2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs

Sorry, I heard something on NHL Network the other day that mentioned Hossa was perhaps interested in Edmonton. Just though I would ask since I don't live in the area. Anyway, I just looked at detnews.com Sports page and all has been answered.;)

Oh, I heard it on the NHL Network as well, did not have time to look at the news today.
I thought the Pens won the first half of the second period and the Wings played better in the last 10.
That has been a Wings trademark this year in the playoffs, sleepwalk thru the 1st half of the game and play well in the second half.
What BS this game is..Way too many calls being let go..I saw two sticks to faces in the 3rd alone..Not one call on the Pens? Pathetic what the NHL is doing..
High sticks all over, a cross check to Franzens head against the glass in the third, all no calls ....

Thats OK, we expected the Pens to get calls tonight ... Thursday the Wings will work past the Pans calls and win , then wrap it up at home.
Wings have got to be exhausted ....

Last Tuesday and Thursday they played Chicago,
Sat and Sun games against the Pens and again tonight.
That's 5 games in 7 nights

This is the Stanley Cup FINALS!!! No excuses. Too old? Step aside, please. ;)

Ya gotta make it there first KCK ....

Too Old, hardly, the Wings are getting younger all the time.

From a previous post :

Series is a long way from being over ... Home ice is usually huge, I've seen many time when the home team in games 1 and 2 dominated and the roles were reversed when the changed arena's ...
Not saying this WILL happen, but I look for game 3 to be the bast so far.
I think the Wings can play MUCH better and the Pens NEED to play better.

The Pens must win game 3, if they don't, it's over.... Pens will probably win one game at least at home.
If the flow of the game changes when they go to Pittsburgh, they could come back 2-2 for game 5 and all the talk will be how the Pens are so good and the NBC guys will really be hard to take .... Some mentioned at the ESPN blog/forum that the NHL and the officials will help ??? the Pens when they get home.

I just hope it is a good game(s) and called fairly.

They defiantly let most everything go the first two games and there was great flow to the games, lets hope they don't change the rules when they get to Pittsburgh.

One other thing: the Wings are actually getting MUCH Younger, not older, with the play of Helm, Abdelker both 22.
Ericsson and Leino are only 25.
As is Juri Hudler, and Fillpulla whose been around for several years now.

Franzen is only 29 and Zetterburg is only 28.

Not as OLD as they use to be ....
IF/When Chellios retires that will drop the team age quite a bit as well.

Yes, a lot of the regulars are getting there or are there, but they have a pretty good influx of youth as well playing very well.

That's 5 games in 7 nights


would you have liked the series to be like other ones and take 2+ weeks to do 7 games?

Take the Kelly Cup finals (ECHL hockey). Alaska vs. South Carolina

games 1 & 2 in Alaska 5/23 & 24 (Fri/Sat)
then 3 days off
games 3,4,5 in SC last Wed, Fri, Sat
then 4 days off
game 6 Thursday in Alaska
game 7 if necc in Alaska Saturday

7 games in 15 days!!
would you have liked the series to be like other ones and take 2+ weeks to do 7 games?

Take the Kelly Cup finals (ECHL hockey). Alaska vs. South Carolina

games 1 & 2 in Alaska 5/23 & 24 (Fri/Sat)
then 3 days off
games 3,4,5 in SC last Wed, Fri, Sat
then 4 days off
game 6 Thursday in Alaska
game 7 if necc in Alaska Saturday

7 games in 15 days!!

Had I made the schedule, I would have had them playing game 1 on the past Sunday and then do the Tues., Thurs, Sat thing like normal.

They have only played back to back games in the finals like twice EVER.
At least they were scheduled 24 hours apart, I'm surprised the NHL didn't have them play last Sunday during the day, the normal 3 pm game.