Questions about


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 28, 2006
I entered my address and showed that I would get 7 local HD channels. I then entered the addresses of my neighbor next door (two story house) and my neighbor across the street (one story house). Both of them would get 15 local HD channels. WTH! Is there a good possibility that with a powerful enough antenna I could pick up several more channels? Or is the info on 100% accurate? Thanks.
Antennaweb does not tell what stations are HD, just digital. For my address it says I can get 4 stations 2 of then have no HD and are low power.
They do not list one station that has been fullpower for over a year and is HD.
They do not list 5 other stations from a city north of me that are all full power and HD. I can get them all but the 2 low power stations, for my address antennaweb is useless
Your reception will vary.

Antennaweb is a good site for information. There's no way they can predict your reception 100% accurately because there are so many variables. That would include antenna differences, obstructions, terrain, and even what kind of receiver you use. Because of that many times it provides a conservative estimate of stations you will receive. Also, depending on where you are some stations are not yet at full power and so do not have the range of full power stations.
antennaweb is just a guide, and is very conservative when it comes to predicting digital station reception. A good check is to go to antennaweb, input your address but click "options" and set your height to 100ft. For many people this gives a more realistic view of reception possibilities. If you do this and then post your results back here we can give you some advice on antennas.
Thanks for the feedback. :)

OK. I set height to 100 feet and the prediction showed 40 channels, 19 of them digital. Here's the antenna type info: 4 green (4 digital), 31 red (14 digital), 3 blue (0 digital), 2 violet (1 digital). Looks like the red type, or Medium Directional would be my best choice.

Of the 19 digital channels shown, how do I discern which ones are HD? Would I get more HD channels OTA than the HD locals shown when I input my address on the E* site?
The summary does not help much, you need to copy and paste the complete antennaweb results into your post. Also you need to tell us if you need the analog stations until they go away in 2009, or just the digitals - that has a big impact on your choice of antenna.
To determine which do a little of their broadcasts in HD you need to go to another source, such as

The only stations that do any where near HD all the time are PBS stations and they probably do only 60% HD.

Most network stations do 3-5 hours per day in HD maybe up to 9 hours on weekends with sports.
I won't need analogs past 2009.

Here's the antennaweb info...


*green - vhfKNTV-DT 11.1 NBC SAN JOSE CA 301° 45.4 12
*green - uhfKDTV-DT 14.1 UNI SAN FRANCISCO CA 343° 19.6 51
*green - uhfKSTS-DT 48.1 TEL SAN JOSE CA 343° 19.6 49
*green - uhfKICU-DT 36.1 INDSAN JOSE CA 343° 18.9 52
red - uhfKKPX 65 i SAN JOSE CA 158° 7.2 65
red - uhfKTEH 54 PBS SAN JOSE CA 344° 18.9 54
red - uhfKICU 36 IND SAN JOSE CA 343° 18.9 36
*red - uhf KSMS-DT 31.1 UNI MONTEREY CA 139° 13.9 31
red - uhfKSTS 48 TEL SAN JOSE CA 343° 19.6 48
red - uhfKDTV 14 UNI SAN FRANCISCO CA 343° 19.6 14
*red - uhfKCSM-DT 43.1 PBS SAN MATEO CA 304° 49.5 43
*red - uhfKKPX-DT 65.1 i SAN JOSE CA 301° 45.4 41
red - uhfKBCW44 CW SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 44
*red - uhfKBCW-DT 44.1 CW SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 45
red - uhfKCNS 38 SAH SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 38
*red - uhfKCNS-DT 38.1 SAH SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 39
red - vhfKGO 7 ABC SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 7
*red - uhfKGO-DT 7.1 ABC SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 24
red - uhfKBWB 20 IND SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.6 20
*red - uhfKBWB-DT 20.1 IND SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.6 19
red - vhfKPIX 5 CBS SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 5
*red - uhfKPIX-DT5.1CBSSAN FRANCISCOCA 304° 49.6 29
red - uhfKTSF 26 IND SAN FRANCISCO CA 301° 45.4 26
*red - uhfKTSF-D 26.1 IND SAN FRANCISCO CA 301° 45.4 27
red - vhfKTVU 2 FOX OAKLAND CA 304° 49.5 2
*red - uhfKTVU-DT 2.1 FOX OAKLAND CA 304° 49.5 56
red - uhfKFSF 66 TFA VALLEJO CA 304° 49.5 66
*red - uhfKFSF-DT 66.1 TFA VALLEJO CA 304° 49.5 34
red - vhfKQED 9 PB SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 9
*red - uhfKQED-DT 9.1 PBS SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 30
red - uhfKMTP 32 IND SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 32
*red - uhfKMTP-DT 33.1 IND SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 33
red - vhfKRON 4 MNT SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 4
*red - uhfKRON-DT 4.1 MNT SAN FRANCISCO CA 304° 49.5 57
red - vhfKNTV 11 NBC SAN JOSE CA 301° 45.4 11
blue - uhf KAXT-CA 22 IND SANTA CLARA-SAN JOSE CA 30° 9.0 22
blue - uhfKTLN 68 IND NOVATO CA 313° 76.1 68
blue - vhf KSBW 8 NBC SALINAS CA 133° 38.6 8
*violet - uhfKTLN-DT 47.1 IND NOVATO CA 313° 76.1 47
violet - uhf KTEH1 54 PBS SANTA CRUZ CA 155° 8.5 54

