Actually Spielberg and his company Dreamworks has complete control over all his movies and what format they are released on. Perhaps Spielberg is waiting for there to be only one format to release his movies.

Actually Spielberg and his company Dreamworks has complete control over all his movies and what format they are released on. Perhaps Spielberg is waiting for there to be only one format to release his movies.
Well Bob said HD DVD and did not mention that it was BD as well, so I wanted to inform those that didn't realize that.
And, i personally didn't like Jurassic Park, but I bet it would look great and would rent it.
Now Back to the Future is a definite buy. I was thinking the other night about having that list of all the sports outcomes and how much money i would make lol.
The Departed and Babel will be excellent barometers as to how the current market is faring..... Available on both formats, and NEW titles, not catalog. I like Backdraft as much as the next guy, but I'm not buying it again when I own it on DVD. Ditto for a bunch of other catalog releases. OK, I bought Under Siege, but only because my old LASERDISC rarely gets used nowadays....
What's "The Prestige"?... I never heard of it....
if you havent seen the illusionist that is an amazing movie (has nothing to do with HD DVD or Bluray or anything, just thought I would throw that in there)
What's "The Prestige"?... I never heard of it....