Don't know where all the Hockey fans were tonight
Looks like Sabres and I were the only ones here.
Stay classy!
Go Capitals! :up
That Samuellson hit on Neely- there's a sore spot for B's fans.
I'm a Sabres fan, and I thought that was a dirty cheapshot.
I felt so bad for Neely; I always respected him, even though he OWNED Buffalo.
Yes I am a Bruins fans, and yes I was a huge Cam Neely fan (whom I've met in person and is a class act).
That being said, this has nothing to do with fandom. I WOULD NEVER wish injury, or mock an injury of an athlete that has worked their arses off to get where they are in their respective sport, just because of the laundry they wear on their backs.
The fact that, in a fair fight, Neely could have snapped Samuellson in two makes it even more deplorable, IMO.
Neely wasn't the only one Samuellson cheapshotted either:
YouTube - Don Cherry on Ulf Samuelsson
Personally, I can't stand Ovechkin myself. I think he is a self-absorbed, obnoxious bore. BUT that doesn't mean I want to see him get injured.
I'm sorry if you don't like my views, I don't wish fatal or career ending injuries, Neely came back.
It was OK for Ty Domi or Kasperitis to hurt Mario because he was Mario? But it's part of the game, they hit each other, someone can get hurt at any time, keep your head up if you don't want hit.
I was thrilled when Brady got hurt
Because that is one less team the Steelers have to deal with to get to the Superbowl. Again they hit each other, someone is gonna get hurt.
I feel someone should hit Ovechkin hard repeatedly, when he gets up hit him again.
Players try to hit Crosby and Malkin hard to put them out, it's part of the game.
You and your little buddies can call me classless all you want
I'm just saying how I feel
I wont go away crying like some people.![]()
I was thrilled when Brady got hurt, why? Because that is one less team the Steelers have to deal with to get to the Superbowl. Again they hit each other, someone is gonna get hurt.
Anyone have an opinion on that strange ending to last night's game?
A lot of people think Detroit got a raw deal on that whistle that nullified a tying goal.
Believe or not, I STILL haven't seen the play in question.
What did you think, Sabres?
The ref should not have blown the whistle; that should have been a game-tying goal.
That's what I've been hearing today on local radio.
Thats correct, the Ref was out of place, to blow the wistle like that was not the correct call. But.....everyone knew after two games what kind of series it was going to be, the Wings just got to get ready for the next one!!!
Thats correct, the Ref was out of place, to blow the wistle like that was not the correct call. But.....everyone knew after two games what kind of series it was going to be, the Wings just got to get ready for the next one!!!