Does the 211K have the same software version as the 211. I just had a new 211K added and the software version is 4.51 which as far as I can tell does not jive with the current 211 software version.
PID: 08B0h, ID: 2HAC, FW: L520, Model: ViP211.
Upgrading FW:
'L520': 'AAA1'- 'BZB1' 'L040'- 'L519' 'X040'- 'X519'
'L520': 'AAA1'- 'BZB1' 'L040'- 'L519' 'X040'- 'X519'
New FW:'L520'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[0-2]1[A-D0-3]' 'RA[CDFGJKMPRTV-Z2-46-9].'
IRD Model: ViP211
List of Serial Numbers:
[2] 1-4000000000
my 211 has L520!!