1000+ HD Chanels on D*, any E* rumors

NightRyder said:
I can understand E* reluctance. They went down that road before and got burned. I don't expect to hear much out of them until everything's in place and ready to go.


It seems that E* gets burned on a weekly basis about something they've promised that ends up blowing up in their face. SuperDish, 921 release, Firewire, NBR .. you name it! Their MO is to promise the moon and deliver a rock.

If E* had any inclination of going head-to-head against D* current HD plans they'd be shouting it from the rough-tops and it would be mentioned on EVERY chat with "more details to follow" (month after month after month ...).
SlicerMDM said:
It seems that E* gets burned on a weekly basis about something they've promised that ends up blowing up in their face. SuperDish, 921 release, Firewire, NBR .. you name it! Their MO is to promise the moon and deliver a rock.

If E* had any inclination of going head-to-head against D* current HD plans they'd be shouting it from the rough-tops and it would be mentioned on EVERY chat with "more details to follow" (month after month after month ...).
D* had better follow through on their plans, or they'll be blasted here the same as E*. Hopefully, the new D* satellites won't end up in a geo-synchronous orbit at the bottom of the ocean. At least E* has satellites in (high altitude) orbit now.
NightRyder said:
Your logic is so scattered that I don't even know where to begin. Let's start with a few facts.

1. These D* advertisements are not binding on them in any way. They are based on forward looking plans which are subject to change. It's great marketing hype and I think they are very effective, but in real world terms the numbers they are throwing around are meaningless.

2. Capacity is good but that doesn't mean it will ever be utilized. Just because I have capacity to eat 2 pizza's at one time or drive my car 140 MPH doesn't mean I will ever do so.

3. Even if all of D* plans become reality, and they wanted to have 1500 channels of HD, the content doesn't exist and probably won't within the lifespan of the Spaceway satellites. D* knows that. Again this isn't stupidity on D* part, it's good marketing.

Finally FYI - DTV = Digital Television. D* = DirecTV.


FYI? Did you know what I was talking about? I think so, if we were discussing digital TV and Directv, I can see where you'd have a problem, but we weren't were we. Were is the RULE that says that I have to use D* instead of DTV? I typically do use D*, but used DTV because we were talking about DirecTv! Sorry, didn't mean to not follow the rules!

Ok, thanks for the comments about being scattered. You are thinking about something that has nothing to do with my intentions, nor are you reading anything that I write, you are reading a few words, and etc... If you'd read my posts you would see that, 1) I don't think D* will add 1500 channels, and I know that it is nothing but PR "perhaps PR, but not rumor," from my original post! 2) I know that there is not 1500 HD channels out there, 3) comparing D* advertisements to Dish Networks rumors is not the same thing, D*saying "will have capacity for 1500HD channels nationwide" isn't the same thing as someone on this board saying Dish will have two new HD channels 4) advertising something, whether or not it is possible is a mistake if the company that is advertising doesn't at least intend to follow through, 5) saying that you will have the capacity for 1500 HD channels, is at the very least planting the idea in people that may watch the advertisement that D* intends to add 1500 HD channels 6) most of the HD channels would be LIL! 7) I wasn't talking about you or any consumer using that capacity, I was talking about a person or company advertising a certain capacity, but not intend to fill it, or enable it 8) I know that advertisements are not "binding", but when a company doesn't do what they say that they will do in a advertisement they lose a certain amount of respect and trust. How do you feel when someone lies to you, or if you think that is to strong of a word, how do you feel when someone tells you that they will have your car ready tomorrow, but when you call they say it will be a month. So put yourself in the place of all those people that have seen D* advertisement, if D* decides not to add 1500 channels, then all those people are going to be put down, because D* didn't do what they said they would. If D* doesn't go through with their advertised plans it won't destroy them, but it will hurt them. That is what I meant when I said D* would be stupid. I've seen that commercial at least five times in the last week, on my local channels even. How many other people have seen it?

tonyp56 said:
removed for readability

Man, chill, you're taking offense where none was intended. We obviously don't see things the same way, and you're too thin skinned to carry on a constructive debate, therefor I will refrain from commenting on your last post and politely bow out of this discussion. Peace.

DirecTV SEC filing: http://phoenix.corporate-ir.net/pho...lbmsmaXBhZ2U9MzI1NTM2MiZkb2M9MCZhdHRhY2g9b24=

With respect to our FCC licenses to operate Ka-band satellites at the 99 WL, 101 WL, and 103 WL orbital locations, we must begin regular operations at each location by June 25, 2005 in order to meet a condition of our FCC licenses and preserve our international priority over other systems. We have nearly completed construction of the satellites intended for those three locations, and have arranged for three launches scheduled for spring 2005. However, there can be no assurance that we will be able to satisfy the International Telecommunications Union's requirements for bringing all of our assigned locations into use in a timely manner.

DISH Locals - DMA/ZIP mismatch ???

Oxygen uplink gone from dish

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