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  1. K

    Is 4K tv worth it yet

    If your new Sammy has HDR get the Roku Ultra and see your colors really POP - especially when watching something in Amazon or Netflix done in 4k. I've found our Samsung 65 inch up-converts the dish content just fine, plus we have a 49 inch TCL 4k in our bedroom that gives what I consider...
  2. K

    Wireless Access Point 2

    Is this wireless access point you refer to the wireless Joey system? Anyway, I thought all the Hoppers, including my 3, did an update and restart every night usually around 3 am PDST for mine. Going to a wired Joey shouldn't gain you anything, wouldn't you still get the restart?
  3. K

    DISH Debuts Hands-Free TV on Hopper DVR with Amazon Alexa

    Netflix isn't really a pay per view offering, it is a subscription service. The PPV movies that I buy from Amazon are mostly the latest releases plus anything I want to watch that isn't offered on Netflix or Amazon Prime. To me there is a difference and I can see Dish resisting losing their $7...
  4. K

    DISH Debuts Hands-Free TV on Hopper DVR with Amazon Alexa

    Probably has something to do with Amazon and Dish both selling pay per view videos. I think Amazon PPV is less expensive than Dish's so Dish will not let both be offered in their system.
  5. K

    Hopper 3 U349 Software

    We have the wireless joey system and it got an update early this am along with our Hopper. I didn't notice the number and can't comment on changes since we don't really use those TV's much.
  6. K

    Is Flex Pack a rip off????

    We (my wife and I) changed a couple of months ago - just before they raised the rates - to flex plus locals and the sports package, and our bill dropped over $30 per month. So far we haven't missed any of the channels at all but once football season gets here I will be adding the regional sports...
  7. K


    I noticed after the Super Bowl I had a problem with the system being really sluggish and slow plus had a problem getting a recording to play. I did a power button reboot and at least after that I could watch recorded stuff. The system was still very slow to respond to any remote command. I did...
  8. K

    Dish guide not scrolling channels

    OK - I think I figured out what was causing the problem. At first I made a new custom guide and added all the channels that were in my "Main" guide. All worked well for a day or so then it froze. When it froze the channels shown were always the SEC and Pac 12 channels. Last night I took the SEC...
  9. K

    Dish guide not scrolling channels

    I've got the same problem with my "Main" custom guide freezing on the same page of channels - can't go up and can't go down to other pages. The problem started when the new 331 software was installed. When I first found the problem I found the all channels guide worked but my custom guide...
  10. K

    U331 Software Release for the hopper 3 dvr

    Got the update to U331 on my Hopper 3 yesterday at 1:30 am. Now my custom guide doesn't work - it only shows one page of channels and that is it - can't go page up or page down, just one page.. Not using the guide I can still change channels up or down using the right pointer then up or down...
  11. K

    Strange PTAT Issue Only On ABC

    I've got the same problem with recordings of ABC's Notorious. We set up a timer for this and ended up getting a couple recordings of How to get away with Murder which follows it. We waited to watch them until they were erased from our PTAT so still haven't seen them. Our recordings of...
  12. K

    Can't Type In 5 Digit Channel on HWS

    Same here - the Pac 10 and SEC channels disappeared from my favorites. Bad timing since college football is just starting. Hope they fix this bug soon!
  13. K

    Wireless Joey Question?

    You can move it where you want, but it needs to get the signal from the wireless Joey base before it will work. We have a two story 2,000 square foot house. The wireless Joey base is on the ground floor in the middle of the floor plan, and the two receivers we have are on the second floor...
  14. K

    I got the dreaded "all recordings lost" message today

    I've lost all recordings once in my 16 plus years with Dish, and that was on the original Hopper with sling "free" upgrade. That HWS lasted a little over a year then completely stopped working, so all recordings were lost. The replacement HWS was fine until I replaced it with the Hopper 3...
  15. K


    When we had our installation I caught the tech at the door and told him the remotes were mine and they stayed with me. If you are like me you will find the new remotes are not as functional as the old 40.0. The new one that came with the hopper went to my retirement drawer. There are other...
  16. K

    Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

    I have a H3 and have never seen a spin up message - just a slow population of the movie icons as it read the hard drive. I have a WD 2.0tb drive if that makes any difference.
  17. K

    Hopper to hopper 3 compatibility?

    I brought my EHD with quite a few recordings from a 722VIP to a Hopper, then a Hopper with Sling and now to the new H3 without problems. You just need to have patience when getting the H3 to see your EHD. I didn't have problems with mine but some people have had problems but with a with a...
  18. K


    Just in case keep your old 40.0 remotes. Lots of people don't like the new ones, and the old ones work just fine on the H3. Plus you can bring all your old timers and settings over from your remote to the new Hopper.
  19. K

    Timer Notification popup

    Are you talking about an H3? My HWS used to give us a choice if we had a conflict and it was going to change he channel to record something. I haven't seen this on the H3 because there are no conflicts since we have 16 tuners. Maybe this is a setting buried someplace in the set up that will turn...
  20. K

    Did we have a major failure this morning 3/22?

    I think your timers get backed-up automatically. I'm not sure how often but they should be kept current in your remote.
  21. K

    Did we have a major failure this morning 3/22?

    We watched CNN and some LA news channels from around 8am Pacific time yesterday, the 22nd, without problems. Maybe they had the problem solved before we tuned in, or was the problem only with central states?
  22. K

    Anyway to get H3 for free?

    I don't know about "a ton of money" - Amazon has one you can purchase for $250. By getting us on the hook for 24 months it works out to a little over $10 a month so I'm pretty sure they are making money.
  23. K

    Hopper 3 hookup to remote tv with no Joey?

    I wish I could say the same but our home is 27 years old and the coax is pretty much going bad. The wireless Joey is a god send!
  24. K

    Hopper 3 hookup to remote tv with no Joey?

    I tried the RF Modulator on our master bedroom line when we first got the Hopper and found that the coax to our bedroom was having some serious problems giving us a really bad snowy picture. So we went with a Joey using the same coax and found that it gave us a terrific picture giving us a...