2005 SatelliteExpo News

Latest News From Satellite Expo 2005 5/23

The succesful retailer and technician will be those that can diversify and adapt. The Smart Home seminar is yet another way we are providing the tools to help you succeed.
Home automation installation made easy. Let ADI & HAI show you how simple it can be to earn additional revenue. Don't let the unknown keep you away from a market segment ready to explode. Learn about circuit layout, security and controller hook up and how to use temperature and humidity sensors, lighting control and how to program the lighting control units. Let them teach you about serial and Ethernet connections, user codes, voice and digital dialers and control programming. This class/seminar is free and will be held June 24th beginning at 9 AM.

We would suggest if you have not made hotel reservations in Memphis yet, it would be wise to book your rooms quickly. Our host hotels are sold out and we are hearing reports of a number of other hotels located in East Memphis being full as well. If you are unable to locate a room please call our offices and we will help you. Please call (901) 405-0511 for help with lodging.
www.SatelliteExpo2005.com info@satelliteexpo2005.com
A Few Hotel Rooms Still Available Close To Expo

If you have been following news about Satellite Expo 2005 you probably already know all the host hotels are sold out and other hotels are also either sold out or filling quickly. Here is a list of hotels close to the show that still have rooms available.

Homewood Suites (Adjoins Host Hotel Properties, walking distance to all OFF property events such as the Appreciation Party & Prosite Meet & Greet) They Still have a few rooms at a show rate of $109 if you use the code SAT when booking otherwise it will be $149. (901) 763-0500

Courtyard By Marriott (Wolfe River) $84 (901) 751-0230
Winngate Inn $89 (901) 386-1110
Comfort Inn & Suites (901) 757-7800
Hampton Inn & Suites $74 (901) 747-3700
Fairfield Inn, Residence Inn, Courtyard By Marriott (Kirby) (901) 757-9100

Be sure to mention you are attending the Satellite Expo to qualify for these rates. Hope this helps. If you are still having problems finding a room feel free to contact our Memphis office at (901) 405-0511 for assistance.
Here We Grow Again!

It has happened once again, we are outgrowing our surroundings. Due to the numbers of retailers, technicians, media, exhibitors and special guests already registered for Satellite Expo 2005, the Spaun/USA dealer appreciation party is being moved from the Park Place hotel to a much larger facility at the Agricenter. In addition to the Park Place Hotel itself, we were erecting a 50' X 100' tent in the parking lot to house the Southern Style Barbecue party. After discussions with the convention services company, the hotel and the tent company, it was decided we would be greatly exceeding the limits of the property both inside and out.

Expo organizers have already contracted with Coach USA to provide two free continuously operating luxury coaches that will run between the host hotels and the Agricenter. These buses will begin operating at 6:30 PM on Saturday and continue running until 12:30 AM on Sunday Morning. So even though the party has been moved, we have minimized the inconvenience to our guests by providing the finest in shuttle transportation.

The Spaun/USA Dealer Appreciation Party will feature plenty of great Memphis Barbecue and all the trimmings, an abundance of beverages and music by Memphis' own Transitt. Also on tap for the evening will be a few special announcements including the very anticipated announcement of the host city for Satellite Expo 2006. Officials from the city chosen to host Satellite Expo 2006 are so excited to host this event, they have announced plans to travel to Memphis and be on hand for this announcement.

Let us once again take an opportunity to thank all the retailers & technicians for the support being shown for this show. None of this would be possible unless your support was being felt throughout the industry. As we head into the home stretch toward the opening of the show, all the hard work and adversity we have faced to produce this event is being rewarded many times over when we open emails that start, "Satellite Expo 2005 has done more for the satellite industry than anything else in the past 10 years, and it hasn't even opened yet." To our guests of honor, the satellite retailers & technicians we again give you our humble thanks for your support. www.SatelliteExpo2005.com our email: Info@SatelliteExpo2005.com
Satellite Expo 2005 News 6/6

We feel it's safe to say that there is only one person who knows more about the FCC's OTARD (Over The Air Reception Devices) rules and how they affect the satellite industry, homeowners associations, local zoning boards, landlords & others than Buddy Davis of Davis Antenna. That person is Eloise Gore. Ms. Gore currently serves as Assistant Division Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau, FCC, and has been with the Commission since 1996.
It was confirmed Friday (6/3) that Ms. Gore will be speaking with Mr. Davis at teh OTARD seminar to be held Friday, June 24th at 12:30 PM at Satellite expo 2005. OTARD is perhaps the most beneficial, and possibly the most misunderstood piece of legislation that affects the direct-to-home satellite industry. This landmark piece of legislation ensures that millions of consumers have access to satellite technology who otherwise would not. Since it's inception, Ms. Gore and Mr. Davis has both dedicated countless hours to the OTARD rule, and are both exeptional speakers. If you are a satellite retailer or technician, this one seminar is well worth your trip to Memphis.

