My Comments on the 'new' NBC Fall Lineup...
The Blacklist - this James Spader FBI Criminal drama show would be interesting...if it hadn't already been done a hundred times by CBS and others. Oh, and the fact that it will be stunkified by NBC makes this show a no go. I may check it out, but only to see the train-wreck and to be disappointing for the reasons I just mentioned.
Ironside - is NBC really going to take one of their classic award-winning series starting Raymond Burr and stink it up with this remake? Let's see...Chief Ironside is no longer white, instead he's a black detective; Ironside is no longer one of San Francisco's finest, he's a member of the NYPD. I'm surprised he's still getting around on an old-fashioned wheel chair instead of motoring around on a brand new (product placement) Segway. So if NBC was to remake Hawaii Five O, they would move it to Norfolk and make it a show about Firemen. El Stinkfest cometh!!!
The Michael J. Fox Show - doesn't NBC realize it is no longer 1988 and that Michael J. Fox has Parkinsons? All the laugh tracks in the world won't save this show!
Dracula - done, done, done a million and one times over and again. Passola! The only ones who would be interested in watching are the under 30 crowd...yet, NBC decides to cast this show in the late 19th Century. I honestly feel that less than 1000 viewers will turn-in for this blood sucking disaster!
...and these are NBC's more interesting shows.