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Well, you have one VHF digital now KNTV-DT 11.1 ch 12 and in 2009 KGO is reverting to channel 7.

You need a UHF/VHF fringe antenna with a pre-amp. You have stations within 20 miles of you so hopefully they won't overload your tuner if you use a Channel Master 7777 pre-amp. Alternately a Winegard HDP-269 is a lower dB unit that is more resistant to overload.

Antenna wise you are probably looking at a Winegard 8200 or a Channel Master Crossfire 3671.

Directionwise The closer stations are toward San Jose (20 miles) at about 345 degrees (NNW) and San Francisco (45 miles) is at about 305 degrees (NW).
I'm new at this antenna thing. i hope you all can help me out. according to antenna web i thought i wouldn't be able to get much OTA. especially considering i have alot of trees and am in a low spot. yesterday i bought one of those small indoor antenna (vhf,uhf,fm) just as a test. i was surprised to find that i could get about 20 stations clear. Of those 10 were in HD. however the picture would freeze , skip and loose signal frequently on most as well as audio drop out. i took it back and now i am looking for an antenna that will pull these in properly. i read the previous suggestion to put in a 100 ft. option on antennaweb and the following are the results. any suggestions?

DTV Antenna
Type Call Sign Channel Network City State Live
Date Compass
Orientation Miles
From Frequency
* yellow - uhf WBTV-DT 3.1 CBS CHARLOTTE NC 211° 34.5 23
* yellow - uhf WCNC-DT 36.1 NBC CHARLOTTE NC 209° 35.2 22
red - uhf WHKY 14 IND HICKORY NC 262° 22.9 14
red - uhf W66BT 66 TBN STATESVILLE NC 122° 2.8 66
red - uhf WXLV 45 ABC WINSTON-SALEM NC 46° 49.8 45
red - uhf WUNL 26 PBS WINSTON-SALEM NC 46° 49.8 26
* red - uhf WUNL-DT 26.1 PBS WINSTON-SALEM NC 46° 49.7 32
red - vhf WXII 12 NBC WINSTON-SALEM NC 46° 49.6 12
* red - uhf WXII-DT 12.1 NBC WINSTON-SALEM NC 46° 49.6 31
red - uhf WUNE 17 PBS LINVILLE NC 295° 53.4 17
* red - uhf WUNE-DT 17.1 PBS LINVILLE NC 295° 53.4 54
red - uhf WCNC 36 NBC CHARLOTTE NC 209° 35.2 36
red - vhf WBTV 3 CBS CHARLOTTE NC 211° 34.5 3
red - vhf WSOC 9 ABC CHARLOTTE NC 170° 40.3 9
* red - uhf WSOC-DT 9.1 ABC CHARLOTTE NC 170° 40.3 34
red - uhf WCCB 18 FOX CHARLOTTE NC 170° 40.0 18
* red - uhf WCCB-DT 18.1 FOX CHARLOTTE NC 170° 39.8 27
red - uhf WAXN 64 IND KANNAPOLIS NC 170° 40.3 64
red - uhf WMYT 55 MNT ROCK HILL SC 208° 33.9 55
* red - uhf WMYT-DT 55.1 MNT ROCK HIL SC 208° 33.9 39
red - uhf WJZY 46 CW BELMONT NC 208° 33.9 46
* red - uhf WJZY-DT 46.1 CW BELMONT NC 208° 33.9 47
