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  1. D

    Question about new service

    Another question. According to Directv's FAQ, the monthy reciever lease fee covers the reciever so if it breaks, they will send out a replacement with no extra charge and the protection plan covers other hardware, I am guessing switch, LNB and stuff. Is this the same with Dish also or do you...
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    Question about new service

    I guess techincally it may not be new service. I had dish about five years ago and am thinking about coming back for their TurboHD service. I would order from their web page and decline the two year contract. My co-worker just advised me that when she ordered from the web site, declining the...
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    HD Fury - It looks amazing!!!

    But how will the Fury hold up when companies start revoking HDCP keys?
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    Anyone doing Wi-Fi installs..

    I have a Linksys WRT54G in my house and it is pretty good, has alright encryption, NAT firewall and allows VPN passthrough. Something that is being used for a business, I myself would go with 3Com, they have a very good enterprise products but you will pay for it.
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    NEW HD channel being added?

    Here in Walla Walla it looks like we are getting INHD. On the Moxi box, on channel 793 it states INHD and has the logo, though it cant be watched yet. I wonder if we will only get INHD1 or also INHD2. If only they would add UniversalHD. Here is the HD lineup in Walla Walla so far: HDNet...
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    Bad News for HD DVD future Consumers...

    Well, HDDVD is off the winner list according to this article HD only over digital connections. We can only pray that Blu-Ray will support component.
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    Moxi HD-DVR box

    I have the Moxi box. I have had it for two months and I like it alot. The VOD feature of Charter is pretty niffty to. The 3.2 update just made the box better.
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    Moxi HD-DVR box

    Got the 3.2 update yesterday here in Walla Walla. I like it!!! The natvie pass through works as advertised and it is nice not having to switch all the time through the menu. Analogs look a little better, a noticable difference. All in all, 5 out of 5.
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    PS3 Tech Demo = WOW!!!!!!!!!

    According to this article the games you are seeing on the Xbox360 are only running at 1/3 thier potential power. Just FYI
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    Moxi HD-DVR box

    I thought the native pass through was going to bypass the AD converter somehow and send the analog signal to the tv in analog form so the tv can do with it what it wants to, i.e., do its own upconverting or leave it alone?
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    Charter DSL-Anyone know anything about it?

    Well, you kinda have your terminology mixed up. DSL is provided through your phone company. Charter offers cable broadband, commonly called Charter High Speed. For the fastest service, 3megs download 256k upload, it runs $39.99 if you have cable tv through Charter and $49.99 if you dont...
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    Moxi HD-DVR box

    When I called and asked, they said that it "could possibly" be out between April 28th and May 8th. In my opinion, they dont really know but its probably soon. I have heard that DVI will be supported as will native resolution pass through and the scaler is supposed to be improved upon so that...
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    First impressions with Charter

    The first 100 is analog, the Moxi tries to upconvert it to the set resolution but it looks horrible. The 3.2 update is supposed to allow native pass through, I cant wait.
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    Moxi HD-DVR box

    I love my Moxi. I just switched from E* and this is my first DVR and it is just cool. I guess I dont mind the way the guide is, its just as fast as a grid in my opinion, and I dont know of any other recording options from Tivo since I have never had one. The only thing that I dont like about...
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    May 4 - Live Retailer Chat Recap!

    Well, I can start a movie anytime I want. Pause it, rewind it, fast forward,stop it and play it again at a later time where I left off. This is with Charter and the Moxi DVR anyways. I love it, and its free.
  16. D

    E* HD-Lite?

    I will find the link later and post but on AVSForum, there is a person stating that the HDPPV channl on E* is downrezzed to 1280x1080, just like D* HD channels. Now its only on the HDPPV now but what would stop them from doing it to the rest of them? Just thought this was info that people...
  17. D

    E* full of it when cancelling?

    Well the DVR is a Moxi which has two tuners both capable of HD and I only have 1 tv so its not a big deal if it can feed two tvs or not. The locals here in Walla Walla arent doing HD yet but I have contacted the stations and the Charter local office and everyone says that everything is signed...
  18. D

    E* full of it when cancelling?

    Well, I called to cancel my account today and man did the CSR have a ton of crap to tell me. I told them that I was switching to Charter because they have more HD than them, they have a better DVR and because I am switching, I can get everything they offer HD and DVR included for 70.00 a month...
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    Xbox live use in Hotel Rooms with High Speed Internet

    I thought the Xbox let you spoff MAC address. I thought in the network settings in advanced, you could set the MAC manually if you wanted. Not sure but I thought.
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    900,000 subscriptions

    But didnt Directv lose 2.2 BILLION dollars for the first 5 years of service? I think that if the investors and board of directros could actually look long term instead of the next quarter, Voom will be a great success.
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    Cablevision Enters into Interim Agreement Regarding VOOM

    I agree with the guy above, Sr. Dolan will throw a stink about the 3rd sat company and deal will go boom on E*
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    Radio Shack vs. AntennasDirect?

    If your only 6 miles from the tower, why not try a Zenith silver sensor? You can get one from for under $30.00(at least when I bought mine). I use mine and get signals from about 40 miles away no problem, though I do need to tweak it a bit to get the best signal.
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    30" 16:9 CRT HDTV

    I would almost go with the toshiba since almost all the HD games for Xbox are in 720p
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    I think BluRay will win because they mass amounts of storage. I think HD-DVD tops out at like 50gigs, and blueray already has a prototype of 200gigs!! Oh yeah, BluRay all the way.