First Look: The New Weather Channel Interactive

There's enough typing in this damn thread about the weather on the 8's that we have written more than the actual software code itself! :confused:
actually I did look at a lot of the team summit posts, I will admit I did forget the last few pages he posted.

anyway for anyone who doesn't want to look thru 18 pages of other stuff, while just as fun to read, here is what Scott posted on the Local on 8's:

Oh well at least it's only a 1 month delay.It's better they fix the bugs before they release it.
I noticed this evening that at the top of the hour before the local forecast appears that the Dish Network logo and 6 digit ID number were missing.
Wondering if this is a bad or good sign?
I know that previous posts have stated that the rollout will be sometime in June.
If anyone else has noticed the logo missing let us know.
I noticed this evening that at the top of the hour before the local forecast appears that the Dish Network logo and 6 digit ID number were missing.
Wondering if this is a bad or good sign?
I know that previous posts have stated that the rollout will be sometime in June.
If anyone else has noticed the logo missing let us know.

that's a normal thing that happens a lot of times, and not just to the sat companies, but to cable as well. nothing big at all, no sign that it's bad or good.
AT&T Homezone

Any word if Dish has planned on rolling this out to it. Im getting it installed june 15. Last word was 2007.
Every time someone asks, Dish bumps the date by 60 days....
They can't win.

Read all the threads about 721 problems saying " I didn't want these extra features, I just wanted my receiver to be stable. "

If they take their time to avoid problems, then people complain about that too.
They can't win.
Yeah they can: Quit announcing products or features long before they're ready. In the time they announced this feature and it still hasn't shown up, DirecTV could have really pushed and beat them out the door with a working feature. At work, we've got a few salespeople who just happen to be located in the same building but we're careful what we tell them we're working on. We've made that mistake and got an "order" for a product or feature that was 3-6 months away from production !!
Yeah they can: Quit announcing products or features long before they're ready. In the time they announced this feature and it still hasn't shown up, DirecTV could have really pushed and beat them out the door with a working feature. At work, we've got a few salespeople who just happen to be located in the same building but we're careful what we tell them we're working on. We've made that mistake and got an "order" for a product or feature that was 3-6 months away from production !!
I've got both E* and FIOS. I've watched this thread for months now and like everyone else, waited to see what would happen. Today, I turned on FIOS and noticed in addition to their usual Music Choice channels, they've added an additional 47 MTV channels as well. No hype, no announcement.
Yeah they can: Quit announcing products or features long before they're ready. In the time they announced this feature and it still hasn't shown up, DirecTV could have really pushed and beat them out the door with a working feature. At work, we've got a few salespeople who just happen to be located in the same building but we're careful what we tell them we're working on. We've made that mistake and got an "order" for a product or feature that was 3-6 months away from production !!
In the past E* used tro play their cards close to the vest..They usually did not annouce until the whatever it is was ready to be delivered to the market...They may be a little more loose lipped and with the inquisitive nature of people on this and other satellite sites, stuf gets out that may or may not be true...
I look at it this way...When it's here I will say , "ok it's here"....Other than that I don't care...Quite frankly I wish this silly thread would be closed by the mods..
In the past E* used tro play their cards close to the vest..They usually did not annouce until the whatever it is was ready to be delivered to the market...

They still do that with regards to programming, but the Engineering department seems to want to pre-announce features. Perhaps they are trying to avoid people switching providers for some feature that E* plans to release in the near future...
For years now one of the big complaints posted by folks new to Satellite TV is the lack of local weather information on the Weather Channel.

Well all that is about to change as Dish Network is getting ready to roll out its new Weather Channel Interactive service!

SatelliteGuys.US is proud once again to give you another first look at the exciting new enhanced interactive service coming soon from Dish Network and The Weather Channel.


The new interactive service will use Overlays and full screen slideshows to give you your local weather information from over 19,000 cities and over 33,000 zip codes throughout the US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. What is neat is that your receiver will automaticlly default to your zip code based on your Dish Network account. (Yes you can change this in the settings)


Users will be able to store up to 5 favorite cities in their settings.

In addition for the first time ever Satellite viewers will be able to view their full local weather information on the Weather on The 8's!


Dish Network viewers will be presented with a banner prompting them to press SELECT for their local weather. When the viewers presses SELECT, the Locals on the 8s slideshow presentation begins. The information presented in the slide show consists of: Current Conditions, Severe Weather Alerts, Local Observations, Regional Radar, Daypart Forecast, Short Term Forecast, 5-Day Extended Forecast. The information is presented with the stame style and look that cable tv viewers enjoy today.

In addition the new TWC Interactive can alert viewers of area Weather Alerts for their area.


Unlike the old OpenTV Interactive Weather application the new Weather Channel Interactive supports 12 regional radar maps. And more importantly the forecast information and regional radar maps are updated approximately every 15-20 minutes instead of only a few times a day.

When the new TWC Interactive rolls out (and the rollout is expected within the next few days) viewers will be able to access the new TWC Interactive a few ways.

The first being by going to Channel 100 (Dish Interactive) and Selecting The Weather Channel from the News Category.

The second being by going to the Weather Channel (Channel 214) and by pressing select on your remote when an icon or banner appear.

Our thanks to the folks at Dish Network for once again giving SatelliteGuys members another First Look!

Here is the thread regarding my last post on the mutilpe screen shots for ch. 214...rolou21.

622 backhaul question

Homeowners Association on the Warpath - Advice Please!
