24 inch dish install

I haven't read through all of the posts in this thread, so sorry if this question has already been asked...

I've been experiencing some serious rain fade here in the SF Bay Area with the recent storms. Rather than begging and waiting for VOOM to upgrade my dish, I was thinking about proposing that I buy and install my own in exchange for a service discount. It seems like a win-win proposition: I upgrade to a 30" dish and install it correctly and they save on what would probably be multiple service calls and customer complaints.

Has anyone made such an offer to VOOM?
Kaysadeya said:
I was thinking about proposing that I buy and install my own in exchange for a service discount.
You can try, but so far VOOM has not been supportive of any self-installs. I think this is a support issue for them. They are not prepared to troubleshoot self-installation problems.
A bad strategy when you consider that the average VOOM customer probably has more technical savy than the average "professional" satellite installer. At least that's been my experience with installers so far and my perception of VOOM customers and their installers from reading this forum.

When I requested an upgrade to my OTA antenna, it took 3 service calls (that's not counting another 3 scheduled service calls that were cancelled at the last minute) to get the upgraded antenna. It would have been much cheaper for me in time alone to buy an antenna and install it myself. Combine my time with the installers' time and we're talking about a lose-lose situation.
I doubt if Voom will offer any credit.

But I am just a few hours south of you, and used to lose my Voom recesption for hours at a time with heavy fog/light drizzle, not so long with heavier rain.

I lost signal for just 2-3 minutes during the storm the other day (and this was 24 hours of constant rain et al), now that Voom gave me a 24" dish way back many months. This was the first chance I had to test whether it would be effective.

I suggest that you contact Wilt be email. That is how my upgrade was issued. I am serviced by a San Jose install company that never cancelled or no showed an appointment.

I'm waiting here for Installs Inc. to arrive (supposedly between 8AM and 12PM PST) to hopefully install a 24" dish. Fortunately, it's still cloudy and my reception is spotty. Couldn't watch at all last night during the rain storm. I sure hope they show - and with the larger dish.
Well, the installer came yesterday to try to solve my rain fade issues. He tuned in the install wizard and saw my signal strength was 75 and said, "That's why your rain fade is so bad." He got up on the roof, took one look at my setup and said, "What bonehead did this install?" He relocated the dish because he said it was pointing at a tree. The new location (seemed to me) to be pointing at the next door neighbor's garage roof. I asked him if he had the 24 inch dish with him and he said he did, but I wouldn't be needing it after he did the reinstall. Taking pictures of the original job, he said he was surprised I was getting anything - even in good weather. He looked at the way the OTA antenna was hooked up and said, " I bet your OTA signal suffered after the satellite install, right?" I concurred because I had no problem receiving ALL of my OTAs before VOOM. And after, ABC, FOX and UPN were virtually impossible to get without getting up on the roof and reorienting the antenna. I'm not sure technically what was wrong with the original install wiring, but he seemed to think the original combiner, diplexor, etc., were all wrong. Anyway, he managed to get my signal strength (satellite) on a partly cloudy day to 95 or 96. He went the extra distance to get my OTA antenna dialed in just right. ABC and UPN were still weaker than the rest, but still had enough head room to get a clear signal consistantly. He suggested a 10 foot pole for the antenna or a signal amplifier, if I started to have problems again. I asked again if since he had the 24", wouldn't I be better off having that. He again said I wouldn't need it. All was great after he left. Then, about an hour later, a major storm came through. Waterspouts were seen off Malibu beach even! I'm in the San Fernando Valley and it took about a half hour to get to us. Well, signal went into the 60's and of course, no picture or sound. I started to wonder if the 24 incher would have worked through that. Still, after the worst of it, picture was back consistantly through clouds and lighter rain. So I guess I'm happier. This is much better than what I had, but still not quite sure if my problem is solved completely to my satisfaction. We'll see how things go.
Chances are the 24" would have held if you were at 60. The signal starts breaking up at 72 and drops off completely at 70. My 24" has done wonders for me. There will be times when you won't get a signal, period. I've had my Voom signal all the way down to ZERO and I check my Dish signal and it's still up above 100, but it does point in a different direction and a higher azimuth in all fairness. Voom needs a satellite in the 110 region like Dish & Direct.
Yeah, I figured. I don't know why I wasn't more insistent on having him use the 24 incher. He was just so confident that it wouldn't be necessary. Oh well, if fading continues, I'll just have to keep calling VOOM and compile a recorded history. Oh wait a minute, the DVR isn't out yet. ;)
Well, the weather is kind of bad here in Silicon Valley, and I'm experiencing rain fade this morning with my 18" dish, to the point where the screen will go blank. I called Voom CSR requesting an upgrade, but she said a bigger dish won't help. So folks, I'm wondering if I should pursue this further (and how?). I don't want to break Voom's bank :), but then I also would like to have installed what should be rightfully installed, provided it is the right thing to do, unless it is wrong thing to do. Hmmm.. I'm not sure I'm phrasing this eloquently enough.
I have no idea why she would say "a bigger dish won't help" as we live way out on the edge of VOOMdom and an upgrade to a 24" dish helped a lot. I'd call back and should you get the same answer, ask for a supervisor. Have them check your ZIP code to see if you are in line for an "automatic" upgrade. It took a call here to get the "automatic" upgrade but we did and we're very happy campers and we are...

still enjoying HDTV under clear and cold Seattle skeis, Gill
The CSR doesn't know what she is talking about.

