No and that is the point. IF you have the majority of your channels in hd then who cares if there are more coming right now. Dish has the channels that I want and the dvr that I like to use. DIrectv has about 8-9 other hd channels ,not counting sports, and they are like MTV, VH1,CMT,NICK. They don't even show hd yet. Now I would love to have FX ,SPIKE and it wouldn't hurt to have the Showtime suite of channels in hd either. But that being said I am not going to die if I don't get them. NEITHER WILL ANYONE ELSE. So chill already. They are coming, just not now. By next year I am sure that they will add them and others as they negoitate. I don't see the DIRECTV people having a cow about their provider lieing to them. DIRECTV had promised upto 150 hd channels way before DISH and even said that they would have capacity for 200 . They don't have them either and just added a whole lot of pay per views. They don't seem to be upset and are just enjoying watching their tv. So should everyone else. It could be worse you know. DISH could be having the kind of retransimission disputes with national channels like they do locals and you would lose them as well.