1000+ Upgrade is a joke.

It's not my intention to turn this into a Directv vs Dish thread. I just wanted to add that I was a huge fan of Dish for nearly ten years, until they missed three consecutive appointments back in April. I pulled the plug. I then scheduled Directv to come last week and they screwed things up and essentially left me waiting all weekend long. I called Dish again and told them I was back as a customer. They missed their appointment again on Thursday. I pulled the plug again and went back to Directv, telling them, "the first provider that actually shows up has my business."

Directv came through on their appointment this past Saturday and I finally have satellite service again. It's not a Dish vs Directv thing at all. It's just that customer service at large is terrible these days.
Poke said:
Have you even tried calling any local resellers to see if they even have any Dish 1000+ in?? If not I would have done that before I even think about calling Dish to setup a install. Due to if the local installers do not have them on site then they will half to waite to get them in stock. If they dont have them in stock then most likely everyone in that area will half to waite untill they have some there localy. Plus if you get your local HD on the 129 or 119 or 110 then there is no real need for q 1000+. I know some have had low signal issues with the 129 with a Dish 1000 but most time thats do to how the Dish was installed. :)

It is not my responsibility to arrange for inventory. They know the inventory requirements ahead of time, it's their job to get the inventory where it's supposed to be, when it's supposed to be. In exchange, I pay my bill on time, and other concessions. I've been a subscriber for nearly 7 years (Oct. 1999), with CC Autopay since about as soon as it was available.

I got called twice on July 14th to reschedule. The first reschedule was for July 20th. The second was for August 1. They had 17 calendar days to get the inventory for my install on hand and reserved for me. They failed to do so. In addition, they are uncertain as to when (other than September) that they will be able to do an install.

So from first call (July 10th) until sometime in September they have shutoff my SD locals, and they have failed to properly carry out their job by installing the products they promised to install when they promised to install them.

I did not select to have my HD locals installed on 119K (118.75), they did. They have no issues performing installs with 1000+ for new customers, only for existing customers. Why is this? Simple, I'm captive; I'm already a customer. I am not as important to them as a new customer.

It's a shame I can't bill them back for time lost at the rate my company bills me out for. That would be the better part of a year's worth of service. Sadly, it doesn't work that way...

I am not in the satellite business, nor am I in the warehousing business. Dish and their partners are. I expect them to be professional and do their job. In exchange I pay them for those services, and I do so monthly and on time.

Unfortunately they have not kept up their end of the bargain when it comes to delivering scheduled upgrades.
Dave nye said:
The 1000 and 1000+ use the same reflector. If your 129 signals are low, and by low I mean less than 60 because 80 is good on 129. Then your installer did not aim the dish properly.

WRONG!! 1000+ has significantly larger reflector than the 1000. That is why I bought a + to upgrade my 1000. Got the the + from DishStore.net.
John, you should try to find your locals in the 6000-9000 channel range , they should be available there, regardless of an open order to upgrade dish. Good Luck.

No. As part of constructing the + upgrade work order, locals were removed. This was done on July 10th. Supposedly last night the Executive Escalations office added the locals back in (that would make my wife happy if true). I was working on other things and have not validated that the OTAs were put back on.

Dave nye said:
The 1000 and 1000+ use the same reflector. If your 129 signals are low, and by low I mean less than 60 because 80 is good on 129. Then your installer did not aim the dish properly.

I'm guessing you meant to say the 500+ and 1000+ are the same reflectior with the 1000+ having the extra LNB on it for the 129 sat.
I was just rescheduled for the third time, now the install date is Aug 22nd.

I wonder if the local Dish retailers have the 1000+ in stock, I may call around.
I figure that if they reschedule me again and a local shop has them in stock, I may just pay the 49.99 and have it done.
I figure that Ill be up 10 bucks anyways with the $20 credit from Dish with each reschedule.
I finally got my 1000+ installed after some executive office intervention.

It went pretty smoothly. I have no opinion of local HDs at this point on SAT vs. OTA as I have not had an opportunity to compare them.


622 Reboots Itself 3 Times Per Week

Will the 622 load the guide for off-air locals?

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