Chicago wins game 5.
They're one win away from ending their Cup drought.
But it won't be easy: not only is Philly 9-1 at home in the playoffs, but the Blackhawks haven't won a game in the City of Brotherly Love since 1996.
I dont know why you guys ever doubted the blackhawks. Your seeing what I have been seeing for the past 4 years. Were one game away from putting away all the nasayers who said Chicago was too young and not a Lord's Stanley cup contender. Oh BTW as I said before, Hockey Town is now in Chicago!
If the hawks dont win in Philly, they will defiantly win it at home.
Oh BTW as I said before, Hockey Town is now in Chicago!
Chicago wins game 5.
They're one win away from ending their Cup drought.
But it won't be easy: not only is Philly 9-1 at home in the playoffs, but the Blackhawks haven't won a game in the City of Brotherly Love since 1996.
:haha :haha :haha
Refresh my memory, when was the last time they won the cup?
They haven't won anything yet.
1960-61 - Chicago Blackhawks
We started it, it's OURS.
Don't forget, you have a guy names HOSSA ..... nuff said .
Fwiw, I'm hoping that Chicago wins as well, just not yet.
:haha :haha :haha
Refresh my memory, when was the last time they won the cup?
They haven't won anything yet.
Hossa, you mean our lucky Charm... As in the third time is the charm! BTW You can keep Hockeytown, Hockey town wont be seeing any more cups any time soon as the DEADwings absolutly cant contened with any real NHL team such as my Hawks. Infact, as the head of NHL Fandmonium, I now declare Hockeytown in Detroit, Hockeytown of Old times!
Uhhhm Sorry to break the news..... We won the cup.. Right about .... Now2009-2010 NHL STANLEY CUP CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!
To all the naysayers who said Chicago was too young, NA NA BO BO Look at us now!If were winning championships now this young, god! Wait untill 5 years from now! I now deem Chicago the New hockey town USA!
Untill next year, Keep hopein, Were the champs and nobody could back there stuff up like how we did! We kicked all of your butts!!!!!!!!!!! :up
HAWKS!!!!!!! Congrats to the Hawks and my wonderful adopted city.....Chicago! I will be there next Monday, in hopes of being there in Grant Park for the celebration!
To all my old buddies that use to cover the 'Hawks when we were the now dead Chicago guys finally got to see one!