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  1. J

    Galaxy 18

    For the last few days, I could not get any FTA reception on Galaxy 18, 123 degrees West. I have a 1.2 meter movable dish and a 1.2 meter fixed dish. Neither ofthem gave any good signal. There was always a signal strength of 72 and a quality of 10. Can someone tell me if he or she is...
  2. J

    FTA setup question

    In reply to voomvoom, I do not think that the problem is with the skew because I tilted the LNBF on the fixed dish the same as on the motorized dish pointed to the same satelllite. In reply to rdel, I have not pushed in and out the lnb for either the fixed dish or the motorized dish. I did not...
  3. J

    FTA setup question

    Hi. I am Joseph R. Mautz (Joe Mautz). I live in Liverpool, NY (near Syracuse, NY). I have never posted on this site before. I am mostly interested in MPEG2 free-to air reception. I would like to give and take information on how to receive FTA satellites. How do I do this? For example...