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  1. S

    722k - increase HD partition?

    Good point. I hadn't thought of the noise issue. I'll look for an enclosed drive.
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    722k - increase HD partition?

    Thanks CowboyDren! I'll look for the drives you've mentioned. One last question. Would something like this work also (it would look rather ugly I suppose) : Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARS 1TB 5400 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive and Dock. At under $80 for the combo, the price...
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    722k - increase HD partition?

    Thanks for explaining that. The tech said that there were 2 partitions - one for HD and one for SD. I took his word for it. So I guess the only option now is to add an external USB based HD. Does it matter how fast the external HD is for High Def content (5400 RPM vs 7200 RPM)?
  4. S

    722k - increase HD partition?

    Just got a 722k and HD programming. Other than swapping out the internal drive or buying an external USB drive, is there a way to increase the space allocated for HD (currently 55 hours)? I don't mind reducing the SD space to 100ish hours in an effort to allocate more space to HD content. Thanks!
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    Long time subscriber - quit and start again?

    Slamminc11, I'd like to drop the channels you mentioned, but there are other family members that would revolt :-) I was asking if there was a lower price for the packages mentioned (bundles, monthly cash back, signing a 2 year contract, etc).
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    Long time subscriber - quit and start again?

    Thanks Bob. Are the charges being reworked for the better (if one has just the 722 receiver)? Here's what I have currently: - Dish Classic Bronze and locals $39.99 - HBO & Showtime $22 - DVR service fee $5.98 - Int'l Channels (Sony & Zee TV) 24.99 - 2 Premium Package - Adjustment -$10...
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    Long time subscriber - quit and start again?

    I'm an existing customer (over 7 years) and we have the 625. I want to upgrade to the 722K. I called in and CSR wants to continue to charge me $5.98/mo for the DVR fee. Any way to get out of this? I was also offered $5 off per month for 10months, 2 year contract, free install+equip. Good deal...
  8. S

    Will OTA chanels work in guide/DVR?

    Thanks for the info guys. It would be nice to be able to record the OTA uncompressed channels with one button recording. Guess they'll have to subscribe local channels also :-( Navychop: using a different credit card/name is not a prob. The current account is in my dad's name. They'll use my...
  9. S

    Will OTA chanels work in guide/DVR?

    Thanks for the info guys. Glad to see that local OTA channels will show up in the EPG. I assume they'll be able to use one touch recording for OTA then (neither one of you specified if one touch recording worked on OTA). I'm not too concerned about the PSIP as they dont use the DVR often for...
  10. S

    Will OTA chanels work in guide/DVR?

    My non-techie folks have a 522 and are well out of contract. I'd like to upgrade them to the HD only package and the 722 this summer. We'll probably cancel service and create a new contract. Some questions: - They have an outdoor antenna which can pick up OTA HD channels. Will these show up in...
  11. S

    Remote codes for Denon Rcvr & Syntax TV?

    Apparently the Philips code is supposed to work for the Syntax TV. Will try it in a week or so - TV is at my uncle's. BTW, did you use the generic Denon code - 2674 or something else?
  12. S

    522 dish remote - compatible with any a/v receiver?

    I have a Denon 2805 Recvr - sounds amazing. Generic Denon code (2674) doesnt work on the 522. Korsjs, which code did you use to control your Denon? I just need to turn it on/off and chg volume.
  13. S

    Remote codes for Denon Rcvr & Syntax TV?

    Thx for the tip. I checked the site and the codes are the same as those in the book. The generic Denon code (2674) does not work for my Denon 2805 Recvr. I tried going through the code scan routine, but gave up after 50 or 60 button pushes :-( Nothing on the Syntax TV on the site either
  14. S

    Remote codes for Denon Rcvr & Syntax TV?

    Hello, Does anyone have the 522 remote codes for the following: - Denon 2805 Receiver (generic "Denon" code didnt work) - Syntax Olevia 30" TV (no entry for "Syntax" in manual) I'd like to turn on/off both units and adjust vol on the Denon. Would the 510 use the same remote codes...
  15. S

    Syntax LCD + 921

    Apologies for the double posting. Also, I meant to type 720p, not 780p :-) - How good is the 921 at upscaling SD TV? - What's included in the free install? Does my friend have to buy any additional parts at all? - He's got the std dish antenna, does he need to upgrade the ant? Is that...
  16. S

    Any Costco 921 sightings yet?

    oops, sorry, I meant 720p. Thx for the feedback abt the 921 as an external scaler.
  17. S

    Syntax LCD + 921

    I posted a similar question in the Costco thread... I'm a newbie to 921 (I have a 522). I installed a nice LCD TV for a friend - the Syntax 30". SD TV looks very grainy on it :-( Can he purchase the 921 from Costco and NOT subscribe to HD channels/package? Does the free install coupon require...
  18. S

    Any Costco 921 sightings yet?

    I'm a newbie to 921 (I have a 522). I installed a nice LCD TV for a friend - the Syntax 30". SD TV looks very grainy on it :-( Can he purchase the 921 from Costco and NOT subscribe to HD channels/package? Does the free install coupon require signing up for the HD channels/package? The 921 is...
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    No audio on a few channels, TV1+Denon Recvr?

    Turned out to be a setting on the Denon. While fiddling with the remote, I accidently dropped it. Must have hit the right combo of buttons during the fall as everything started working! Oddly enough, I cant figure out how to go back to the original "problem" or how to fix it if required again...
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    No audio on a few channels, TV1+Denon Recvr?

    The 522 was set to output both PCM and Dolby. I'll check the Denon this evening and report back.
  21. S

    No audio on a few channels, TV1+Denon Recvr?

    Hello, Just hooked up the 522 to a Denon Receiver (2805) using an optical cable for the audio. Everything works well however I just noticed a very strange problem - There's no audio for 4 channels on TV1: 300 HBO-E 303 HBO-W 318 SHO-E 319 SHO-W All other channels (CNN, HBO2E, etc) are...
  22. S

    Bug 522 - record 2 shows at one time

    I agree that 1.62 is much more stable. I was rebooting once a week with 1.61 and I've only had to reboot 1.62 twice (once a month).
  23. S

    Bug 522 - record 2 shows at one time

    I set timers on the 522 to record 2 shows on 2 tuners and neither recorded. When I checked it later that evening, the 522 was acting weird (would not respond to some commands from the remote) and I had to reboot it. The following week, I changed one of the timers to start a minute earlier...
  24. S

    Dislikes/Bugs on the 522

    Sorry to hear abt the probs you're having with the 522. FWIW, our installers (Long Beach, CA) were very professional and waited for all software to download before they left. In fact the first 522 they installed died during the download and they swapped it out immediately. The second works...
  25. S

    L162 is downloading on 522

    Downloaded 162 overnite also. No PIP. Tuner preference is now enabled. When I powered off TV2 this AM, the unit would not respond to the power button (all other funcs seemed to work OK). Had to reboot. Everything seems to work now.