preaching' to the choir:
You ask that question here, and what sort of answer would you expect?
Of course we're gonna say: "
go get it!" -
But, if you don't know what you're doing, this is the forum to learn on.
An old BUD like that probably has an analog receiver with it, or maybe a 4DTV receiver.
Those will move the dish motor, and run the polarity servo in the feedhorn.
If that's confusing, here's a
web site with a lot of pictures and descriptions to get you oriented.
Get some pictures of the dish from the front and rear.
Get some pictures of the feedhorn (under that bucket out front of the dish)
Get some pictures of the motor, mount, and pole.
Tell us the condition of the dish surface: torn, dinged, hail dents, missing panels, etc.
What receivers or other equipment come with it?
We can help you get it going, refurbished as required, new parts, and direct you to lists of available programming.
And in the end, after we discuss it, if you decide it's not for you...
... offer it to the guys here. We'll find it a good home. - :up