Recent content by jetsetter

  1. J

    Best deal for new Dish Network customer?

    I ordered it through them a month or so ago - Its not a non-English speaking company - they do speak English, just a bit poorly and with an accent (I am sure, you will get the same when you do become a Dish customer and call CS!). They mailed me the $200 check within 2 weeks after install as...
  2. J

    Just ordered DISH - Questions about other services

    OK - So, I finally got around to signing up for DISH today - Installed scheduled for tomorrow already... Dish Hopper w/Sling, 1 Super Joey and 2 Joey's...excited about it and was pleasantly surprised that am getting install within 24 hours of ordering and that too on a Sunday! So, I currently...
  3. J

    New Installs get just Hopper or Hopper with sling

    It seems like their are two flavors of Hopper - one with sling and one without... During the ordering process, I did not see an option to select Hopper w/Sling... Are all the new installs Hopper w/Sling or do I need to pay extra to get that? Thanks
  4. J

    Coming back to DISH...with questions

    OK - Seems like a simple question - but did not see any answers to this on the Press Release or other places either... When do these new disney channels become available? I know that's one of the main reasons I have waited this long, as my kids want Disney Jr and I don't want to sign up to find...
  5. J

    Coming back to DISH...with questions

    ??? What does that mean?
  6. J

    Coming back to DISH...with questions

    OK - So, I used to be a DISH customer and then switched to FIOS for a while...and am interested in coming back to DISH now since Disney deal is done - Kids had to have Disney Jr, so waited for this to happen. Here are my questions: 1. I have a couple of 722 Receivers when I was a customer...
  7. J

    DISH Reaches Long Term Agreement with DISNEY / ESPN / ABC

    So when do these new channels become available?
  8. J

    Thinking of coming back to Dish - Best Offers?

    I was with Dish for 7 years before I left for FIOS over 2 1/2 years ago. I am interested in coming back to DISH again, due to their huge list of International Programming - that does not seem to be be available anywhere else - plus, my VZ promo rates are now finished :-) I went through their...
  9. J

    722K that DISH did not want back...after account cancellation

    Matt - It says the following: MattG@ DISH NETWORK has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her. Maybe you can PM me and I can respond back. Thanks
  10. J

    722K that DISH did not want back...after account cancellation

    OK - I called and they looked it up and said, it's clear of all charges...
  11. J

    722K that DISH did not want back...after account cancellation

    When I cancelled my DISH account 6 or so months ago, DISH only wanted me to return TWO of my receivers (622 and 211) - I am not sure why, but I asked them several times (chat and phone) if they wanted the third receiver back - but they had no record of it and did not want back....That's the 722...
  12. J

    Whole house DVR

    Does anyone know if FIOS Home DVR viewing works the same way? Does it have the same limitations as Direct's? Thanks
  13. J

    Western Arc Install in FL? Am I going to lose any channels...

    OK - I had two dishes pointed to (110/119 & 61.5) and now in order to get the new HD's on 129 - they are putting a single 1000+ dish pointing to 110,118.7,119 and 129 - the Western Arc setup... I have Internationals, Locals (HD), Americas Top 250 and All HD's - am I going to lose any of them...
  14. J

    Another failed install....

    Well - after the new HD were only added to 72.7 and 129, I had scheduled an appointment with Dish to come out and put the appropriate setup for me to get the new channels... I have 61.5 (for Internationals, HD & Locals) and 110/119 setup today and at that point, Dish CSR had told me that I was...
  15. J

    Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

    I just got done with the chat... They said they will be giving me a 1000.4 dish that will be pointed to 61.5, 72 and 72.7 and will allow me to get my locals (Tampa, FL) and International channels that I currently have along with Top 250... My current setup included 2 dishes - 61.5 and another...