedroom but at a 12 feet viewing distance it was not cutting the mustard. Thats when I got the 30" Sharp which I love for bedroom viewing and turned the dell into my moniter. Now the question is what to do with my 17" Sony moniter. This is complete insanity someone needs to start a group for electronic's Junkies like myself.undefined
Cman don't worry you will be buying a $400 Dell or HP computer for the kid's so you will be needing that 17" Sony monitor for it. Have fun your new and improved 811.
The dark S-video problem is improved to where I can use the same brightness settings for S-video, component, my VCR via composite and DVD player without switching between different setup menus. Luckily My DVD player has individual brightness settings. However my brightness settings are still about 5 notches above where they where for when I had my 6000, so the fix is not totally perfect but I'll take it. As long as I can keep the same settings for all imputs and not switch every time is a major relief.
For me, the S-video output is now comparable with what the component output has been since 266 (or was it 264?). If I switch to my TV's own tuner to view my local stations thru my antenna, that is a few notches brighter. But considering how improved it is from where I started out in December (with 262, which was even a little dark for HD), I will take it. There was always some variation from scene to scene and station to station in SD with S-video. Now, even with dark scenes, it is viewable for both HD and SD outputs. -- Albert
As an update to my previous post, When viewing a vcr with the new settings the vcr picture is extremely bright. When the brightness is taken down 7 notches the picture is fine. But when switching back to SD satellite via s-video the picture is too dark. This is the real test. Calibrate the brightness via composite with your vcr and then switch to SD satellite via composite or s-video and you will see that the dark issue is not fixed but just closer to being fixed. So my conclusion is that the fix brightened the picture somewhat but not to the levels where it should be. When I had my 6000 set to my TV my brightness setting was 16, with the new software update it is now set to 23 (about a 7 notch difference). I called Dish advance tech support and filed my 3rd Uncommon trend report. Anyone with this difference between you satellite and vcr via composite or S-video should file an Uncommon trend report with Dish.
If your not having a dark picture issue with your 811 its because your not watching SD via composite or s-video. Please dont confuse the issue by saying your not having a problem when your not using those outputs.
Hmm Im useing the composite and never had the issue is all m saying! That does not mean other arent just glad to see that folks are getting their issue's fixed!

Does 269 Fix Timer - Power on Problem?

Quick "newbie question"...

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