2 Year Committment For Equipment Replacement

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 2, 2005
Central Maine
I got my bill today and noticed a 2 year commitment on it. My commitment ran out over a year ago. So I called and talked to a CSR and asked her why. First she said it was because I added HD service to my programing, I told her that was done about 2 years ago when my system was initially set up. She then said ok, said she didn't see any reason why it should be there and asked if I had anything done to my system recently. I told her last month I had a receiver hit by lightning and I replaced it with a new one. She said that shouldn't cause a 2 Year Commitment to show up on my bill, then put me on hold. About 10 minutes later she came back and told me when ever you replace any equipment it starts a new 2 year commitment. I then asked her why wasn't I told that when I bought the equipment or when I called D* to get it activated? She had no answer, except I am sorry this happened.

Is that D* policy? Just wanted to hear from others who may have been through this, before I take this further. Does DISH also use this policy?
That is interesting because I just added a new HD reciever and I only had to re-up for a 1 year committment. I figured at the time I would give them one more year to get me the HD stations that we all want and if they did not I would then make the jump to Dish. After all I thought that it was fair I got the HD Recieve for nothing since it was $299 with a $300 rebate.
mhutsell3 said:
That is interesting because I just added a new HD reciever and I only had to re-up for a 1 year committment. I figured at the time I would give them one more year to get me the HD stations that we all want and if they did not I would then make the jump to Dish. After all I thought that it was fair I got the HD Recieve for nothing since it was $299 with a $300 rebate.

Was that before August 1st, that you activated it?

Your lucky, I had to Pay $199.00 and still got stuck with the 2 year commitment, without them telling me a thing about it. If I had know that I could have gotten new E* HD receivers for free and taken their 2 year commitment.

It is not so much the money, that makes me mad. It is the fact they just put it on my account and never said anything about it.
**CURRENT CUSTOMERS** as posted online and in the paperwork. I am sure this applies everytime.

Terms and Conditions

You agree to the following terms and conditions:

Offer for existing residential customers only with accounts in good standing, as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion.

Within 30 days of equipment purchase you agree to activate and pay for 12 consecutive months (24 for advanced receivers) of any TOTAL CHOICE ($41.99/mo. or above) or DIRECTV PARA TODOS programming package ($29.99/mo. or above). In certain markets, programming and pricing may vary.

†To access DIRECTV HD programming, a Triple LNB Multi-Satellite Dish, along with a DIRECTV HD Receiver and HD television equipment, is required. Professional installation highly recommended.

In cities where local off-air high-definition programs are available, off-air antenna required. Reception may vary based on geographic location. Programs not delivered in HD in all markets.

DIRECTV PROGRAMMING AND PRICING SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. The programming package must be maintained for a period of 12 consecutive months (24 consecutive months for advanced receivers)(without interruption) for each DIRECTV System purchased by you, including additional DIRECTV Receivers. Fee for separate programming on second and each additional TV $4.99.mo. After you have fulfilled your 12 (or 24) month agreement to the required programming package, you are not obligated to continue your subscription to DIRECTV programming for any specific duration. Existing customers may activate additional receivers with their existing DIRECTV programming package. FAILURE TO ACTIVATE THE DIRECTV SYSTEM WITHIN 30 DAYS OF PURCHASE MAY RESULT IN A CHARGE OF $150 FOR EACH DIRECTV RECEIVER NOT ACTIVATED. IF YOU FAIL TO MAINTAIN AN ANNUAL PROGRAMMING COMMITMENT, YOU AGREE THAT DIRECTV MAY CHARGE YOU A PRORATED FEE OF UP TO $150 FOR STANDARD RECEIVERS (UP TO $300 FOR ADVANCED RECEIVERS). WITHIN 14 DAYS OF DOWNGRADING OR DISCONNECTING YOUR PROGRAMMING, YOU HAVE AN OPTION TO SEND ALL OF YOUR DIRECTV SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (RECEIVER AND REMOTE CONTROL) TO DIRECTV IN LIEU OF PAYMENT. THE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING THE ACCESS CARD INSERTED INTO EACH DIRECTV SYSTEM RECEIVER UNIT, MUST BE RETURNED TO DIRECTV IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR EXCEPTED. SEE DIRECTV.COM OR CALL 1-800-DIRECTV FOR DETAILS. If you return your equipment within 30 days of purchase and prior to installation, you will receive a full refund, minus shipping and handling. Offer void in Alaska and where prohibited or restricted. May not be combined with any other offer. Offer and equipment are non-transferable and may not be resold. Hardware and programming sold separately. Programming and pricing subject to change. Pricing in residential. Taxes not included. Receipt of DIRECTV programming is subject to the terms of the DIRECTV Customer Agreement; a copy is provided at DIRECTV.com and in your first bill. DIRECTV services not provided outside the U.S.
charper1 said:
**CURRENT CUSTOMERS** as posted online and in the paperwork. I am sure this applies everytime.

Terms and Conditions

You agree to the following terms and conditions:

Offer for existing residential customers only with accounts in good standing, as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion.

Within 30 days of equipment purchase you agree to activate and pay for 12 consecutive months (24 for advanced receivers) of any TOTAL CHOICE ($41.99/mo. or above) or DIRECTV PARA TODOS programming package ($29.99/mo. or above). In certain markets, programming and pricing may vary.

