Gonna head out tomorrow to get some cement and pipe for the Primestar project. Just curious, 2 3/8" pipe - about what does that run on average, and what department in Lowes or Home Depot shold I look? Thanks!
sikma said:If I remember correctly, all of my P* dishes use a 1 5/8 pipe. that's what I had cemented in the ground, the when I took that down and put up a polar mount from an old 10' dish, I just bought longer lag-bolts that are used to secure the 2 1/2" polar mount to my 1 5/8" mount.....bottom line, make sure you don't get too large diameter pipe in the ground then find out you can't fit your P* dish on the pipe!
iafirebuff said:Thanks, I will double check before anything goes into the cement. I did measure the mount last night, and it was over 2". My 2" pipe just swims in the mount