red - uhf WUNG 58 PBS CONCORD NC 157° 36.8 58
* red - uhf WUNG-DT 58.1 PBS CONCORD NC 157° 36.8 44
red - uhf WTVI 42 PBS CHARLOTTE NC 166° 39.2 42
* blue - vhf WTVI-DT 42.1 PBS CHARLOTTE NC 166° 39.2 11
* blue - uhf WAXN-DT 64.1 IND KANNAPOLIS NC 170° 40.3 50
blue - uhf WCWG 20 CW LEXINGTON NC 93° 62.4 20
blue - vhf WGHP 8 FOX HIGH POINT NC 97° 61.3 8
blue - vhf WFMY 2 CBS GREENSBORO NC 93° 61.5 2
blue - uhf WLNN-LP 24 IND BOONE NC 311° 51.7 24
blue - uhf W65DT 65 PBS BOONE NC 311° 51.6 65
blue - uhf W59AK 59 PBS Zionville NC 314° 55.1 59
* violet - uhf WHKY-DT 14.1 IND HICKORY NC 262° 22.9 40
violet - vhf WCYB 5 NBC BRISTOL VA 311° 78.5 5
violet - uhf WLXI 61 TBN GREENSBORO NC 71° 54.0 61
violet - vhf WSPA 7 CBS SPARTANBURG SC 247° 88.4 7
Keep in mind that a outdoor antenna should have more reception than indoor just for the fact of no electricity around it (you should never put a outdoor one by power lines...) but antennaweb also shows you where to aim the antenna as well so a rotor might help as well. I know channel master has one type for less than $100
Well, you have one VHF digital now KNTV-DT 11.1 ch 12 and in 2009 KGO is reverting to channel 7.

You need a UHF/VHF fringe antenna with a pre-amp. You have stations within 20 miles of you so hopefully they won't overload your tuner if you use a Channel Master 7777 pre-amp. Alternately a Winegard HDP-269 is a lower dB unit that is more resistant to overload.

Antenna wise you are probably looking at a Winegard 8200 or a Channel Master Crossfire 3671.

Directionwise The closer stations are toward San Jose (20 miles) at about 345 degrees (NNW) and San Francisco (45 miles) is at about 305 degrees (NW).

Actually the Channel Master 4228 is a UHF antenna that does very well with the high VHF channels. Here in CT I can pick up digital channel 10 and 12 from the backside of the antenna. Also, I get digital 6, a very low power station.
Keep in mind that a outdoor antenna should have more reception than indoor just for the fact of no electricity around it (you should never put a outdoor one by power lines...) but antennaweb also shows you where to aim the antenna as well so a rotor might help as well. I know channel master has one type for less than $100

not sure if this reply is to me but. i know an outdoor antenna would be better, thats what i'm looking for help on. the wife dont like the ones that look like "dinosaur bones."(her words). and i really dont have a clue about what i would need to hook up an antenna.
Your reception will vary.