The 24 inch dish will absolutely help with rain fade, as it delivers a much stronger signal under all conditions. It is a matter of physics (dish surface area) that the larger dish area produces a stronger signal (approximately 77% more given the same dish parabolic reflector quality between the two sizes). My 24 inch dish in the San Diego area delivers a signal strength of 98-99 in clear weather. What is your receiver's measured signal strength?

For new installations on the west coast, I would demand a 24 inch dish be installed, as we have a very low look angle and there is a lot more of the low earth atmosphere and water vapor for the satellite signal to traverse. Zoom WILL authorize a 24 inch dish on the initial installation; you just have to be a bit persistent on the phone. It really saves them a lot of money to get the west coast installations done right the first time. Just think of the costs of dropped subscriptions and the cost of multiple installation/visit attempts to get a high quality signal under all conditions.
I live just south of the4 Silicon Valley in Carmel Valley, CA and did not lose any Voom reception during the all day of rain we had this week, thanks to my 24" dish.

I had tried to get a 30" dish but Wilt felt and assured me that the 24" would solve the rain fade problems of the 18" here in Central CA. So my "fight" was about what size larger dish. Needing a larger dish was a given.

I do not know if Wilt is still involved with helping Voomers, but I would do a search for his email address and let him be your advocate.

I agree with shelly that if you can't get satisfaction from the CSRs find Wilt's email address or post on VOOM/Yahoo as he monitors that site and will get your problem to someone's attention at headquarters.

Still enjoying HDTV under boringly sunny Seattle skies with a sat sig qual of 98, Gill
Thanks for the advice! I will try to request for an upgrade again. BTW BigTVSteve, I forgot to check the signal strength during the rain fade, so can't give you any numbers.
BigTVSteve said:
For new installations on the west coast, I would demand a 24 inch dish be installed, as we have a very low look angle and there is a lot more of the low earth atmosphere and water vapor for the satellite signal to traverse. Zoom WILL authorize a 24 inch dish on the initial installation; you just have to be a bit persistent on the phone. It really saves them a lot of money to get the west coast installations done right the first time. Just think of the costs of dropped subscriptions and the cost of multiple installation/visit attempts to get a high quality signal under all conditions.
I'm a former subscriber, returning to the fold, so I've kinda "been here, done this". When I called to re-subscribe, I tried to insist on an upgraded dish as well as get some assurance that I wouldn't have to go back to square one on the OTA upgrade. The CSR checked my
zipcode (95677, about 25 miles east of Sacramento) and said I was not on the list for an "automatic" dish upgrade. She also said that the installer would be the one to do the site analysis and determine what type of OTA antenna I would need.

Due to all the rumors and spleculation about where VOOM was headed and how they would get there, I decided to go on faith, and hope the installer that comes this time will be one of the "new, improved" variety, and would provide whatever I need for whatever direction VOOM is going with the satellites and all that other tech stuff I don't quite understand. :o

But having read comments from you and some of the other "seasoned veterans", I'm thinking maybe I should go back and be more persistent.

I want this reinstall to be right the first time, not only to save VOOM money on call-backs, but to save me money on tile roof repairs!! :eek: But the original 18" dish and Stealth antenna are still on my roof. I'm starting to get a little concerned that if I get a bad installer, he will figure he can just save himself some work!

Your thoughts all, please! :confused: What do you think my best bet would be...CALL back to a CSR, WRITE back to Customer Service/Tech Support...or WRITE directly to Wilt, even though I'm not scheduled for reinstall until 2/22? He stepped in at one point for me before, but the ball got dropped further down the line. I don't want to bother him again if I can help it, but VOOM and I both would benefit from not having to have any more "do overs".

Thanks in advance, for any advice you can share! :) Vicki
Vicki - I'm just up the hill from you in Auburn. When I called to sign up, I asked for a 24" dish and the CSR said it was noted in the install work order. I called later to get the number of Installs, Inc. (which is 888-443-2306 btw) so I could get the name/number of my installer to touch base and verify appointment and configuration. Again, the CSR - a different one - said the 24" dish was in the work order. I then called the installer and they verified appointment, but had no knowledge of the 24" dish and said Voom needed to approve the upgrade.

