You've read the amount of churn and ineptness I've been subjected to regarding installs. The following steps should provide a more efficient and pleasurable installation experience with the least problems as all involved will know your expectations; Voom and facilitating installers.
1.) Be Prepared to insist you want the proper equipment based on YOUR past experience(s) and fellow Voomer's in your specific geographic location.
2.) Make it clear you require the following:
a.) 24" or greater parabolic antenna (dish) with an in-line line amp for processing your satellite signal,
b.) OTA antenna for fringe service area w/ powered pre-amp.
c.) Make it very clear your time is of value and that all of the above are to be honored by all parties involved; Voom, Install's, Inc., and subcontracting independent installers.
2.) Instruct the Voom CSR to have Install's, Inc. contact you with an installation date since it's counter productive to have Voom provide you with an install date when materials may not be available. Further reiterate no one is to arrive without the required tools and materials for the install.
3.) Ask the CSR to please annotate the request(s) you have made on the account and subsequent work order (very important). The CSR should read back your requests to you to verify he or she has taken your order to your satisfaction. Once this has been accomplished, wait for a call from Install's, Inc.
4.) Install's, Inc. will call; reiterate the same information presented to Voom. Do not take vagueness or no for an answer. Install's, Inc. will call you when the part(s) are on order and expected in the local distribution warehouse. That is your install date (weather permitting).
5-a.) If the installer appears without the specified tools and equipment, show him the door. Be straight to the point, express your disappointment. Goodbye. Don't discuss it any further as he is an independent contractor who either A.) was ill informed, B.) is inept, C.) simply churning service calls. Very doubtful A.) is the issue. Don't call Install's, Inc., call Voom. Express you dissatisfaction with Voom and ask for a supervisor. I assure you your install we be addressed in a more appropriate manner.
5-b.) Make sure the installer makes the signal as sweet as possible (peak efficiency) regarding quality of signal processing. All OTA and satellite signals require 90+ to avoid rain and fog fade for our geographic local (you may still be subject to signal problems).
6.) Voom, Baby!!! Voom!!!