
Too many cables
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Supporting Founder
Sep 25, 2003
Norman, OK
Well have mixed feelings on this one. The plot is lame, they make fake drama, etc.

The effects are fun though. That is the point of the movie. They destroy the world and you get to see all the imaginative ways they can destroy things using CGI. I think it is the third movie that the producer has destroyed the White House (Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow).

You just have to put up with some lame plot devices to try to get you to think there is a story involved. The ending dragged out
Lame plot device with stuck door to give the main characters something to do, we are all going to die in seconds if he does not get down there and close that door, but there is time to all embrace each other and say goodbye!

I think it will loose a lot on a smaller screen. Nothing like watching mass destruction on a big screen.
Loves BIG, LOUD action, disaster movies, Jaw dropping
special effects..U has to see these kinda movies in theaters or IMAX to real enjoy these kind of BIG movies & sound effects..I liked it..was REAL entertaining ! B+
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Well have mixed feelings on this one. The plot is lame, they make fake drama, etc.

The effects are fun though. That is the point of the movie. They destroy the world and you get to see all the imaginative ways they can destroy things using CGI. I think it is the third movie that the producer has destroyed the White House (Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow).

You just have to put up with some lame plot devices to try to get you to think there is a story involved. The ending dragged out
Lame plot device with stuck door to give the main characters something to do, we are all going to die in seconds if he does not get down there and close that door, but there is time to all embrace each other and say goodbye!

I think it will loose a lot on a smaller screen. Nothing like watching mass destruction on a big screen.

Agreed....Plot was laughable. CGI was great and a must see on the big screen. 2hrs 40mins was a little too much though.
I saw I preview when Cusack was on Leno I think were they are driving in a car running away from the rumbling ground. I thought the background cgi looked horrible. It is the clip I have linked especially at 1:35 when big doughnut is rolling, that looks like something from the 80's. The whole clip from inside the car here is really bad. However I am not really a fan of big action movies like this and have no desire to see it so my point is a bit one sided.

Trailers & Clips: 2012 - L.A. Escape
All disaster movies have to have the same formula. You have to be introduced to a group or several groups of people each with their own every day problems when the disaster strikes. There is always one guy forcasting the disaster with everyone else, including the family thinking the prognosticator is nuts.

It is only when the disaster begins that the loved ones beleive the "hero". They always have to overcome the most rediculous but eye-popping situations (driving over lava, outrun an tsunami on a motorcycle, Swim under flaming water in a sunken ship for 3 minutes, or survive some other harrowing situation). And even though the hero has been right all along, there is always an antagonist saying that the rest of the prediction for surviving the disaster is wrong.

The plot in all disaster movies is secondary to the action and human interest. By definition, disaster movies have little to no plot. The story is simple: Here are your characters==please care about these people. Here is what is going to kill them all. Here is how they (sometimes only some) get away. The end. :)

See ya

I haven't seen this movie yet, but I will. I am not sure if I will see it in the theater though.

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