Well checking the signal strength in the setup menu was showing signal on all 5 sats & an SD local channel was playing, my locals are on the 119.If pointed in the wrong direction, it could give you one of them, but not both. How do you know it is 110 and 119?
Well checking the signal strength in the setup menu was showing signal on all 5 sats & an SD local channel was playing, my locals are on the 119.
I doubt that Directv would order a SL3 installation for someone with SD locals on 119.
Well checking the signal strength in the setup menu was showing signal on all 5 sats & an SD local channel was playing, my locals are on the 119.
Well, being that I had to upgrade to a Phase 3 dish way back when in order to pick up the 119 sat to get my locals, yes I am sure that the SD locals for GR, MI are on the 119.Are SURE your SD locals are on 119 - what locals market ARE you in??? (sure would help US if you told us... )
if you did not change your reciever settings then yes you are going to see the 110 and 119. it happens... and more than likely your locals moved to the 103... they are moving everything to 99-101-103 except for international channels will be on 110 119
Its a WNC LNB model # SL3PIG..something. It's not the 5 LNB, I have one of those too
I had the receiver connected to the slimline 5 dish. I switched to a different dish with the SL3 LNB without changing any settings in the reciever, & to my surprise I had signals still on all 5 sats (thats the only thing that confused me) I thought maybe the signal readings were false so I tuned to one of my SD locals & bam there it was....hmmmmm