Welcome to the NEW SERVER!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
A big thank you to MattW who successfully moved us over the our NEW SERVER!

Please use this thread to leave your feedback on it and also report anything you may see that may not be working correctly.

MattW posted this earlier, but I want to post this here again so you can see the difference in response times, between the old and new server. (The red is where he was moving between servers.)


I do hope the wait was worth it! Welcome HOME to SatelliteGuys!

Again a big THANK YOU to MattW for his hard work to make this all possible!
A big thank you to MattW who successfully moved us over the our NEW SERVER!

Please use this thread to leave your feedback on it and also report anything you may see that may not be working correctly.

MattW posted this earlier, but I want to post this here again so you can see the difference in response times, between the old and new server. (The red is where he was moving between servers.)

View attachment 178727

I do hope the wait was worth it! Welcome HOME to SatelliteGuys!

Again a big THANK YOU to MattW for his hard work to make this all possible!
Thanks Scott and MattW too. Site is working great.
I'll try to break it…
Well, that didn't work! Are the Media Size limits the same? Or, is it a problem with the CDN? Both Eclipse videos uploaded, but they're broken on the CDN link (.mp4 file type)


  • Eclipse_FullDisk_Band3.mp4
    38.4 MB
  • Eclipse_FullDisk_GEOCOLOR.mp4
    45.7 MB
I'll try to break it…
Well, that didn't work! Are the Media Size limits the same? Or, is it a problem with the CDN? Both Eclipse videos uploaded, but they're broken on the CDN link (.mp4 file type)
Ok the max upload size has been set as it was on the old server. But with that said I could see both your uploads fine.

Also we will be getting rid of the attachments cdn, since this server has so much power, bandwidth and more importantly hard drive space. We will be doing this in a few days. :)
Just a heads up.

Now that Matt has done his magic, because this is a brand new server there are some things I need to do to secure some of the services as they are in their default state.

None of this will slow anything down, but you may (or may not) see an error as these services are restarted. So I just wanted to warn you in advance, just in case.

I will update when I am done.
See a new feature - how many words you are typing is displayed. (Or it was there and I didn't have it turned on?)
Its a new feature I just added.

Mainly added it for improved cutting and pasting from a number of sites.

  • Work-arounds for various editor bugs (froala) around new-line handling.
  • Improved support copy & pasting XenForo inline-spoilers, inline code blocks, quotes.
  • Improved support for copy & paste from;
    • Discord
    • Google docs
    • Microsoft Office (not Office 365 online)
    • LibraOffice
    • OpenOffice
    • Preserving new-lines from some HTML copy & paste operations
  • Option "Normalize quote characters on paste" to convert "smart" quotes into standard ascii quotes
  • Add "Editor playground" option, allow users to preview editor output. Including debug options to inspect how XF transforms editor code to html/bb-code
  • Style property "Suggest disabling bb-code mode clicks", to help non-desktop users get out of bb-code mode
  • Add "fullscreen editor button" option, to enable the fullscreen editor plugin & button
    • Requires adding the button to the editor toolbar's manually
Tried to sign in on mobile about 10 minutes or so ago and haven't gotten the 2-factor email yet. Other than that the issue I reported in the other thread seems to be resolved (wasn't getting the 2-factor prompt, was just being sent to homepage from login popover / login screen)
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Tried to sign in on mobile about 10 minutes or so ago and haven't gotten the 2-factor email yet. Other than that the issue I reported in the other thread seems to be resolved (wasn't getting the 2-factor prompt, was just being sent to homepage from login popover / login screen)
I tested the email this morning and it worked, but I think I sent it to my satelliteguys.us email address.

Let me do some testing. :)
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