Recent content by renegade734

  1. renegade734

    Dish TV DVR issues, VIP 211K

    Failing external hard drive ... ?
  2. renegade734

    Seagate 1TB Mobile HDD for Wally?

    Try it and see. What have you got to lose?
  3. renegade734

    Missing channel

    Good luck watching TV with eLon lol
  4. renegade734

    Forbes’ Profile/Hit Piece of Charles Ergen

    Hit piece, indeed, but nothing we haven't heard before
  5. renegade734

    Can hopper 3 be used without signal?

    Wait ... up to four days to do a roof? You must have a really large house! I hope you got a good quote.
  6. renegade734

    Eight CBS-owned The CW affiliates to become independent stations in September 2023

    I'm not holding my breath. The issue has been going on since this NextGen stuff started in Detroit. Nothing has ever been done about it. What it comes down to, its this: If Scripps really wants eyeballs on CW20/WMYD, it's on them to take whatever steps are necessary to fix this issue, seeing...
  7. renegade734

    Eight CBS-owned The CW affiliates to become independent stations in September 2023

    Dish Network is going to have to address the issue with WXYZ's guide data showing up on WMYD in order for people to be able to watch. When CW was on WKBD, then WADL, guide data was correct. This will not be the case after 11/13.
  8. renegade734

    Possible good Tapatalk News

    Tappytalk is junk. No loss if it just disappears. Sent from my computer using my fingers.
  9. renegade734

    Republic Wireless shutting down as Dish moves customers over to Boost Infinite

    Went to the website. No coverage map of any sort. Hope it's not limited to the old Nextel network, or your phone will be a paperweight if you're not in a major metropolitan area or near a freeway. I'm on T-Mobile prepaid. $15/month for unlimited talk/text and 3.5GB/data.
  10. renegade734

    Repointing Dish after 129 Shuts Down

    d¡sh ... lol ... because the letter "i" is difficult to type :oops:
  11. renegade734

    Nexstar Channels in Washington DC DMA

    What does the 'cryptic in screen note' say?
  12. renegade734

    Dish Scapes on 199 is interesting

    Too bad for you, then ...