Search results for query: dish grounding

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  1. A

    Help Needed:

    An important question first: How many kilos/pounds/stones do you have at the ground frame of this setup, at the moment? This photo looks like much less than what would be needed, I guess. I won't post anything, till this is cleared up. Or you might soon be with a damaged dish.... Greetz, A33
  2. F

    Help Needed:

    Hello, I Have a 1.2m Channel Master Satellite Dish, Mounted to a moteck h180 H-H motor (See Manual), which is ground mounted to a pole that has a base attached to it, im in the UK and im very confused how to Align this motor and dish to track the arc correctly, and i'm here asking for help...
  3. Stuart Sweet

    Will pay-TV services drop locals in 2024?

    I hate to say it, but local broadcasting is on the ropes. 2023 ended up being a negative year for local broadcasters for several reasons. Long channel blackouts on DIRECTV, DISH, and others impacted their revenue. ATSC 3.0 was dealt a big blow when LG decided to stop supporting it. And of...
  4. Bobby

    AitTv adapter

    I don’t think Dish is offering them.
  5. tjboston5676

    AitTv adapter

    We still have them. I have a couple on my truck right now. Most techs will sell you one if you ask for it. Which would obviously require a tech visit. And if you live in area with a local channel that's been pulled for contract disputes you can usually get dish to install an antenna for free...
  6. dishdude

    AitTv adapter

    $15.56 for ground shipping to me, not too bad. This was $60 direct form dish. I'm concerned dish is no longer offering them.
  7. HipKat

    Switch to Eastern Arc

    El Paso, TX Locals are on the 119 only so you'll lose your locals if you swap to Eastern Arc TheKrell EA and WA LNBS both come in Slimline and "old-Style" chasis
  8. Mister B

    Switch to Eastern Arc

    I am thinking about switching from the Western Arc to Eastern. In a previous thread I asked about the LNB drift I am seeing on the "issues" under settings. A most knowledgeable member stated that it is due to a failing refurbished LNB or poorly aimed dish. I don't have a lot of faith that my...
  9. Stuart Sweet

    Should you put a TV antenna on your boat?

    Marine enthusiasts all over the country have spent the last month putting their boats into drydock. It’s time to start outfitting them for the next summer of fun. Now’s the time to start thinking about upgrades, and how you’re going to use the boat during those fun summer months. Not everyone...
  10. HipKat

    LNB Drift?

    Grounding has nothing to do with it. Bonding the dish to a ground point only serves to remove static from the Dish itself. LNB drift can come from to causes. One is a Dish that is not properly peaked, the other from an LNB, that may be a refurb or is failing.
  11. Mister B

    LNB Drift?

    I returned to DISH about two weeks ago and happened across the "issues" button in the "status" section of settings. It shows "LNB Drift detected". Sometimes it is both satellites and other times just one. The numbers in parenthesis are generally around -5 or -6. Most of the threads on this...
  12. P

    I need an education

    We lived in rural MN and used cable. Now we moved to the twin cities... and do OTA TV.... but ours works, and my friends does not, and yesterday a decent OTA portable antenna gave us the exact same problem. Here goes.... The house we bought at a satellite dish. I removed it and used the mast...
  13. A

    Dish Tailgater Pro Locals....HELP!

    It was actually 2 things for biggest problem was that I would go through the set-up process, scan for satellites, it would say not all satellites found, I would move on and all I could get was cable channels (ESPN, SECN, etc.) and I could not get any locals (CBS, FOX, etc.) the two...
  14. K

    Dish Tailgater Pro Locals....HELP!

    What did you do? Get a new receiver or find a mode that didn’t include 61.5? We must tailgate somewhat close to each other, and based on your previous posts I live across the river from you, but I use Montgomery locals on campus. No problem getting any channels but for the first time this year...
  15. Stuart Sweet

    FOOD FOR THOUGHT: They thought about grounding in 1749

    Technology is a big part of our modern lives. We don’t give a thought to all these modern conveniences. Whether it’s our phones, our TVs, or our cars, we spend all day surrounded in the latest tech. But all that really happened in the last several decades. Even 100 years ago, none of the things...
  16. Almighty1

    A day after leaving Dish Network, CEO starts as head of real estate giant, Erik Carlson was hired by Re/Max Holdings Inc.

    And that is a good summary of what I was trying to say. Just like there is Elon Musk and then there is Charlie. Charlie had things in the outer space first but look at who came out of nowhere and ahead of everyone including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, all of them started the companies from the...
  17. B

    Edision Mio+ with Hauppague 950Q OTA

    note that some newer E2 images like TNAP 4.2 and TNAP 5 show the SNR measurement, just like they do for satellite reception. Might be worth installing one of those in a spare slot just for that purpose
  18. cyberham

    Edision Mio+ with Hauppague 950Q OTA

    After trying the antenna 20 feet high on a mast, I quickly discovered height is not what counts in this situation. There was zero signal at 20 feet. But at about 4 feet off the ground, there is solid signal much of the time. Sunset time is tricky since the signal seems to drop out then briefly...
  19. Almighty1

    A day after leaving Dish Network, CEO starts as head of real estate giant, Erik Carlson was hired by Re/Max Holdings Inc.

    Ofcourse but that was back then, this is now. People get old and the company was way smaller back then and easier to manage. Ofcourse, CEOs get paid with stock options and then there are those who would take a $1 salary like Steve Jobs did. Every CEO is different as I am a CEO but of a...
  20. Juan

    A day after leaving Dish Network, CEO starts as head of real estate giant, Erik Carlson was hired by Re/Max Holdings Inc.

    Charlie built dish from the ground up...he knows how to hire good people who can make money...I don't think you know what a CEO does but they usually get paid by stock options with some their primary focus is to increase profits and stock prices..kicking back and collecting a pay check...
  21. Stuart Sweet

    Fitness Tips for Truck Drivers

    As an over-the-road truck driver, do you find it difficult to stay in shape? Most of your day is spent behind the wheel, with little free time to yourself. When you do have some time, you’re usually nowhere near a gym. To make fitness more difficult, it’s hard to enjoy a healthy meal on the...
  22. cyberham

    Weigel Channels

    One less reason to ever get a C-band dish now: I managed today to pull in all 7 Weigel channels OTA from KVOS in Bellingham, WA. It's 77 miles to the transmitter site yet reception is perfect. My OTA antenna is just 5 feet above ground which is the best location for reception. A lot simpler than...
  23. B

    Attempt at 15w

    last I checked 15W actually had hunderds of channels, the TuVes direct-to-home service from Latin America. Unfortunately only a few religious channels are ITC. Those transponders require a slightly stronger signal than VoA, so in case of marginal reception, they can be missed while VoA is coming...
  24. TheKrell

    Do I need 2 satellite dishes?

    These days both eastern and western arc satellite constellations consist of 2 orbital locations. Eastern arc: 61.5/72 Western arc: 110/119 Presumably each of your single satellite dishes was pointed at one of these locations. But if one of the dishes is now pointed at the ground, you should...
  25. Bruce

    Dish stock down 22% today as I type

    If Amazon ( or anyone else) wants the spectrum, they seem content to wait for Bankruptcy. With all the financial information I get via email newsletters, there has not even been a whisper in any of them that Dish has been approached about acquiring any of it. Even if so, Ergen might be wanting...