I don't know where I got the idea that it did. Was it ever that way?
It used to be free with the subscription. They changed it when they merged with XM, probably to try to get more money out of their subscriber base. (Gee that sounds familiar)
I don't know where I got the idea that it did. Was it ever that way?
Since you're in NJ, is there a reason you're not upgrading to a 1000.4 to pick up the EA?
Newbie here in South Jersey - thanks to this site I just got a FREE upgrade from two 500's to a 1000.4 with the new Fox Soccer Channel in HD.
Tech was here 8am sharp today and in official DISH van and very professional etc.
Newbie here in South Jersey - thanks to this site I just got a FREE upgrade from two 500's to a 1000.4 with the new Fox Soccer Channel in HD.
Tech was here 8am sharp today and in official DISH van and very professional etc.
And what is E* going to do with subs in the Northeast that have both SD and HD receivers? EA only works with VIP receivers. 129 is very low (19.3 degrees) from my location for reliable reception.![]()
I've got 'em now!It was a decent enough day today so I climbed up on the roof after work with a long line from my "sat-beeper" hooked to the 61.5 dish line. I was able to point the 61.5 dish to 129 (VERY LOW ON THE HORIZON - 19deg angle) and get a decent signal!
Did a check switch and there they all are! I may need to move the dish come summertime to clear some currently foliage-free trees but it may just be possible to stick with this set-up permanently. I should move it regardless as it's almost pointed directly into the back of the Dish500 pointing at 110/119. I think the signal could improve slightly just by eliminating that little issue but forget that until the snow is gone![]()
Right now I'm actually getting a higher signal meter reading for the 129 than I did for the 61 but I don't know if they work on the same scale. Odd since the 61.5 has a perfectly clear line of sight very high up on the horizon.... unexpected.
FSC HD and BBCAHD look OUTSTANDING!!! I'm a happy camper again.