I called Voom again and talked to yet-another CSR and indicated I thought the lack of the 24" dish was a deal breaker and was disappointed to find out that it had not been communicated the installer. Surprisingly enough, this CSR did not hesitate to approve the 24" dish and a follow-up call to the installer verified this.

I agree with your observation on having to do rework which was why I was insistent on the upgrade. In the last couple of days of rain, I've seen the Sat signal drop from the mid-90s to the mid-80s, which is more than sufficient to not drop picture.

I should add a friend of mine saw Voom at my place and immediately went and ordered it. I told him about the 24" dish and he asked for it as well, but didn't follow up. The installer showed up and only had 18" dishes, so in order to move ahead, he agreed to have that installed and see what his signal strength was (clear day). Turns out his signal strength was about 1 point lower than mine, and to the best of my knowledge, has not experienced rain fade in the recent storms. I think in a heavier rain than what we've had lately, the smaller dish may experience some rain fade, but then again, how often do we see rain that heavy?

I'd suggest the follow-up routine this week so you have a day or two to make some calls if you are up for it. I did all of the above the day before the install so it was pretty hectic.

Good luck on your install and on your OTA situation. I've got a real strong OTA setup, but I did it myself, and also have helped others with getting good OTA reception here in Auburn. If I can help you in any way, let me know and we can set up a call.



You've read the amount of churn and ineptness I've been subjected to regarding installs. The following steps should provide a more efficient and pleasurable installation experience with the least problems as all involved will know your expectations; Voom and facilitating installers.

1.) Be Prepared to insist you want the proper equipment based on YOUR past experience(s) and fellow Voomer's in your specific geographic location.

2.) Make it clear you require the following:

a.) 24" or greater parabolic antenna (dish) with an in-line line amp for processing your satellite signal,

b.) OTA antenna for fringe service area w/ powered pre-amp.

c.) Make it very clear your time is of value and that all of the above are to be honored by all parties involved; Voom, Install's, Inc., and subcontracting independent installers.

2.) Instruct the Voom CSR to have Install's, Inc. contact you with an installation date since it's counter productive to have Voom provide you with an install date when materials may not be available. Further reiterate no one is to arrive without the required tools and materials for the install.

3.) Ask the CSR to please annotate the request(s) you have made on the account and subsequent work order (very important). The CSR should read back your requests to you to verify he or she has taken your order to your satisfaction. Once this has been accomplished, wait for a call from Install's, Inc.

4.) Install's, Inc. will call; reiterate the same information presented to Voom. Do not take vagueness or no for an answer. Install's, Inc. will call you when the part(s) are on order and expected in the local distribution warehouse. That is your install date (weather permitting).

5-a.) If the installer appears without the specified tools and equipment, show him the door. Be straight to the point, express your disappointment. Goodbye. Don't discuss it any further as he is an independent contractor who either A.) was ill informed, B.) is inept, C.) simply churning service calls. Very doubtful A.) is the issue. Don't call Install's, Inc., call Voom. Express you dissatisfaction with Voom and ask for a supervisor. I assure you your install we be addressed in a more appropriate manner.

5-b.) Make sure the installer makes the signal as sweet as possible (peak efficiency) regarding quality of signal processing. All OTA and satellite signals require 90+ to avoid rain and fog fade for our geographic local (you may still be subject to signal problems).

6.) Voom, Baby!!! Voom!!! :bounce
Thanks Doug and Bradley,! Just got off live chat with Tiffany P. Thought it would be more like e-mail, and that I could keep a record of the transmission. Guess I was wrong! :o

Anyway, she said that while I am not in the zip code for the 24" dish, she would request it for me, but that getting the OTA antenna I need would require delaying my 2/22 install date. Told her that was no problem, as I'd rather get it done right the first time this time around. I also asked her to look back to my initial install and tell Installs to be sure they don't send that first installer back.

Installs, Inc. will be next on my agenda to confirm that she really did get all that info into the work order, and that Installs received it.

Thanks for your help! :D And keep your fingers crossed for me! :yes Vicki
Vicki, keep pushing for the big one. Bigger is better especially since you are on the West coast. I bought a 30" dish off ebay and installed it for my Voom system and run 98 percent signal strength most of the time. It takes a really hard rain to drown out the signal.

But I have a better look angle here in Indiana than you do. I would think Voom would make the 24" dish standard for West coast installs.
Has anyone tried using an elliptical such as the one that D*uses for the 3 lnb dish,this past weekend we had a storm come through and it took the VOOM signal down,D* signal was fine-concern is that this late spring and summer we can get bad storms here which has taken down D* a couple of times, so I know it will surely take down VOOM easier.I have two of the elliptical dishes laying around and could just pop off the VOOM dish and bolt on the elliptical---anyone tried this--my signal with the 18 is good now--96--but when weather rolls in it declines much faster than D* does

Voom Dish and Sky Angel

How long will VOOM continue to use Installs, Inc?

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