It's around 9 pm and 10m beacons are still being heard here. See pic. The beacon band is as follows
28.1 - 28.2 is where you'll find beacons outside the US.
28.2 - 28.3 is where you'll find US beacons.
Tonight, heard VA3KAH, NS9RC, WB9OTX, WA3BM, W0WF, and K4JEE, so the band is open to the South and mid-West.
Just looking at the waterfall, you can see lots more US beacons coming in, and hardly any from DX stations.
Most beacons are low power so try listening in, they are fun to hear and log.
28.1 - 28.2 is where you'll find beacons outside the US.
28.2 - 28.3 is where you'll find US beacons.
Tonight, heard VA3KAH, NS9RC, WB9OTX, WA3BM, W0WF, and K4JEE, so the band is open to the South and mid-West.
Just looking at the waterfall, you can see lots more US beacons coming in, and hardly any from DX stations.
Most beacons are low power so try listening in, they are fun to hear and log.