1080i issue with DVI

It is DVI-D. DVI-A is obsolete and I have never actually seen equipment that use that interface. My DVI port accepts 480p, 780p, and 1080i. It automatically recognizes which rez the receiver is putting out.
occammd said:
720p didn't work for me w/5.08, but was fixed for 5.68. I run 720p and 1080i on a short DVI.

That's interested. I am still running my DLP with component because DVI has been a pain in the neck (1080i or 720p). I got the 1080i working on the software previous to 5.08 and a different receiver. Once I got the new swapped receiver, I had not been able to used the DVI again (either 720p or 1080i). Any tips how you made it work or you just connected and it worked?
Well, I think I am just going to stick with component at 1080i till the DVI thing is figured out. My picture at 1080i using component is much cleaner than DVI at 480p.
Thanks all for your help and I will continue to monitor this thread for additional ideas.
I just connected it and it worked once the new code came through. The $1,000,000 question. Are you hdcp compliant?

I had the DVI cable that came w/the set, looks good. Any vertical lines or dashes that I see are reflected on the component as well.
Well, if I am reading right, Sean is having the same type of issue where DVI isn't working with 780 or 1080. If this is the case, then perhaps it isn't the receiver. I have three receivers in the house, so I am going to pull one off of an SD set and try it.
The receiver I am using on my HDTV did come with a bad OTA tuner, so we took the one out of one of my other receivers till a new tuner arrives.
I have a Sony kp46wt500. Anytime I use the dvi connection from my receiver i get faint blue horizontal lines throught the picture. Sometime it displays a scrambled picture. The only time it doesn't (with dvi) is when I'm in 480i or 480p mode on the box. Component works great. I even tried swapping the tv and the voom receiver for new ones with the same result. Any Ideas???
Tried a different receiver and it didn't work.
I then phoned VOOM and the customer service rep told me that they are aware of an issue where the DVI only works correctly with a few sets, but for the majority it only works in 480p. They said they are working the issue and it will be corrected in a future update. So basically there is nothing that can be done on our end, but either deal with the 480p DVI or use component.

Different interesting thing though, I was just activated yesterday and the automated thing at VOOM said I was past due by $220. I asked the CSR about that and he looked it over and said it was a mistake and I had been overbilled quite a bit for equipment rental. Also the amount isn't past due because my invoice isn't due out for a few weeks.

He also said that the issue I had with the CSR yesterday about the antenna upgrade shouldn't have happened. He said that if your locals aren't even showing then they require you to wait 24 hours to see if they show up from being mapped over night. In my case they worked right away, but were digitizing and the CSR yesterday just didn't listen. So I have an appointment for next Monday to have the upgraded OTA installed. Today's CSR was definitely a treat compared to yesterday, since he actually seemed to care that I was made happy and to get the issues resolved.
Interesting. Then it may be as I suspected...a timing/synch issue. If it's an HDCP issue though, I wish them luck getting it to work for everyone since thats been an ongoing issue of how each manufacturer implements it. Some devices may be HDCP 1.0 compliant and others may be 1.1 even though 1.1 devices in theory should interoperate with 1.0 devices. It's a quagmire I tell ya. :)
I think this may be why D* has a 'test' channel to check for compatability and possible feedback from the end user.

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