And to think I couldn't even get $100 for a new one I had still wrapped in factory plastic that I had in stock from the Dishstore.
The problem with ebay is that 20% are un-educated consumers, 30% actually know what they are buying and the other 50% are looking to buy equipment for hacking purposes.
If you got nouthing to do, search for 8psk on ebay, which was the old modual for the 6000 to get HD. I had over 300 of them I sold at what I thought was a hell of a profit at $79, and now we got people selling them for $250 each!
The thing about is that the same scammer who bought the 300 I had, tried to talk me down into giving him a better deal because he didn't want to pay $79 each. I was firm on my price and got what I deserved, but never would I have thought they would sell for $250 each!