Recent content by Harley65

  1. H

    Problems Programming RC66RX Remote

    I have the RC73 and they work fine but I want to get the RC66RX to work also. harshness how do you get the RC66 to work? Tom Speer how do you set the C61 and the RC66 to use IR?
  2. H

    Problems Programming RC66RX Remote

    I have a Universal remote RC66RX and I'm trying to program it to a Genie Mini C61-500. I can get it to change Volumes but I can't Control any thing else. If I press the menu button nothing happens. I have tried all the fixes. I also have tried multiple remotes the only ones that work are the RC73.
  3. H

    DirecTV Aim 2.0 Meter Detailed Instructions or a Training Course

    Is there a DirecTV Aim 2.0 Meter Detailed use Instructions (Video) or a Training Course available.
  4. H

    Directv Satelite dish 103 testing Problem

    I have a slimline dish on a tripod for my camper with a SL5K4NR0-01 LNB. After using the aim 2.0 meter to align the dish the only test that fails is 103 SNR Odd Failed any ides on how to correct it all
  5. H

    Upgrade RV from H24-700 to HR54-500 Problem

    Sounds like with what I do it would be better to get an AIM Meter? If I switch to a Genie System. You have been very helpful thank you.
  6. H

    Upgrade RV from H24-700 to HR54-500 Problem

    When I'm camping the dish has to dissembled everyday when I move the camper to go fishing. How do you know if it's pointed correctly?
  7. H

    Upgrade RV from H24-700 to HR54-500 Problem

    Any recommendations on which model the one I look at was $799.00
  8. H

    Upgrade RV from H24-700 to HR54-500 Problem

    In my camper I’m running a DIRECTV H24-700 receiver with a SL5K4NR0-01 LNB. Using a Acutrac 22 MKII Pro Meter to point the dish. If I change to a Genie receiver to HR54-500 and change the LNB to a SL3 (3D2RBLNR0-01) what meter would I use to point the dish. The reason I’m asking is if the...
  9. H

    Channel 323 and 272 Freezing After 10 minutes

    Anyone on this. I noticed today the last two days the channels don't freeze anymore and the 920 error has gone away a week after AT&T turning it over to engineering. I'm not convinced that they did anything because the software number have not changed. The only difference is that it's not...
  10. H

    Channel 323 and 272 Freezing After 10 minutes

    I noticed today the last two days the channels don't freeze anymore and the 920 error has gone away a week after AT&T turning it over to engineering. I'm not convinced that they did anything because the software number have not changed. The only difference is that it's not raining in Calif the...
  11. H

    Channel 323 and 272 Freezing After 10 minutes

    Resetting thru the menu doesn't work ether.
  12. H

    Channel 323 and 272 Freezing After 10 minutes

    I understand the Genie if you have three TV's that if you watch a live program that it takes away one recording. If watch two live TV's it takes away two recordings. With three DVR's I can record three programs and watch three live show's. Correct me if this is not correct.
  13. H

    Channel 323 and 272 Freezing After 10 minutes

    It's the picture. Red Button Reset, refreshed. Everything I've read says this is a problem with the 500 serials boxes.
  14. H

    Channel 323 and 272 Freezing After 10 minutes

    I just had two DVR's HR24/500 replaced and noticed channel 272 which I watch all the time freezes after 10 minutes. I checked the HR24/100 and there is no problem with it . Any help here.