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  1. s10zr2

    Hopper 3 4K 60 fps

    I can't say the same. I calibrated my P55 and it looks amazing on dish. I get compliments all the time. :)
  2. s10zr2

    Hopper 3 4K 60 fps

    Thanks for the help everyone, makes sense. So, if most all providers (dish, vudu, netflix, roku, etc.) use 60 fps, then I wonder why the tv only has one 4K 60 fps input? So far I have only seen where 4K blu-ray discs use 30 fps. Hdmi 1.4 must work for 60 fps then, because that's the cables I...
  3. s10zr2

    Hopper 3 4K 60 fps

    Ok so I am a little confuse about the hopper output. My vizio 4k tv only allows 4K 60 fps on hdmi 5. On hdmi 1 & 2 it is 30 fps. If I hook the hopper up to the 30 fps port, it only shows 1080I as the resolution on the 4K channel. If I switch it to hdmi 5 it show up as 2160p on the 4K...
  4. s10zr2

    NBC 4K Rio Olympics

    Same here. I do notice that on hdmi 5 the other channels don't look as good as when it is on hdmi 1. I thinks it's because the upscaling is only on inputs 1 to 4 and none on 5. The 1080i upscaled on the hdmi 1 looks great anyway.
  5. s10zr2

    NBC 4K Rio Olympics

    My Vizio tv says 1080I on the 1st input as well. I think this should explain it.
  6. s10zr2

    Harmony Remote & Hopper 3

    It still doesn't work thru wifi. I saw on the Logitech form that they are waiting on dish for them to enable it, along with some other buttons.
  7. s10zr2

    Enter to Win a HopperGO!

    "I would like to win a HopperGO!"
  8. s10zr2

    4K Joey IP Control

    Right, it uses ir. The Harmony hub based remotes can do ir or IP control. I have to do IP control since the H3 box is in a different room than the Harmony hub. Over IP, the recall button and a couple other ones don't work yet.
  9. s10zr2

    4K Joey IP Control

    Any word on when the 4K joey will be able to be controlled over IP? This feature worked great on my Hopper 2 with my Harmon remotes. Hopefully they will fix the IP control in the Hopper 3 as well. It is still missing some commands over IP (ex. recall).
  10. s10zr2

    URGENT - Hopper 3 upgrade

    What next dish are you referring too?
  11. s10zr2

    HWS keeps copying recording to other HWS

    Good point I forgot about those. Maybe I will do that as well. Hopefully they will get all the bugs worked out soon.
  12. s10zr2

    HWS keeps copying recording to other HWS

    Nope it didn't work for me. I only left it off for 12 hours or so. I think once it's enabled you can't turn it off. At least until they do another update and fix that feature.
  13. s10zr2

    HWS keeps copying recording to other HWS

    Yep have the same problem. As far as I know there is no way to stop it since its beta software. I have tried a rest in the menu and unplugged the unit for a couple of days, but no luck. As soon as I power it up it starts copying to the other hopper. For now I only use the one hopper because...
  14. s10zr2

    Hopper with U204 reset to factory

    Yep it does the same. I am looking for a way to completely bring it back to the original condition.
  15. s10zr2

    Hopper with U204 reset to factory

    Does anyone know if there is a way to hard reset the hopper with U204 back to when you first get it with no recordings and no timers? Since I am having problems with my two hoppers transferring recordings between each other and getting corrupted, I thought maybe I could do a hard reset to stop...
  16. s10zr2

    HWS 204 Bugs

    I have two hoppers and since the new 204 update, each of the hoppers randomly records to a different hopper. For example, last night my timer for hopper 1 started recording and it showed up on hopper 2. Only one of the tuners in each hopper were being used. The tuner screen on hopper 2 was...
  17. s10zr2

    HWS 204 Bugs

    I have 2 hopper with sling boxes and every night they keep transferring recordings between each hopper. When I wake up and check either hopper, you never know what recordings you are going to find on each one.
  18. s10zr2

    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    I was just curious... did you try the hopper to hopper transfer and this is why you have the same problem? I wanted to see what it was about and thought it would give me a chance to hit "ok" before starting the transfer. I was wrong. Now it seems like it wont quit. I wake up in the morning...
  19. s10zr2

    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    I did just to see what happened but that was a week ago. It kept doing it for a couple of days the quit. Now some of my timers are recording on the other hopper.
  20. s10zr2

    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    I have two hoppers with sling both on the carbon ui. Woke up this morning and all of my recordings on the second Hopper are now on the first. The second Hopper shows no recordings at all. Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
  21. s10zr2

    Harmony Remote & Hopper 3

    Contacted Logitech and this is there response: Our engineering team has confirmed that there is an issue with the recall command when the Dish Hopper is connected via Wi-Fi. We have noted this issue and forwarded to the right channel to include the recall command in the next software update...
  22. s10zr2

    Carbon UI Suggestions Thread

    I was going to upgrade to the H3, but they would have to do a wing dish for 77. That is what my locals are on. I don't want another dish on my roof. I am hoping they will move my locals to 72 or 61.5.
  23. s10zr2

    Harmony Remote & Hopper 3

    I have the Home Hub controlling a hopper with sling and the recall button worked until I updated to the new Carbon UI. If I un-pair the hub and use the ir, it works fine. I even tried adding a "recall" button and it didn't work over the wifi paired to the hopper. It must be a new Carbon UI...
  24. s10zr2

    Carbon UI Suggestions Thread

    I would love to see Dish add the option to see and edit the other hoppers timers. I have 2 Hoppers and It would be a nice feature. Or even an option to create a timer on another hopper from the guide.
  25. s10zr2

    HWS U203 Bug Reports

    Downloaded U203 yesterday and I like it. I have noticed that under "mobile devices" the unpair doesn't work. I use a Logitech Harmony Home Control remote to control the Hopper paired over WiFi. I noticed that the recall doesn't work. If I unpair the hub and let it control the Hopper via IR...