I would not have had a problem with it if I had gotten some paperwork like this, advising me I had a two year commitment, when I purchased it, or even if they advised me when I called to activate the receiver. But to just slap it on your bill without any notice or explanation is just a poor way of doing business and they have lost their creditability with me.
lou_do said:
I would not have had a problem with it if I had gotten some paperwork like this, advising me I had a two year commitment, when I purchased it, or even if they advised me when I called to activate the receiver. But to just slap it on your bill without any notice or explanation is just a poor way of doing business and they have lost their creditability with me.
I dont see how they can enforce an agreement they didnt tell you about or that you didnt sign
They, like most all companies, assume that you read the fine print and terms of service when you sign your name on the dotted line or click accept for an online purchase; that constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of ALL the terms. If you don't read it, it can be very hard to argue otherwise.
charper1 said:
They, like most all companies, assume that you read the fine print and terms of service when you sign your name on the dotted line or click accept for an online purchase; that constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of ALL the terms. If you don't read it, it can be very hard to argue otherwise.
This guys reciever broke and he called to get a replacement. No web clicking or signing involved. just CSR negligence.
charper1 said:
They, like most all companies, assume that you read the fine print and terms of service when you sign your name on the dotted line or click accept for an online purchase; that constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of ALL the terms. If you don't read it, it can be very hard to argue otherwise.

To be honest with you, I have never signed anything except the initial agreement, to sign up within 30 days, for a 1 year commitment. And that 1 year was over with a long time ago.

When my receiver died, I went to Best Buy and bought a new one. The sales person told me just to take it home, set it up and call D* to get it activated. I have no paperwork or signed nothing at that point, only have the sales slip, from BB. I did as advised by the sales person at BB. D* deleted the old receiver and added the new one, and asked if I wanted to buy any additional programing, I told them "No". That was the end of the conversation. Not one word was said about any 2 year commitment nor was any paperwork signed.
Same thing happened to me on thursday. Went in and bought the HD dvr tivo. Next day noticed the 2 year add on. Not one thing was said about this. I will taking it back I am pretty sure.
stangflyer said:
Same thing happened to me on thursday. Went in and bought the HD dvr tivo. Next day noticed the 2 year add on. Not one thing was said about this. I will taking it back I am pretty sure.
That really needs to be written in bold letters on the outside of the box.
lou_do said:
Was that before August 1st, that you activated it?

Actually I bought the reciever before August 1st and activated it. I agree though that the device nor anyone at Best Buy had indicated anything about an agreement (1 year or 2 Year) at the time of purchase. :)
yeah, the billing automaticly adds it. keep in mind, with a good reason, they can waive that 2 yr. commitment. My best advice would be to explain that you have already been a faithful customer and that you dont plan on canceling, but there is a good possiblity you will be moving or leaving and cant take the service with you. AT that time you dont want to be responsible for a cancellation fee. and that you feel that is a punishment for beign a long time customer. if they first agent you speak with doesn't agree, ask for his sup. and if that person doesn't agree ask for his sup. Thats not fair in my opinion, but before getting all upset, keep in mind that this can be waived. just need to go about it in a nice and cordial way. THe Csr doesn't have to do it for you, but if your decent and can speak intelligently and not make threats, they can make exceptions.

That's hella wrong. I don't get it, if you BUY the box, then why are they trying to tie you to a commitment with them?

This definitely should be put as a big red bold thing on the box. Sheesh.
OoTLink said:
That's hella wrong. I don't get it, if you BUY the box, then why are they trying to tie you to a commitment with them?

This definitely should be put as a big red bold thing on the box. Sheesh.

I still have two weeks to return the receiver and get my money back. I am thinking of doing just that, and just canceling my subscription and going with E*. If I have to have a 2 year commitment, I might as well get my receivers for free. The only reason I chose D*, in the first place, was for the Football Sunday Ticket, but they have gotten out of control with the price of it, and I dropped it.

It is just a matter of a POOR sneaky behind your back, business practice. Had I have been told when I bought the unit or called for the activation, I could have lived with it. But to have to find it out when you get your bill is just not acceptable.
OoTLink said:
That's hella wrong. I don't get it, if you BUY the box, then why are they trying to tie you to a commitment with them?

This definitely should be put as a big red bold thing on the box. Sheesh.

The retail units are heavily subsidized, according to the CSR script. The insult is when you buy used and they try to tack on an additional commitment. The fury happens when your HD Tivo gets replaced under warranty and they try to add on an additional commitment. THAT one got the CSR a few choice words! :shocked
Why the whine? It's very simple:

SD receivers - 1yr commitment
DVR's, HD receivers, HD DVR's - 2 yr commitment

It is the best equipment out there from the best content provider.

That's why they make Fords and Ferraris. You want the best, you pay for it. ;)
Have you activated the equipment yet? Are you sure you can return it without getting the cancellation fee?

I was considering trying DirecTV, bought an H10 from BB and read the cancellation paperwork that came with it.

A called D* regarding this and the CSR told me the cancellation is enforced at activation, and that even if I rerturn the equipment to BestBuy within 30 days I am still subject to the cancellation fee!

So the choice is send the unit to D* and loose what you paid for it, or return it to BB and pay the cancellation fee.

What a joke. Guess I won't be trying DirecTV.
Need men immediately in Mobile for re-alignment of DirecTv dishes...Pay is $35 each re-alignment. You will need truck, ladder and basic hand tools..Very good money making opportunity..Will pay for half of your motel room....Rooms paid for up front and deducted from check. Also need 5 to 10 installers in Tallahassee,FL for installs only...no service calls at all..........pay is $65 per install and $20 each additional receiver.Pay for both projects is one week out. Hurry....... not may positions available.James Youngman 901-603-1208
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