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  1. R

    Would the 942 be better with duel HD tuners?

    I have 942,and have 2 hd TV, I think 2 HD tuners in 942 is a must going forward as HDTV is going to be standard soon.
  2. R

    Will the 942 work with two uhf pro remotes?

    My 924 came with one IR and one UHF, But I am really insterested in getting one more UHF , Where can I get for good price ?, Could you please tell how I can enable TV1 to respond to UHF remote ?, I too have glass door and can make IR receiver respond well. thanks
  3. R

    942 Tv2

    My TV2 shows HD channels, including voom 10 channels, It does not show OTA channels.
  4. R

    sat 61.5 vs. 110

    |-),,,,,LOL, But CSR told me that this realignment to 61.5 is not covered under DHP as its addition of service.
  5. R

    sat 61.5 vs. 110

    I just spoke to CSR about what I am going to miss if I re-align 148 dish to 61.5 to get voom. Here is the list: Part 1 (This is same as the previous post) KFSF-TV 66 (TeleFutura) Vallejo KTNC-TV 42 (Azteca) Concord KMTP-TV 32 (Edu) KRCB-TV 22 (PBS) Cotati/Santa Rosa KTEH-TV 54...
  6. R

    sat 61.5 vs. 110

    Thanks Bryan, appreciate your quick reply. Looks like I have to call someone to realign this, as my local dish is on the edge of my 2nd floor roof, I am scared to climb my roof. Could you please tell what are those minor channels 148 picks ?< I rember about 9 channels that CSR told me ...
  7. R

    sat 61.5 vs. 110

    I am in san jose CA. I have South Asian Channel, American Top 60 + local, + HD+ trying to get 10-HD-VOOM(already paid 5$).
  8. R

    sat 61.5 vs. 110

    I am in same situation here, I have super dish and a dish 300. My switch check shows I have satellite signals from 110,119,121 and 148. When I called CSR they told me that I have to move local dish to 61.5, Can anyone please let me know by moving my local dish(guess 119) do I loose...
  9. R

    Post your VOOM Activation Stories here

    I did order last friday, CSR said I can get have these channels eventhough he did not know about 61.5 Dish is required and I do not have one. Went home after phone activation, and called CSR there was a wait of 45min, CSR checked my switches told finally you have to realign your second...
  10. R

    Wirless Phone Jacks

    When I got my dish installed, the Dish guy installed the one for me, He said it will cost 39.99, but when the bill came they charged me only 20$.