Recent content by rad

  1. rad

    Channel 104 going away

    Noticed today that channel 104 is now saying ‘This channel is no longer available. We regret any inconvenience.’. Sorry to see it go, sometimes they had some real nice eye candy one there or a concert.
  2. rad

    New Genie Menus Coming in July

    Probably isn’t costing them much if anything since they have programming staff there already. For customer service improvements you’re taking big bucks to bring call centers back to the US.
  3. rad

    Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

    The point is they can lower their regular fuel price to help compete with the non-major brands by making up the lost revenue by increasing the premium prices.
  4. rad

    Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

    No, not boat gas. IMHO they hike the price in premium so they can reduce the price of regular.
  5. rad

    Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

    I try to use gas from ‘Top Tier’ stations since that’s what Lexus recommends, but within that I try to use Gas Buddy to find those stations with the cheapest price. The wife’s car requires premium and some stations charge .90 cents more than regular, a spread that’s out of line IMHO.
  6. rad

    DirecTV allows subs to drop locals

    Well, this really sucks for us folks with HS17's, have that nice USB port on the back but can't use an AM21 or LCC to get OTA channels. I still have an AM21 laying around in the closet, maybe I should see about swapping the HS17 out for an HR54. Not only save the $12 but also get the ability to...
  7. rad

    Dune (2020)

    All I know is the showings here at the theater I use have been close to sell out for all showings.
  8. rad

    D11 outage 2/27/2024 (Resolved on 2/28)

    Well it hit our locals so yep knew about it.
  9. rad

    D11 outage 2/27/2024 (Resolved on 2/28)

    I'd live to see the post mortem on this incident.
  10. rad

    D11 outage 2/27/2024 (Resolved on 2/28)

    Maybe they'll start to use all those reverse band transponders if the sat is gone for good. I just hope they don't do like when HD first came out on D* and go to HD lite to fit all the missing channels in the bandwidth remaining.
  11. rad

    Does DIRECTV’s wireless boxes work as well as regular ones?

    My two cents, while both the C41W and C61W work the UI experience is much better with the C61W, couldn’t even tell it was a wireless client.
  12. rad

    Will you buy an Apple Watch?

    For new unsold units or also do it for the ones people already have? If they do that I can see a class action happening.
  13. rad

    Will pay-TV services drop locals in 2024?

    Since DIRECTV decided that supporting either the old AM21 or the newer LCC for integrating local channels via OTA, like the prior STB's did, if they drop locals I drop DIRECTV. Yes I have other ways to get our locals but not a fan of having to go to multiple places to view programming since the...
  14. rad

    How to change a DIRECTV Gemini from wired to wireless mode

    Don't you need to also call DIRECTV to have them change the account to use the MAC address of whatever network connection you're using? Last I knew the Genie's look at the MAC address of the clients to see if they're authorized for the account and the wireless and wired adapters each have their...
  15. rad

    Tegna dispute IS OVER!

    They have a right to make a profit, yes. They also have a right to go out of business if they can’t adjust to changes in the market. Maybe there needs to be a major change in how the entertainment business works, starting all the way at the top. Stop paying millions of dollars to the stars of...