Antennaweb is a good site for information. There's no way they can predict your reception 100% accurately because there are so many variables. That would include antenna differences, obstructions, terrain, and even what kind of receiver you use. Because of that many times it provides a conservative estimate of stations you will receive. Also, depending on where you are some stations are not yet at full power and so do not have the range of full power stations.

It's a decent guide. It helps a LOT for aiming your antenna, for sure, and also if you live in an area where adjacent markets can be recieved, if one station from that city/DMA shows up, you may well get the others if the towers are in the same area once you set up the antenna even if antennaweb doesn't show them.
not sure if this reply is to me but. i know an outdoor antenna would be better, thats what i'm looking for help on. the wife dont like the ones that look like "dinosaur bones."(her words). and i really dont have a clue about what i would need to hook up an antenna.

The only problem wuth the antennas that DON'T look like "dinosaur bones" is they cost 3-4 times as much and work half as well as a REAL antenna. Put one up and paint it sky blue, she may never notice it.
I set mine up to 100 feet as suggested and here is what I got:

* yellow - uhf WCTV-DT 6.1 CBS THOMASVILLE GA 50° 27.9 46
* yellow - uhf WFSU-DT 11.1 PBS TALLAHASSEE FL 266° 19.7 32
* green - vhf WABW-DT 5 PBS PELHAM GA 07-08 50° 27.9 5
* green - vhf WTWC-DT 40.1 NBC TALLAHASSEE FL 46° 27.0 2
* blue - uhf WTLF-DT 24.1 CW TALLAHASSEE FL 314° 10.6 24
* violet - uhf WMBB-DT 13.1 ABC FL-Panama City FL 271° 66.1 19
* violet - uhf WTXL-DT 27.1 ABC TALLAHASSEE FL 48° 26.6 22

My zip code is 32305. The above are just digitals.

My concern is that I have two channels down in the low range...2 and 5, while all the others are up in the UHF

I really only care about getting the Tallahassee stations. The others would be nice, but I'm not going to hold my breath!!!! I just can't figure out what I need to buy.
I set mine up to 100 feet as suggested and here is what I got:

* yellow - uhf WCTV-DT 6.1 CBS THOMASVILLE GA 50° 27.9 46
* yellow - uhf WFSU-DT 11.1 PBS TALLAHASSEE FL 266° 19.7 32
* green - vhf WABW-DT 5 PBS PELHAM GA 07-08 50° 27.9 5
* green - vhf WTWC-DT 40.1 NBC TALLAHASSEE FL 46° 27.0 2
* blue - uhf WTLF-DT 24.1 CW TALLAHASSEE FL 314° 10.6 24
* violet - uhf WMBB-DT 13.1 ABC FL-Panama City FL 271° 66.1 19
* violet - uhf WTXL-DT 27.1 ABC TALLAHASSEE FL 48° 26.6 22

My zip code is 32305. The above are just digitals.

My concern is that I have two channels down in the low range...2 and 5, while all the others are up in the UHF

I really only care about getting the Tallahassee stations. The others would be nice, but I'm not going to hold my breath!!!! I just can't figure out what I need to buy.

Ouch!! Not only do you have two VHF-lo stations, but your stations are all over the place in direction and you are not going to get some of them with an omnidirectional antenna because the gain of these antenna is pretty low (e.g. your two ABC stations and WTLF). Even your Tallahassee stations are in different directions! You are going to need a good combo VHF/UHF antenna (like the Winegard 7080p) with a rotor.
I'd consider larger antennas for better reception on 2 and 5. The HD7082P or HD7084P would be my choices.

There's only about 1.5 db difference in gain at VHF-lo between the 7080p and the 7084P - in fact Winegard's own numbers show the 7084p as being marginally worse than the 7082p for channel 2. And the VHF stations are close. But if you are going to buy a new antenna then it's probably a good idea to get one of the larger ones.

Any dual-tuner OTA hd-dvrs available?

How did they get this job?

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