11 ClubDish Referrals in 02/12, $0 Credit

Are these referrals local to you? Because you refer so many people, if they are local in your area, you'd probably be better off making a deal with a local retailer and get the referral bonuses directly from them, maybe in the form of cash. :)

That's a neat idea but most of my friends are from college and other social gathering so they are all over the place.
Honestly, did you really refer Dish 11 new customers in Febuary? Or did you go around the internet and posted your club Dish numbers all over the place and got luckey that 11 people actually redeemed them?

I think there is a fraud trigger in their system that prevents so many referals being added to an account in such as short period of time, since it costs DISH $100 everytime a club Dish code is redeemed.

My suggestion. Get the names and account numbers of the 11 customers you referred and you should be able to get the credits added to the account without an issue.

If you can't name the people you referred, and did what I said then its not a true referal, as you just provided a $50 off coupon for people who where going to get Dish anyways.
That's like referring someone to a diner and it being my responsibility that the meal tastes good. It's a Dish promotion not my promotion. If they truly wanted this to work and benefit the person making the referral Dish could make the process and "promo" user friendly and transparent so that it could be done online, via touch-tone or better yet, CSR's who actually ask how you were referred and if you have a code. Perhaps they could spend as much time and effort improving their customer service as they do sending me the Club cards and other mailings on an on-going basis.

Not exactly. To use a restaurant analogy, it would be like giving your friend a coupon for a free dinner. Along with his free dinner, by using the coupon, you end up getting a discount on your next few meals at said restaurant. All your friend has to do to get his free meal and ensure your future discounted meals is to give his server the coupon when ordering his meal. It really isn't that complicated. To say that because your friend choose not to use the "coupon" you provided him when ordering service somehow constitutes a scam by DISH is just silly. You should blame yourself for not instructing your friend to use the gift card, or your friend for not reading the gift card, or your friend for choosing not to use the gift card or.....well, you get it, anyone but DISH in this case.
I guess it's all in how YOU define the word "scam".According to:
World English Dictionary
[TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 100%"]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2"]
scam (skæm)
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2"]
[TD="width: 1%, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]
a stratagem for gain; a swindle
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, colspan: 2"]
vb , scams , scamming , scammed
[TD="width: 1%, bgcolor: transparent"]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]
( tr ) to swindle (someone) by means of a trick

Collins EnglishDictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Cite This Source

Certainly fits #1. It's a DISH strategy to gain subs by merecruiting for them and hence # 2 also fits as I was tricked in doing the Club Dishthingy withoutgetting the promised "reward".

Press 1 for English.

I just received a call from Brian on the Executive Resolution Team. He had been working on my issue for over a month. There was a problem with their referral tracking system. They changed the system to conceal user information from being tracked based on a referral number. They do have a special utility that allows them to track back a number to a name. This utility has been down for some time as well and was just repaired the other day. Once repaired they pro rated the credits so I wont be paying my bill for a few months. I was also told by the team they could careless how I made the referrals as long as they were getting new customers.
That's great news! Hopefully they'll fine-tune the system to add more transparency which I believe would help Dish reduce the number of calls it takes on this subject. For example Dish could add a column in "My Referrals" to show when an "activated" referral number becomes "qualified" (customer keeps Dish for over 31 days, etc.) for a credit. Right now you don't know which "activated" referrals are eligible for a credit.
The club dish system is a pretty simple system as long as the customer follows the steps. The steps just require that you provide the club dish number when you sign up. Pretty easy. It can take a few months for those credits to show up but it should work. I used 3 of them last year.

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