Please note, pre-registration for Satellite Expo 2005 has been extended 4 additional days, but will end on 6/20/2005 at 11:59 PM. Any tickets purchased after that time will not be considered as advance purchases and will be charged at the "at the door rate" of $100 for a three day admission, $135 for a three day ticket including your spouse and $40 for a single day admission pass. You still have time to save money by pre-registering at our website using our secure online processing service.

If you registered for Satellite Expo 2005 prior to Friday 6/3, you should be receiving your registration packet in the mail shortly. If you registered for the show AFTER Friday 6/3, you will receive your admission voucher along with several attachments containing additional Memphis information via the e-mail address you provided when you registered. If you do not receive your e-mail voucher within 3 days of registering, please e-mail us at: Registration@SatelliteExpo2005.com

For those of you planning to attend Satellite Expo 2005 and have yet to book your travel reservations, some savings still exist. If you use the WorldFile number from our travel page on the website, NorthWest Airlines will still deduct 5% off the lowest fare.

Most East Memphis hotels are offering some type of savings if you mention you are attending Satellite Expo 2005, when you book your rooms. Although many hotels are close to full there are still plenty of rooms to be found. If you are having problems locating a hotel room, please call our Memphis office at: (901) 405-0511

If you prefer not to register online for the Expo, we have a new fax form available for your use. Fill out the form online, print it then fax it to our office. Here is the link to the fax registration form: http://www.satelliteexpo2005.com/Fax_registration.htm
Another EXPO Hotel Added

For those of you having problems finding a room for Satellite Expo 2005, we have just finalized an excellent rate on another hotel. Hawthorn Suites at 1070 Ridge Lake Blvd Memphis, TN 38120 901-682-1722. The show rate for this hotel is $99 per night. They also offer connecting shuttle service to Satellite Expo 2005.
6/13 Satellite Expo News

What's Our "Agenda?"
A huge number of people from all over the world will converge on Memphis, TN to be a part of, what some have called, "history in the making." The satellite industry is buzzing about the opening of Satellite Expo 2005 in 9 days. By now, even if you are only remotely close to the industry, you have heard about the Expo. The reasons people are coming to the Expo number almost as high as the number of countries they are coming from.

Training: The majority of people attending this three-day event is attending with hopes of leaving the Expo with some new knowledge that will help them further their business or at the least help them operate their current business in a more profitable manner. Considering this is the first year for the Expo, we feel there is no shortage of training and information available for the taking, most of it at no charge other than your admission to the show.

New Products: Let's face it, one some level, all of us like gadgets. Satellite Expo 2005 abounds with some of the most amazing new "gadgets" to emerge in the industry in quite a number of years. From the very latest industry technology to the newest products to hit the market, you will see many of these 1st at the Expo. There is not a single exhibit space (more than 100 exhibitors) at the Expo filled with less than the finest products & services for the satellite retailer & technician.

Mystery Shoppers: A large number of companies not exhibiting at this year's Expo are sending representatives to "walk the floor" to see just how good this show is. We think most will be going back to their respective companies with a report of "sure wish we had been involved this year." Thanks to the support from the retailers, technicians and exhibitors, this will be the ONLY report the mystery shoppers carry back home.

Skeptics: Yes, we are pleased to say we have those too. Individuals from around the US are coming to Memphis hoping this show is not all they have heard it was going to be. We are happy to say this will be the only crowd attending Satellite Expo 2005 that will be disappointed. Speculation has been rampant throughout the industry about our "agenda" for putting on this show. Maybe when the show closes, and the last light has been turned off, maybe the skeptics will then believe the only agenda for Satellite Expo 2005 was to produce the best show possible. With the show we already have in the works for 2006, at least we will give the skeptics something "useful" to do for the next 10 months. They can spend that time wondering how in the world we will be able to top Satellite Expo 2005.

Child Policy
We have received numerous phone calls this week inquiring about our "child policy" at Satellite Expo 2005. We will re-cap it again for everyone that may have missed it. While we are a family friendly show, there are some rules for the safety of exhibitors and attendees. Any person attending Satellite Expo 2005, age 16 or older, must have a valid show pass for 1-3 days. Children agest 12-15 may attend the Expo and be on the exhibit floor however they may not occupy seats in classes requiring pre-registration. Saturday between the hours of 3PM-5PM you may bring your younger children onto the exhibit floor. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult if they are on the exhibit floor.
Satellite Expo 2005 Questions??

If you have any questions, suggestions or yes even gripes about Satellite Expo 2005...now would be the best time to ask. We are leaving for Memphis on Saturday and none of the staff will be available very much beginning on Sunday. We will be happy to help anyone in the meantime if we can.

SatelliteGuys.US Expo Meeting Area

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