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  1. M

    Remove My Land Line Phone

    Try Packet8 I dumped my phone line for VoIP sevice from It is less expensive than vonage and seems to have no trouble with the Dish Receivers. I highly recommend it.
  2. M

    Sirius on Dish? Who cares!

    I am very happy that Sirius is on Dish. I was already a subscriber to Sirius (couple of years) because FM radio had turned into pure garbage. (mindless DJ's laughing at their own jokes, commercials, bland music) It is great now to be able to listen to it in the house as well.
  3. M

    Need Advice: Keep DP, Get a 721, or Go to DTV?

    This commercial brought to you by a DirectTV installer.
  4. M

    I'm NOW happy with Sirius (Updated)

    Actually the question is more complicated than XM vs Sirius antennas as there is one than more than one antenna design used on Sirius receivers. Some receivers require a separated sat/terrestrial signal, while others have them combined into one cable.
  5. M

    New Sirius Customer

    Yes, siriusbackstage is a great site. It is what convinced me to go with a Brix Streamer last fall.
  6. M

    Sirius Satellite Radio Music now on Dish

    Sorry for the post. I have discovered after reading thru the forum that I am indeed late with this news. It is interesting however that I did not find about it from Dish, but rather Sirius which has started to mention it on its stations this week. I've told 3 other Dish users in my area who...
  7. M

    Sirius Satellite Radio Music now on Dish

    I subscribe to both Dish and Sirius. This week they are announcing on the Sirius channels that you can now listen to their music streams on Dish, and sure enough they are there. Have a look starting at channel 6000 and you will see about 60 new channels of music. Interestingly enough, the...