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  1. nlk10010

    Cancelling DISH

    I don't know if you directed that at me (since it followed my post), the OP or both, but thanks regardless. As I've always said, you vote with your wallet; nothing's perfect and I tried to keep both Dish and FIOS but in this economy it became impossible.
  2. nlk10010

    Cancelling DISH

    "Ugh. Chimney mount. Not a good idea. And no longer allowed, I believe." Well, it's academic now but the Dish tech put it up. It's a brick chimney and he sank some anchors into the mortar (easier than into the brick, I guess :( ). But it HAS stood the test of time, 6 years+. Really, my whole...
  3. nlk10010

    Cancelling DISH

    Just to add to this: I cancelled recently as well. The CSR I spoke with said nothing about the LNB, just the STB/DVR and remotes. She was pleasant and efficient, my understanding is that you will be charged for the current month regardless of when you cut off service so she asked if I wanted to...
  4. nlk10010

    DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

    Yea, well, if Dish itself went away it would be no big loss for me. Frankly, all Dish is succeeding in doing is demonstrating how little actual value they provide.
  5. nlk10010

    12/14/2011 6:32pm - Uplink Activity Report - 159 changes

    Yea, and now that FIOS & ATT have MSG-HD you have even less reason to stick around. :)
  6. nlk10010

    FIOS or Dish?

    I have both Dish and FIOS. I switched to FIOS because I had CV and their Internet (at least in my area) was horrible, speeds dropping to less than 1 down during the day. CV was either unable or unwilling to fix it. FIOS Internet (I have, I think, 25/25 but often get more) is rock-solid. I took a...
  7. nlk10010

    QVC HD

    Funny thing is, for some reason my favorite things to watch while I'm exercising are shopping channels. I have QVC-HD and HSN-HD on FIOS and they really look good. So while I think they'd be a plus on Dish there are quite a few others (e.g. WE-HD, ESPN/U-HD, Ovation-HD, to say nothing of the NY...
  8. nlk10010


    I agree, the very reason you need to take these things (e.g. hurricanes) seriously is because weather prediction has been and is still quite often inaccurate, at least until the storm is right on top of you, when it does little good. But, as you pointed out, weather science has improved from...
  9. nlk10010


    Frankly, being almost directly in the line of the eye, I was expecting my dish (1000.4 without any brace arms) and my neighbors' to come flying past my window at any moment. Not only did it stay affixed, but it appears to be still aimed properly. Most of the meteorologists got the track a bit...
  10. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    Funny, that had occurred to me as well. Thought that maybe Charlie figured out he could add channels at lower cost if they were "protected" from DVRing. Regardless, this seems fixed now. While I won't be recording Veria-HD often it was the "idea" of being able to record all my channels that...
  11. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    While I have my issues with Dish, thank you MattG for your presence here and for relaying our concerns to people who might be able to help.
  12. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    Thanks, that did the trick, I can record fine on Veria SD. It's just that there was one program that wifey wanted to see and I didn't want to have to wait up until 11:30PM to watch it. Just on principle it would be nice if this could be fixed; next time it may happen with a far more popular...
  13. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    I had forgotten WFN (SD OR HD) existed and of course I didn't notice the HD version was gone. As some others remarked about one of my favorite channels when it was in danger of being pulled "wouldn't miss WFN if it goes and don't want to pay to keep it". Depends on whose ox is being gored, I...
  14. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    OK, Matt, I'll try it. I had just assumed that the SD version wasn't on EA (like my locals).
  15. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    MattG: Thanks, but the hit to my receiver did nothing. VeriaHD still won't record on my 622. Is there a way to get the SD channel? I anticipate that Dish will just say that the 6-series DVRs are incompatible with some HD channels on EA. I hope I'm wrong, but I have a strange feeling........
  16. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    PM sent! And thanks, Tampa8. Nice to know I'm not completely crazy. :)
  17. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    There's something with that station (I'm on EA, BTW). I even tried tuning to it for a while; then, when I tried to "go back", I couldn't. I couldn't rewind AT ALL. Again, I'm not saying it's not an equipment problem, just that 218 is the ONLY station (of those I've watched, of course) that...
  18. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    You find it strange. :) Thank you, MattG. If Veria records with your equipment and no one else is having this problem I may need to have my 622 replaced (I mean, after all, that's what I'm spending, what is it, $6-7/month, for).
  19. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    Thanks, a reset did not correct the problem. I didn't think it would as I first noticed the issue about a week or so ago and my 622 most likely has reset itself a couple of times in the interim. I would be curious if others are seeing (or not seeing this) as well.
  20. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    Not only have I tried but I've actually succeeded in resetting the receiver many times in the past; however, if you are referring to resetting it since I noticed this problem then I don't think it has been, the thought actually hadn't occurred to me. I can try it, though. I also thought of...
  21. nlk10010

    Veria Won't Record (622)

    The title says it all. I have a 622 and have been trying to record a program on Veria (OK, OK, I know, why would I want to do that, let's just say I have my reasons). The entry shows up in my recorded programs, the recorded length is correct, but when I go to play it all I get is a black screen...
  22. nlk10010

    Lost Versus signal on both receivers at the same time this afternoon!

    Yea, well, now Golf, HGTV are back up but it's like a virus. I've had endless issues with, for example, FSC-HD exhibiting periodic video dropouts. Maybe this is the logical extension of all that. SOMETHING'S farkled.
  23. nlk10010

    Lost Versus signal on both receivers at the same time this afternoon!

    Golf, HGTV, etc., still down for me, although VS seems to be back up.....for now.
  24. nlk10010

    Lost Versus signal on both receivers at the same time this afternoon!

    I just lost a whole block of channels: Versus, FOOD, HGTV, Golf, etc. I'm on Eastern Arc as well.
  25. nlk10010

    Is HD Theatre Going Bye Buh?

    Yea, I actually like "Wheeler Dealers". But that's the only show on this channel I could name.