It worked last year and the seasons before that so I assume it will. They do location checks with your IP address. The physical address for your credit card doesn't matter. Whenever I travel outside of Michigan I don't need to use any location spoofing services. Last summer I spent almost a month in North Carolina and all the Tigers games were all available to me even though my credit card has a Michigan address and I wasn't using unblock. That's one of the differences between EI and EI uses the address of your account while uses the location information it can get from your IP address.
One thing to note. Devices like the iPhone/iPad that have GPS still use the GPS to determine blackouts. Services like unblock-us won't work on them.
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Edit: if you want to wait for confirmation that it still works this year wait for opening day. I already have it all setup and ready to go but doesn't blackout any spring training games so I haven't done an official test for this season yet. Once opening day for the Tigers is here 3/31 I will be able to confirm.
Thanks. Please confirm. I would like to get the yankess and mets game
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Anyone having any problems tonight? I'm watching the SD - LA game on the SD feed and am froze (PS3).
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That's exactly what I'm doing. It costs $5 per month but it gives me my Tigers games on in Michigan without a cable/satellite subscription. That's well worth $5 per month to me.
Signed up for the free trial. It works sort of for me. On the ROKU the streaming is very choppy and the PQ is average. On my RaspberryPi running Openelec the PQ is great, streaming is perfect but there was no sound. I expect the sound issue has to do with the MLBMC app which i will attempt to address over on the XBMC forum. At least I know I can use this option to watch the Red Sox. If worse comes to worse I can always listen to the radio announcers and watch the game....
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Signed up for the free trial. It works sort of for me. On the ROKU the streaming is very choppy and the PQ is average. On my RaspberryPi running Openelec the PQ is great, streaming is perfect but there was no sound. I expect the sound issue has to do with the MLBMC app which i will attempt to address over on the XBMC forum. At least I know I can use this option to watch the Red Sox. If worse comes to worse I can always listen to the radio announcers and watch the game.... seems to be experimenting with how they handle commercial breaks. I remember occasional commercials in the past but for the most part it has always just been a slate saying "commercial break in progress."
Last night, during the Tigers vs White Sox game they were showing classic MLB highlights during the commercial breaks. I don't remember them ever doing that before. Tonight during the Tigers broadcast they are showing a mixture of TV advertisements and classic highlights. As weird as it sounds I actually kind of like this new approach. I never thought I'd be happy to see ads but it's kind of nice to have something besides dead air between every half inning. Some of the highlights are pretty cool to see too. We'll see how long my attitude lasts on this though. If they start playing the same exact ad every single commercial break I'll quickly want my silence back.
I had a long on line chat with Roku yesterday afternoon. They suggested that I remove and reinstall from my Rokus and change my DNS settings to and I did both and watched the YES feed of the Yankee game last night with very little problems. It is a little shaky at the very beginning, but then played very well.
A couple years ago, they did commercials in between, but it was the same one over and over for the game, became really annoying. and are OpenDNS numbers and their offices are in San Fran... I assumed that since Google corp. is in CA also, that their public DNS is also in CA, you know what happens when you assume.