Recent content by sprintcarcrazy

  1. S

    Anyone unhappy with Absolute HD?

    I am happy, was on AEP at $160 a month, killed a few recievers, now at like $58 a month. Spouse required Lifetime and LMN, get locals in HD, everyone is happy !
  2. S

    CMDY ?? is it a preview week for it?

    I have the HD Only, also now getting CMT now, but not in HD yet
  3. S

    New HD subscriber, having second thoughts

    I have a couple extra 211's, just PM me and we can work something out.
  4. S

    One of our good neighbors has experienced a Tragedy !

    I posted this out there because I want as much exposure as I can get for them. I donated and set up the benefitfund website and my other neighor is administrator of it. This family has 3 other kids to take care of and if she does recover, I hope they have a house to come home to as Mom had just...
  5. S

    One of our good neighbors has experienced a Tragedy !

    Yes, little Maragret was strapped into her booster seat in the back seat on the passenger side. The impact was on the drivers side rear door. The impact completely fractured her spinal cord in the neck. If she makes it, she will never walk again, move her body or breath on her own. Her 16...
  6. S

    One of our good neighbors has experienced a Tragedy !

    One of our good neighbors has experienced a terrible tragedy ! If you have any way to help, it would be greatly appreciated. They may very likely loose their home and their daughter and they have three other children to shelter !
  7. S

    Block Buster vs Netflix

    So far, I have went through a bunch of movies in a few weeks, got one bad disk and hit the report problem option and a new one is on the way. I have no complaints with Net Flix for now, it's been great, just hope they keep up the good work. Wish they would add an option to get x-box games !
  8. S

    Where can I buy a new or good used 622?

    I have a 622 for sale. Perfect condition !
  9. S

    Must have Blu-Ray or DVD !!

    I like to watch him, but he wasn't my tops, but after that show, he's tied for the #1 spot with us.
  10. S

    Must have Blu-Ray or DVD !!

    We watched the Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas on Blu-Ray last night and I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna puke !!!! You have to see this one !!! Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special [Blu-ray]: Jeff Dunham, N/a: Movies & TV
  11. S

    HD Tuner Count Limits

    You have to go through the CEO office, but at one time, I had 4 622's and 4 211's on my account. I now have 2 622's, a 722 and 4 211's 2 211's are leased, the 622 and 722 are leased, rest were purchased. They do get picky about phone line connections, etc
  12. S

    Will Blockbuster run out of BD titles after Christmas?

    I think you will see increased wait time for BB and Netflix for a while....
  13. S

    Worst Product of the year?

    My wife called me from the store the other day and asked about Whorton or some movie, said it was animated and blue ray was $30 and DVD was 15, I said it was for the kids and they could care less what it looked like, so she got the DVD
  14. S

    Block Buster vs Netflix

    I have cancelled Blockbuster for now and will keep Netflix. So far, turn around time has been great. I got the dark Night in just with little wait, can watch stuff on the Xbox and PC. Netflix has a new Dist Center thats within 1 day on mail, unlike before. Now of I start getting screwed...
  15. S

    Can Dish Network survive as a company?

    I have been with Dish for about 13 years, well something like that, except for a month stint with cable. There DVR rocks, and don't forget, we had alot more HD for like a year than what the Direct folks had. For now, there is no reason to think they won't be around for a long while.